- This topic has 54 replies, 4,490 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 8 months ago by
2012.04.13 at 11:06 pm #1705
ArthurSpectatorWell, so we found this news on Crestfallen:
http://www.crestfallen.com/2012/04/13/t … -lucky-13/
And since we know their team will follow us closely here, we thought we should try to gather all your recommendations for future Smashing Pumpkins releases here. Shoot, fellow freaks, shoot!
2012.04.14 at 1:15 am #44416
manillascissorKeymasterwell for me, i’m up for any unreleased studio songs that have never seen the light of day. completely new songs, done by the full band, in the studio. not interested in another version of drown, for example, or alternate takes of existing songs. that’s just my preference.
and any live footage of the band from any era that sounds decent. new, new, new.
i’m not good with song names that haven’t been released, but a full version of the streets are hot tonite i would absolutely kill for.
also curious who wrote up the news release on crestfallen.
2012.04.14 at 7:48 am #44417
ArthurSpectatorI know 3 dates for live gigs that are definately worthwhile a release.
24-08-1993 Melody Stockholm Sweden
08-01-1997 GM Place Vancouver Canada
24-01-2000 Vredenburg Utrecht The Netherlands -
2012.04.14 at 11:13 am #44418
ArthurSpectatorOh, and a studio version, all alternate takes included if possible, of Gossamer. On cd.
I would definately buy that.
2012.04.14 at 12:38 pm #44419
ArthurSpectatorLots of info about this initiative here:
http://www.smashingpumpkins.com/board_n … opic=19403
Gossamer seems like a no go, since they focus on < 2000. Bleh. It’s a pity.
2012.04.16 at 1:03 am #44420
manillascissorKeymasterLots of info about this initiative here:
http://www.smashingpumpkins.com/board_n … opic=19403
Gossamer seems like a no go, since they focus on < 2000. Bleh. It’s a pity.[/quote:2j5htpt4]
that thread is really disturbing. i hope no one from lucky13 reads that.
2012.04.16 at 2:23 am #44421
marigoldSpectator^^ but they will
I’m guessing the MCIS demos will be with the reissue…and Adore demos the same
if not I’d like them released! As well as the Gravity Demos
and the ‘final’ Metro show will be released
The songs that are in snippet form in Pastichio Medley – would love to hear the full versions
hmm that’s all I think, I’m sure we’ll have a lot of goodies to look forward to anyway
2012.04.16 at 6:15 am #44422
CollectspumpkinsSpectatorWell, so we found this news on Crestfallen:
http://www.crestfallen.com/2012/04/13/t … -lucky-13/
And since we know their team will follow us closely here, we thought we should try to gather all your recommendations for future Smashing Pumpkins releases here. Shoot, fellow freaks, shoot!
#1–who are the selected 13?
#2–what do they expect us to help them with? Helping them decide to setup a model like the Third Man Recrods Valut or Pearl Jam Fan Club?
#3–How will releases be distributed?
#4–If I had my way:
* Adore LP in Stereo (which Billy confirmed would happen at the Philly show)
* Aeroplane Flies High 5×10" Box Set, individually numbered, with no more than 5,000 copies being made
* Full Deluxe 4LP Vinyl Box set of Machina I and II sequenced/ordered correctly.
* Smashing Pumpkins Adore Tour Fox Theater Atlanta show fully released (since I was there and it was filmed in its entirity by Virgin) on DVD/Blu-Ray with CD of show
* Smashing Pumpkins Adore Tour Grand Ole Opry Show (since it was all acoustic)
* The Smashing Pumpkins 2000 Summersault Tour Soundboard Live concert released (Recorded by Westwood One)
* Any Arising shows, or a deluxe "live" boxset of the Arising shows, similar to how Pearl Jam does their bootleg live box set releasesThat’d be a good start.
2012.04.16 at 6:55 am #44423
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatorso who is a member of this team? anyone from spfreaks.com?
2012.04.16 at 10:59 am #44424
manillascissorKeymasteri’m not part of the lucky13 in case anyone was wondering. but nobody was wondering, right?
