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    • #1686

      King of Gloom

      as FOL was used in the Super Bowl commercial break…

      (an awesome Zeitgeist outtake AFAIC)

      are there any promo’s of this track in HI-DEF non MP3 audio?

    • #44276

      i’ve never seen anything but that mp3.

    • #44277

      has this track ever been found in a lossless (non-mp3) format?

    • #44278


      i don’t even have the mp3. i just youtube it. i suppose that’s the same thing? never seen a promo

    • #44279

      King of Gloom

      It would indeed be really cool to have a physical copy of that song, but I have never seen one. Maybe, if Zeitgeist gets reissued (I think that was planned, right?) FOL might get included. That may be your best chance for a lossless copy.

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