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  • in reply to: Recommend a band #16732

    some pumpkins

    System Of A Down
    The Mars Volta
    Cold Play
    The Scorpions
    Led Zeppelin
    Bloc Party
    Urban Dance Squad
    Massive Attack
    Red Hot Chili Pepper
    Pink Floyd[/quote:g21l8kkc]

    hey shannen, im seeing mars volta on saturday night!

    in reply to: Post your jokes #3245

    some pumpkins

    how many emo kids does it take to change a lightbulb?

    drumroll please

    fuck it. let ’em cry in the dark.

    in reply to: How old are you? #2090

    some pumpkins

    im 25 and i feel old

    in reply to: Recommend a band #16729

    some pumpkins

    here’s my favorites. other than pumpkins.
    mars volta
    circa survive
    saosin (their first ep)
    pink floyd
    30 seconds to mars

    in reply to: Zero T-shirt Font? #24846

    some pumpkins

    Did you go through the wingdings at all??[/quote:1u0ggivh]

    you said wingdings. lol

    in reply to: 1st Pres..debate #24604

    some pumpkins

    I was under the impression that this "Bailout" was not yet certain to happen, am I wrong on that?

    My 2 cents on the whole thing as Johnny Foreigner is that

    A: Obama is certainly the candidate of the 2 that would get my vote, though neither impress me all that much, the last thing the world needs is Bush V2.0

    B: This bailout may be a necassary action on the part of the US government, however to simply hand over the money to these private companies is not IMO a good idea. There should be restrictions, assurances and penalties attached to this proposed blank check.
    BTW where is this money coming from? Surely if the government had this money to simply throw at the problem, then there was never really an economic crisis to begin with?
    My guess is that the most likely sources for the money would be China or Saudi Arabia, not a great idea for any long term solutions if you ask me.
    Seeing as the crisis seems to stem from the price of oil (difficult to believe seeing as the US oil prices are pretty much eclipsed by other countries, Western European in particular), perhaps that money would be better spent on reducing the nations dependence upon it?

    Apologies if my information is wrong/inaccurate[/quote:1bdfdpi5]

    you make some good points.

    the bailout was just rejected, and it did have those restrictione you mentioned above. in part, it didnt pass because of the negative connotations with the word "bailout" another reason is that people in congress didnt want to commit to this if it doesnt work cuz they’re all up for re election, and they wouldnt want to lose their seats now, would they? fucking politicians. ive been hearing that if they had called it what it truly is"a rescue plan" people might have been more willing to go for it. i dont think the money is going to come from china or saudi arabia, well actually some from china i believe, but from what i heard the u.s. is just going to print more money, which will weaken the dollar even further. oil prices are priced with the most economically powerful countries currency. right now, its the u.s. dollar. so, oil is going to go up, for shizzle.

    in reply to: 1st Pres..debate #24603

    some pumpkins

    That email has to be a hoax. Paying off everyone’s mortgages would be impossible.

    I have trouble blaming the gov’t in this, since from what I understand, most of this stems from people defaulting on mortgages and home loans. Sorry, but if you make $40,000 a year, you shouldn’t be accepting a $400,000 loan just because the banks offer it to you. People need to take responsibility of their own actions; not take the loan, default, then blame the government.[/quote:iuwt46kj]

    very true that people shouldn’t have applied for these loans in the first place.

    also true that the companies were very greedy in making these bad loans.

    the result is the situation we’re in today.

    in reply to: 1st Pres..debate #24597

    some pumpkins

    its true, we didn’t fuck up, corporate america did. royally. however, we need this bailout. right now WE’RE not hurting (supposedly), but if we dont bailout these companies, things are very sure to trickle down to becoming our problem. i think that’s a guarantee. im glad they’ve put in conditions on this bailout. suchas, since the government is going to be taking over on these companies financial woes, its going to allow the government to be able to buy stocks from these companies, and if there is any money made off the purchasing of those stocks, the profits will go directly to taxpayer. there’s other stuff too, but i can’t recall anymore.

    in reply to: 1st Pres..debate #24595

    some pumpkins

    i agree that obama is making promises he isn’t going to be able to keep. but so is mc cain. whether either candidate likes it or not, for at least their first year in office, their attention is going to have to be focused on the $700 billion bailout. monitering it, understanding it, and modifying it. hilary would have had my vote on supertuesday hands down, had obama not been in this race. the reason he got my vote is that he’s younger and in my opinion sees more on my level how the system is broken in so many ways. he’s a fresh face to me. for the most part, im pretty sure hilary and obama were very much on the same page on virtually every issue. the big difference obviously is how they voted on the iraq war. im with obama on that issue. the war should have never have happened. other than that, to me, they’re the same candidate. please point out some more differences, if you happen to know any more. if obama had picked hilary as his running mate, i believe this race would be over. however, the republicans scared obama into thinking he would lose the election based on his lack of foregin policy experience, and he went with biden to take care of that. then the republicans pick palin. they picked her to try to grab just enough of the hilary vote by making their own case for making history by having a pit bull, ultra conservative, hockey mom vp in office and to bring out their own stance for change. i think it was a smart move at first. but now luckily the country seems to be seeing who sara palin really is. and how its all puppetry with the republicans. im a middle class individual. so, with either candidate, im not going to be recieving any tax benefits. so i dont really care if the rich are going to hae to be paying more in taxes. when im a millionaire, then i’ll become a republican. lol