2012.04.16 at 11:48 am #44425
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatoranyone else?
either way, i think it’s a bad idea to turn to the community (again) to set up the sprc. it doesn’t work.
it might be interesting to let people vote what show they want to see a release of every now and then, but i don’t think you need to hear everyone in order to select what you want to release, or – even worse – to decide how you’re going to sell them.
just get this thing going, and then maybe later add a poll to your website. (e.g. \"we have ten similar siamese dream shows. we want to release one on cd next. which one should we release?\") there’s no need for any of that now.
i understand that there is some sort of premise that every release should be able to make enough money so that there is no loss. but do you really need to discuss this with \"the community\"? just use some common sense, and have some confidence in the stuff you’re releasing. try a couple of different ways to release stuff. see how things go.
this whole thing is just another attempt to acquire a kind of certainty about the success of these sprc releases. by \"listening to the community\", they want to make sure that everyone will be behind these releases, aka everyone will buy them for sure. which is first of all a bit of a pussy move. on top of that, it’s a bad move, for multiple reasons, and it might as well blow up again, just like it did last time.
just release stuff in a sensible way, and with every decent release, you’ll gain support.
also, if you’re so afraid that a release won’t make enough money to cover the costs, then go ahead and do one of them fucking kickstarter things. whatever. i’m already rolling my eyes though. -
2012.04.16 at 11:56 am #44426
marigoldSpectatorNot me either. But then I barely do admin stuff here anyway…
I think the kickstarter model is a great idea, and they can give people options as to how much they want to purchase, eg. from just a CD of demos, to a whole collection of CD/DVD/vinyl/poster/usb sticks etc
2012.04.16 at 1:14 pm #44427
ArthurSpectatorOn the o-board Marie from ByStarlight.org and Monte from Crestfallen.com are mentioned as team members.
I think this concept might work for once and for all, that is, if Billy does not unplug it before it starts to work. Again, I notice so much negative ego from some people, that they should be in, or should not be in, or should have been in beforehand, etc. Bleh. I can feel Billy Corgan his frustration handling those type of people. Maybe that’s why he wanted to have some mediators, the fans that are in the Lucky 13 team, to handle that? No idea. There is a 1 hour interview coming up about this, let’s see what that brings.
For the moment I’m happy that the vault of SP gets some more attention again. It shows that Billy wants to provide the fans with music, and that is what counts for me.
2012.04.16 at 2:39 pm #44428
manillascissorKeymasteri think it is important to distinguish that this lucky13 team is only in charge of the sprc. and so far, the sprc has only released digital downloads (that i can recall, anyway). so to ask for things that are probably going to appear with upcoming reissue releases seems quite misguided.
i think we should stick to small, individual tracks or whatever. individual concerts. if we keep the requests small (at least at the beginning), i think it has a better chance to gain traction.
if we ask for full releases, or demos in their entirety, i think we are defeating the purpose and putting too much pressure and expectations on the lucky13 group.
that is just my opinion.
2012.04.17 at 11:05 am #44429
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatorif there are 13 people in this lucky 13 group, that should be enough to come to a decent consensus about what the first couple of releases could be, and how to sell them. how wrong can it go?
don’t attempt to go through the archives in a chronological order. there is no point. there are only disadvantages.
2012.04.17 at 6:04 pm #44430
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatorI know 3 dates for live gigs that are definately worthwhile a release.
24-08-1993 Melody Stockholm Sweden
08-01-1997 GM Place Vancouver Canada
24-01-2000 Vredenburg Utrecht The Netherlands[/quote:2yncxi5l]i hope they release plenty of other live recordings before they ever release these.
2012.04.17 at 6:49 pm #44431
2012.04.18 at 2:33 am #44432
manillascissorKeymasterthanks for the link debby.
i think that was a very well executed interview (monte), so thank you for sharing.
it was honestly a little overwhelming to listen to all the details involved with the reissues and also quite astonishing to hear how much money is exchanging hands all over two guitars, a bass, and a drum set.
i guess i have to take back what i said about lucky13 not being associated with the reissues and it sounds like you have a LOT of work to do by the end of 2012. which is great, because the world is going to end anyway, so at least we’ll have TAFH reissue boxset by then to carry us into hell.
good luck, lucky13
2012.04.18 at 7:36 am #44433
TheLucky13Spectatordon’t attempt to go through the archives in a chronological order. there is no point. there are only disadvantages.[/quote:1mw8onpj]
Can you be more specific about this, please? -
2012.04.18 at 7:37 am #44434
TheLucky13SpectatorFor the moment I’m happy that the vault of SP gets some more attention again. It shows that Billy wants to provide the fans with music, and that is what counts for me.[/quote:3ct449wy]
That is exactly what is going on. -
2012.04.18 at 7:45 am #44435
TheLucky13Spectatorgood luck, lucky13[/quote:3qnsx3pu]
Thank you. And thank you to everybody here providing input for this project. We all hope to make this a success. Keep on discussing here and elsewhere, please, we need your opinions, as Billy explained in the interview. -
2012.04.18 at 8:03 am #44436
TheLucky13SpectatorI know 3 dates for live gigs that are definately worthwhile a release.
24-08-1993 Melody Stockholm Sweden
08-01-1997 GM Place Vancouver Canada
24-01-2000 Vredenburg Utrecht The Netherlands[/quote:3uczg481]i hope they release plenty of other live recordings before they ever release these.[/quote:3uczg481]
Dates, please? What do you suggest, and in what order? -
2012.04.18 at 11:52 am #44437
manillascissorKeymasteri was thinking about a semi-new band (crosses) that are fronted by deftones lead vocalist, chino moreno. this band has actually been around the exact same amount of time as the pumpkins. the very, VERY interesting thing that they did with the release of their music is basically do it on their own (through topspin as well) and literally used no promotion. they just relied on word of mouth.
now, word of mouth hasn’t gotten them very far, but that is okay, because the music is so good, that’s all they need, which is what i’m hearing from WPC as well. they (i believe) had 3 EPs worth of music, 5 tracks on each one, and the first EP was free, and the second was a cheap download. can’t remember the price, but maybe $7 or something, which i was glad to fork over the DAY it came out, through topspin.
i have no hangups with topspin. i received my boxset versions of the reissues from them late, but maybe by a week or two. hell, i didn’t really care, i was just happy when they arrived and that is that.
crosses also created a very cool limited edition (500 copies) of the first EP and sold it via topspin. that record has long since sold out and goes for over $100 on eBay currently. i have no idea what they charged initially, i missed that, but i guess my point is that even with absolutely zero promotion, people who liked the music, and were fans of the deftones, and had heard of this new side project band, were given a tiny taste for free and the money started rolling right in.
it was nice to be a part of something again in 2011 that not everyone knew about. it had an underground feeling to it, a discovery of a band, something personal, and whatever they did generated enough interest for a tour. i think BC has the right idea here. they don’t need a big push from anyone, the interest is already there, as long as the music is good. that’s always going to be a judgement call on the \"engaged consumer\".
i’m drawing these comparisons because i see the situation as almost identical and while the brand crosses is new, if you know who is involved, it’s not new at all. it’s just a push in a different direction, wholeheartedly supported by the initial fanbase. not much else is required.
2012.04.18 at 12:16 pm #44438
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatordon’t attempt to go through the archives in a chronological order. there is no point. there are only disadvantages.[/quote:2q7pi27b]
Can you be more specific about this, please?[/quote:2q7pi27b]
well, if you decide to go through the archives in a chronological order, it will take a while before you get to adore or machina. this might bore away the people who are also interested in this project, but don’t really care about gish or earlier, for example.you can’t release everything, so how are you going to decide it’s time to move from gish to siamese dream, for example? when have you released enough? and would that mean that once you reach zeitgeist (or wherever this ends) that the archive project is over?
there is no point in going through it chronologically, besides maybe some weird ocd some might feel the need to satisfy. and that’s a weak argument. actually, it’s completely irrational, so it probably doesn’t count as an argument.
just go through the material "randomly". with this i mean, not necessarily really randomly, like throwing dice, but make sure all eras get attention regularly. don’t ignore any era for too long. for example, don’t do two years of releasing mcis live recordings. release live recordings from every era throughout the year, and then the next year, you can add more, if there’s still interest in more.