    in reply to: 1st Pres..debate #24593

    some pumpkins

    twice, sorry

    in reply to: 1st Pres..debate #24592

    some pumpkins

    mc cain has been slipping in the polls and had more on the line going into the debate. whereas obama had the momentum and played the role more of getting himself out there and trying to let the audience know who he is and what he specifically is going to do. thats been his biggest struggle. obama scored huge when he looked directly at mc cain and pointed at him and railed on him for iraq. i thought that was badass. and he also looked directly at the camera at times. another plus. he called out mc cain on his blantant lies that hes been saying on taxes. im glad he got to do that. however, mc cain was more on offense and obama played more defense. which i think gave the advantage to mc cain. however, you can see how mc cains jabs back didnt go over well with the people giving their reactions at the bottom of the screen, and that there was no eye contact from mc cain the entire time. people wont like that. mc cain needed to hit a home run at this debate. a debate, where for half of the time, it was about his supposed specialty of foreign ploicy. i think its a win for obama. and lastly, obama kept repeating the line \"john is right\" because i believe he was trying to show the american people trhat he is willing to accept when a republican has a good idea and bring out the spirit of unity. can you tell im a democrat?

    in reply to: 1st Pres..debate #24591

    some pumpkins

    mc cain has been slipping in the polls and had more on the line going into the debate. whereas obama had the momentum and played the role more of getting himself out there and trying to let the audience know who he is and what he specifically is going to do. thats been his biggest struggle. obama scored huge when he looked directly at mc cain and pointed at him and railed on him for iraq. i thought that was badass. and he also looked directly at the camera at times. another plus. he called out mc cain on his blantant lies that hes been saying on taxes. im glad he got to do that. however, mc cain was more on offense and obama played more defense. which i think gave the advantage to mc cain. however, you can see how mc cains jabs back didnt go over well with the people giving their reactions at the bottom of the screen, and that there was no eye contact from mc cain the entire time. people wont like that. mc cain needed to hit a home run at this debate. a debate, where for half of the time, it was about his supposed specialty of foreign ploicy. i think its a win for obama. and lastly, obama kept repeating the line \"john is right\" because i believe he was trying to show the american people trhat he is willing to accept when a republican has a good idea and bring out the spirit of unity. can you tell im a democrat?

    in reply to: What is the latest Pumpkins related item you bought? #6234

    some pumpkins

    sure … otohosting[/quote:rv21uak3]
    that’s a cd, not vinyl. :!:[/quote:rv21uak3]

    so is that oopsers purchase for you or is it still a good thing?[/quote:rv21uak3]

    i thought it was a vinyl, but im still happy i won it.

    in reply to: What is the latest Pumpkins related item you bought? #6231

    some pumpkins

    you’re right

    in reply to: What is the latest Pumpkins related item you bought? #6226

    some pumpkins
    in reply to: Siamese dream elimination game #23957

    some pumpkins

    im gonna end it…

    Cherub Rock [0] –
    Hummer [17] +
    Soma [27]
    Mayonaise [21]

    in reply to: What is the latest Pumpkins related item you bought? #6224

    some pumpkins

    and the earphoria promo! i was going for that one too!

    in reply to: What is the latest Pumpkins related item you bought? #6223

    some pumpkins

    on ebay, i just won the black sessions show from ’93 promo vinyl![/quote:3cqa320m]

    Bootleg right? Nice one though :)[/quote:3cqa320m]

    you know, im not sure. theres a lot of black sessions vinyls out there. if im not mistaken, black sessions are shows in france that are radio broadcasted, then come out in vinyl format. ive got the bootleg cd of this show, thanks to dazey. i think its more of a promo. i bet cool as ice cream could drop some knowledge on this matter.

    and nice buys on the muzzle promo and the rose march promo.

    in reply to: Gish/Siamese Dream B-sides elimination game #24432

    some pumpkins

    Not Worth Asking [6]
    Terrapin [5]
    Bullet Train To Osaka [4] –
    Honeyspider [6]
    Slunk [6]
    Bye June [5]
    Purr Snickety [5]
    Siamese Dream [4]
    Apathys Last Kiss [7] +
    Dancing in the Moonlight [6]
    Never Let Me Down [6]

    in reply to: Siamese dream elimination game #23947

    some pumpkins

    Cherub Rock [6] –
    Hummer [15]
    Soma [25]+
    Mayonaise [19]

    woohooo, Rocket is dead :twisted: you can kill it off quietly, but that won’t stop me from celebrating :twisted:[/quote:33w1uqg8]

    what did rocket ever do to you?

    in reply to: What is the latest Pumpkins related item you bought? #6217

    some pumpkins

    on ebay, i just won the black sessions show from ’93 promo vinyl!

    in reply to: New Tour Dates #24215

    some pumpkins


    in reply to: New Tour Dates #24214

    some pumpkins

    im in los angeles, so im gonna try to go to both shows here and also try to make the vagas show. thet way i can see all 3 setlists.

    in reply to: Siamese dream elimination game #23945

    some pumpkins

    Cherub Rock [7] –
    Hummer [15]+
    Soma [24]
    Mayonaise [19]+

    in reply to: Siamese dream elimination game #23938

    some pumpkins

    Cherub Rock [8]
    Quiet [1]
    Hummer [13] +
    Rocket [2]
    Disarm [1] –
    Soma [23]
    Mayonaise [17]

Viewing 25 posts - 1,601 through 1,625 (of 1,689 total)