2012.04.18 at 12:20 pm #44439
manillascissorKeymasterpretty much agree with everything he just said. very good observations/points.
2012.04.18 at 12:27 pm #44440
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatorI know 3 dates for live gigs that are definately worthwhile a release.
24-08-1993 Melody Stockholm Sweden
08-01-1997 GM Place Vancouver Canada
24-01-2000 Vredenburg Utrecht The Netherlands[/quote:pva87iqb]i hope they release plenty of other live recordings before they ever release these.[/quote:pva87iqb]
Dates, please? What do you suggest, and in what order?[/quote:pva87iqb]
those three shows are good, but the main reason people find them good, is because there’s an FM or TV sourced recording available. the show the day after might have been as good, or maybe even better, but there’s no recording available, or the recording is a fairly crappy audience recording. (so people don’t really enjoy listening it.)since basically every show since ’95 has been professionally recorded, i think we should go for shows that aren’t out there yet, or not out there yet in good quality. look for similar shows with a good performance and a flawless recording, and release those first.
that’ll be way more interesting than releasing the shows that everyone knows. i mean, i’d also be interested in those, but way less. i’d be paying full price for a small upgrade. nomsayin’?for example, that raymond revue bar acoustic show billy mentioned: it is out there. and in very good quality. i’m not really waiting for an sprc release of the same show. (i would definitely be if it wasn’t out there yet. or if what’s already out there was flawed.)
2012.04.18 at 1:07 pm #44441
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatorthe interview was too long, but it clarified a couple of things.
i think lucky 13 shouldn’t have come forward until after this interview. because now we’ve heard a lot of things from a lot of people that aren’t even applicable. not the best start, in my opinion.
what steps should be taken?
1. something is selected for a release
2. bc agrees to release it and says what costs should be covered
3. a way to release something is suggested (amount of physical releases, amount of digital releases)
4. community signs up for this release
4b. if not enough people sign up, go back to 3. to look for an alternate way to release, or abandon release
5. something is released through sprchow does 1. work? does everyone just yell things on messageboards?
do i understand it correctly that we’re starting with studio recorded material? or will live recordings also be released straight away?
i think bc or lucky 13 (god, what a stupid name!) should just suggest stuff to start with, and see where it goes. maybe start with a couple of things you know people will definitely like.
of course people can suggest things to lucky 13, but i don’t see how the yelling things on messageboards would help.on the other hand, selecting releases isn’t really that important: the real selection happens in step 4. so you could select 100 releases and offer them online, and then see which ones get enough people behind them, and release those thigs first.
what happens in 3.? more messageboard yelling?
once again, doesn’t seem very useful to me. you’ll always have the same people asking for vinyl, and the same ones demanding mp3s, etc. what will ever come from that?
this whole \"everybody happy\" idea is very nice, but i don’t think it’s very realistic either. just because you throw it out there and let the community decide, doesn’t mean you’ll end up with a solution.also, why does bc care so much if someone complains on a messageboard, or says \"billy is only interested in money\". surely he can laugh that off. no? why does he need a bunch of fans defending this?
anyway, finger crossed.
the fact that monty is part of this – and apparently at the centre of this, even – doesn’t give me much hope. i do hope the other members of the sprc team aren’t nearly as stupid and crazy as that guy. -
2012.04.18 at 1:48 pm #44442
manillascissorKeymasterthe only real problem i see with the model (i’m no business man, mind you) is the gauging of the fan, er sorry, engaged consumer’s reaction. here is why:
how are you going to effectively gauge any online response/interest/commitment? let’s say http://www.lucky13.com is established (probably not a bad idea). at least this way, you have a somewhat official \"hub\" for interested parties to participate in, not a bunch of pieces scattered across multiple forms of social media and/or messageboards that are all interested in their own niches and self-promotion.
in either event, what metric do you use? hit counts? polls? are you going to track IP addresses to eliminate spam? are people that express interest effectively signing some sort of monetary bond? of course not. also, not every fan will participate in the information exchange. sure, we are empowered, but the casual fan is just that, casual. they don’t sit around devoting time to the release, they go online and to the store and pick up something that is new by an artist they recognize and make a decision based on the content. i think this is by far the majority of who will \"pay\" for these releases to come to fruition. people, like me, who are devoted to messageboards and the like, make up an extremely small percentage of the consumer market. and as you can see by this thread, only 1% of us are even voicing an opinion. writing shit down takes time, and no one has any of that anymore.
by the time you assess public opinion, interest may have waned by the time the actual release is delivered (this has happened with the teargarden releases, if you recall). a song would come out after 2 months of nothing, and it was like, so what? no one gave a shit, because the process took too long.
it’s quite sad, but we live in a society that cannot remember the headlines from yesterday. i don’t know if it’s the evolution of advanced technology or devolution on the part of the human psyche to keep itself entertained. however you look at it, it’s reality. create a buzz, deliver a product immediately or no one will care, and what’s worse, they will probably not participate out of frustration or just simply having moved on to something else.
i don’t believe gathering any numbers regarding how many people are interested in a release is really possible, it’s always a game. it’s always a mystery until whatever it is is released. and then of course, it will be pirated immediately and disseminated that way. so the idea of the initial 500-1000 of some hardcore fans buying something physical seems to make sense to me, as long as it’s offered at a low price. collectors don’t pay outrageous prices right out of the gate, that’s not how collecting works.
i’m not going to get specific, but keep the costs low, make shit limited, and keep buzz to a minimum until such a time as a release is merely a pressing of a button. otherwise, our society cannot be relied upon to follow through with any sort of devotion or calculated participation.
2012.04.18 at 2:13 pm #44443
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatorgood point. not everyone is active online. (or wants to be.)
but if this process involves people signing up for a release in advance, then how will those people ever know, and be convinced to sign up?
(i think signing up will be required. i thought that was the whole point. they won’t release something just because 500 people said they were going to buy it at a certain price. that’s what i understood.)i also think there will never be enough people found to sign up for a release if we only look at active members on messageboards. even if you add facebook it might not be sufficient.
this will need to get properly promoted, so that as many people who might be interested in these releases will hear about it. otherwise this won’t work.
you might try to convince everyone in the online community to work together and chip in for a certain release, but you can’t keep doing that. people aren’t made of money. and not everyone will want to sign up for every release. a big group of potential buyers will be needed in order to keep this going. -
2012.04.18 at 2:37 pm #44444
ArthurSpectatorthose three shows are good, but the main reason people find them good, is because there’s an FM or TV sourced recording available.[/quote:3txsjk6r]
Yeah, I agree. Then the Rubano Tapes is a better option for a first release. I heard about this just recently, so I looked it up (on Crestfallen.com, in an interview snippet with Billy dated November 2011):"We have plans of releasing all sorts of shows through the SPRC, the first of which would be the Rubano tapes of the bands earliest concerts. The hope there is to make a âcompletistâ box set, where everything is in there; false starts on songs, stage banter, rehearsals from 1988. Kevin Dippold is currently putting all that together for release. We may also add the Torey Stern video collection, which includes even the bands first Metro show with Jimmy, not to mention shows of the band pre-Jimmy."
2012.04.20 at 7:27 pm #44445
ArthurSpectator* Adore LP in Stereo (which Billy confirmed would happen at the Philly show)
* Aeroplane Flies High 5×10" Box Set, individually numbered, with no more than 5,000 copies being made
* Full Deluxe 4LP Vinyl Box set of Machina I and II sequenced/ordered correctly.
* Smashing Pumpkins Adore Tour Fox Theater Atlanta show fully released (since I was there and it was filmed in its entirity by Virgin) on DVD/Blu-Ray with CD of show
* Smashing Pumpkins Adore Tour Grand Ole Opry Show (since it was all acoustic)
* The Smashing Pumpkins 2000 Summersault Tour Soundboard Live concert released (Recorded by Westwood One)
* Any Arising shows, or a deluxe "live" boxset of the Arising shows, similar to how Pearl Jam does their bootleg live box set releasesThat’d be a good start.[/quote:22q636c9]
Niiiiice list! -
2012.04.20 at 8:24 pm #44446
marigoldSpectator…. We may also add the Torey Stern video collection, which includes even the bands first Metro show with Jimmy, not to mention shows of the band pre-Jimmy."
Meaning this one? http://www.spfc.org/tours/date.html?tour_id=3
2012.04.22 at 6:23 am #44447
ArthurSpectatorYeah, I guess so.
But I’m more intrigued by \"shows of the band pre-jimmy\". Because so far we only know of the 1988/07/09 Chicago 21 show, with only Billy and James playing. The song Bleed of that gig appeared on Mashed Potatoes. But, there were even more gigs?
2012.04.22 at 6:24 am #44448
ArthurSpectatorThat is exactly what is going on.[/quote:gpa1yxsg]
What more is going on? It’s silence all over lately… -
2012.04.22 at 7:55 am #44449
2012.04.22 at 4:36 pm #44450
Yawns… -
2012.04.30 at 8:13 pm #44451
2012.04.30 at 9:42 pm #44452
http://www.crestfallen.com/2012/04/30/a … y-13-team/[/quote:3a5mpafb]
Thanks for the link! Your input is much appreciated
2012.05.01 at 10:29 am #44453
manillascissorKeymasterI completed the survey and everything, got to the last question and couldn’t think of anything to add (of course) and now i wanted to add something:
i would pay a pretty standard price ($20-25) for a compilation of SP appearances on other shows. so not concert footage, rather, live footage of the band through someone else’s cameras.
some good examples might be:
SNL appearances
awards shows
early appearances on heretofore unknown outlets
anything done for MTV
anything done for VH1i realize this could take time, securing the rights, and may also be defenestrated immediately, but i’d pay good money for it, once completed. just cram as much of this type of material as possible onto a DVD.
i am also EXTREMELY interested in any and all unknown/recorded interviews (full band or not). video or audio. any era.
2012.05.02 at 6:51 am #44454
manillascissorKeymasterthread viewed over 400 times, yet, no one really says shit. of all the forums in the world, i’d expect this one to have a say. i guess i set my expectations to high.
2012.05.02 at 7:03 am #44455
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatorwhat is there to say?
2012.05.02 at 7:48 am #44456
manillascissorKeymasterquote me:
\"nothing, i guess\"
2012.05.02 at 10:58 am #44457
marigoldSpectatorPATIENCE! …
I completed the survey and everything, got to the last question and couldn’t think of anything to add (of course) and now i wanted to add something:
i would pay a pretty standard price ($20-25) for a compilation of SP appearances on other shows. so not concert footage, rather, live footage of the band through someone else’s cameras.
some good examples might be:
SNL appearances
awards shows
early appearances on heretofore unknown outlets
anything done for MTV
anything done for VH1i realize this could take time, securing the rights, and may also be defenestrated immediately, but i’d pay good money for it, once completed. just cram as much of this type of material as possible onto a DVD.
i am also EXTREMELY interested in any and all unknown/recorded interviews (full band or not). video or audio. any era.[/quote:1yndmqvb]
I would actually be really interested in this too – just watched the MTV 1996 tonight tonight performance and the Grammy performance of 1979 (which is grainy quality) would be nice to have these and other appearances in a compilation
2012.05.02 at 4:37 pm #44458
mirrorboxerSpectatorPLEASE FILL OUT SURVEY
http://www.crestfallen.com/2012/04/30/a … y-13-team/[/quote:1uhe4p4f]
I can’t help but feel that it was a complete waste of my time though.
2012.05.03 at 8:27 am #44459
SvenSpectatoryou know what would be very cool imho….
i.e. all the very first moments of Today, BWBW et cetera in jams or demos or whatever…
rhen let’s see if there’s a demo of something of Today before Markthalle, Hamburg on tape somewhere which would set the historical record straight…
2012.05.15 at 6:26 am #44460
TheLucky13SpectatorHi everyone,
Thank you to all that took the time to fill out the survey – the stats are really important for the project!
We posted this update on the o-board earlier:
\"We sent Billy a proposal with 4 suggested archive items to release. Our initial requests were based on a combination of past and current data (data based on fan demand). There was a lot of back and forth, and Billy said that our #1 request item for release was a good idea. We are currently negotiating preliminary format/pricing systems for the first release with Billy. Once Billy approves a preliminary format/pricing structure and says that the first release is a 100% go, we will finally reveal the first release and the initial preliminary format/pricing systems. We will make this announcement on the dedicated Lucky 13 forum that has been setup. We have not made the Lucky 13 forum public as a few fans stated that they did not want another place where people could just request random stuff and talk in circles.
We are looking forward to announcing the first release and getting fan input to tweak/improve the format/pricing systems.
Please keep in mind that future releases will not exactly roll out the same way. This is the first release…we are trying to not repeat mistakes from the past and we are all new at this (as anyone would be). \"
2012.05.15 at 6:37 am #44461
manillascissorKeymasteris there any way that lucky 13 could just have a website and not a forum? i just mean for these announcements. one page, that can be linked to that simply contains the latest updates that the lucky 13 want to provide. if you make some forum public, it is just going to turn into a big pile of \"i know how to do this better\", and i don’t want to sift through that. leave that for this forum and others. or, digest it through surveys. whatever, that’s just my opinion, if the announcement occurs on some sort of forum, i’ll not be participating, especially if it’s on the sp.com forum. i realize this may not mean much, but please consider seriously what i am suggesting. just a page for news, when it happens. no discussion is needed there.
2012.05.15 at 6:49 am #44462
TheLucky13Spectatoris there any way that lucky 13 could just have a website and not a forum? i just mean for these announcements. one page, that can be linked to that simply contains the latest updates that the lucky 13 want to provide. if you make some forum public, it is just going to turn into a big pile of "i know how to do this better", and i don’t want to sift through that. leave that for this forum and others. or, digest it through surveys. whatever, that’s just my opinion, if the announcement occurs on some sort of forum, i’ll not be participating, especially if it’s on the sp.com forum. i realize this may not mean much, but please consider seriously what i am suggesting. just a page for news, when it happens. no discussion is needed there.[/quote:20lv505q]
We do have a Lucky 13 website here: http://www.crestfallen.com/the-lucky-13/
Eventually we will have blog-style news updates once things really get rolling.
We will announce the first release on Crestfallen, our facebook, twitter, etc. We are hoping that the majority of discussions on the initial formats/prices for the first release will take place on the Lucky 13 forum on sp.com though.
2012.05.15 at 7:02 am #44463
manillascissorKeymasterWe are hoping that the majority of discussions on the initial formats/prices for the first release will take place on the Lucky 13 forum on sp.com though.[/quote:3ohn2gx9]
2012.05.15 at 7:08 am #44464
TheLucky13SpectatorWe are hoping that the majority of discussions on the initial formats/prices for the first release will take place on the Lucky 13 forum on sp.com though.[/quote:2of9f3yr]
It says the majority…we do take the time to read here and netphoria as well!
2012.05.16 at 8:20 am #44465
ArthurSpectatorwe do take the time to read here and netphoria as well![/quote:7eeews8i]
Cool… If I remember well, Blamo has a topic about this also. But it makes sense to invite everybody with a serious interest to a central Lucky13 platform. -
2012.05.17 at 6:19 pm #44466
ArthurSpectatorJust found this reply of a Lucky13 team member on sp.com:
\"Here is a summary of the interview hour long interview:
This interview covers the reissue process, the Lucky 13 project and the upcoming release of Oceania. For those interested in learning more about the Lucky 13 project and the release of archival material, this interview sheds some additional light on it. http://www.crestfallen.com/the-lucky-13/
On the reissue process and selecting the content, Billy explains that he takes a balanced approach and considers both long-time and new fans. His goal is to create an interesting listening experience, and for each reissue to have its own feeling. He stated that working on the reissues for the earlier albums was rather difficult since there was a lack of documentation during recording and many tapes were misplaced over the years. Each song had some kind of obstacle to overcome.
On the release of archival material, Billy discussed the creation of The Lucky 13 team. They are an intermediary team of fans that will recommend upcoming Smashing Pumpkins Record Club (SPRC) releases. In conjunction with fan input, The Lucky 13 team will review archival material, identify possible pricing models, and propose methods and formats of distribution for selected audio and video releases. Billy explained that the band has invested over $750,000 to properly store and digitally transfer Smashing Pumpkins material. He confirms that not everything can be released as he considers every Smashing Pumpkins release to be part of his artistic legacy. So, he is calling on fans to become engaged consumers if they want archival material to be released in a communal and sustainable way. The main role of the Lucky 13 team and fans will be to determine what is worth releasing and at what price. Billy states that he is highly interested in releasing archival material and that he wa
nts fans to feel invested in the process. He believes that now is good time to reboot the archive project since legal issues with EMI are resolved. In addition, many new technologies and systems allow for more efficient and less costly ways of distributing content.On Oceania, he states that the album will not have a single and that people will be able to listen to it one week before the official release date of June 19th, 2012. He feels that the album needs to be listened to in its entirety to get the full experience. He believes that fans will positively respond to Smashing Pumpkins music again if they can connect to it with their hearts and minds. He shares that many new opportunities have been opening up for the band due to positive reception of the new music from people in the business.
On his life in general, he stated that he has not written new music since Oceania was completed in September 2011. When he is not on tour, he spends 4-6 hours a day writing his spiritual memoir. He said that the book has been one of the most challenging projects that he has ever taken on. On his other side projects such as Resistance Pro and Madame Zuzu’s Tea Shop, he states that they are labors of love. He feels that stepping away from the music world is a good thing and that these side projects help him to return to music with a fresh mind. Overall, he is very proud of his past work and is grateful to have band mates with a similar vision for the future.
Interesting Smashing Pumpkins facts revealed in the interview:
* There are 40-60 hours of ‘Rubano Tapes’ audio and video material from early Smashing Pumpkins concerts.
* On the Pisces Iscariot reissue, ‘Soothe’ is the only song with a new mix. On the original Pisces Iscariot release, ‘Soothe’ was from a home demo that was mixed to a DAT machine.
* The working title of ‘X.Y.U.’ was ‘Spum’. The version of ‘X.Y.U.’ that appeared on Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness was a recording of the band playing live in the studio, and both Flood and Alan Moulder were present. There were no overdubs on the album version.
* For the Mellon Collie reissue, home demos, rehearsal material and every rough mix have been transferred to digital format.
* Billy is looking for the non-distorted version of ‘Tales of a Scorched Earth’. If he can find the tape, the song might appear on the bonus disc of the Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness reissue.
* The reissue for Adore will be released on Record Store Day 2013.
* The reissue for Machina I & II will be released by the end of 2013. There might also be a reissue of ‘The Greatest Hits’ by the end of 2013.
* A DVD for ‘The Final Show’ that was taped on December 2nd, 2000 at The Metro will be released as part of a reissue.
* When Billy gets back the rights to Zwan material from Warner Brothers, he would like to release 65 previously unreleased Zwan songs.
* A vinyl of the Stigmata soundtrack will be released by EMI.
* Billy would like to release The Chicago Kid material in 2014.
* Billy could do a reissue of TheFutureEmbrace in 2015.
* Billy could possibly release an alternate version of Zeitgeist when he gets back the rights to the material.\" -
2012.05.18 at 12:47 pm #44467
mirrorboxerSpectator* The working title of ‘X.Y.U.’ was ‘Spum’. The version of ‘X.Y.U.’ that appeared on Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness was a recording of the band playing live in the studio, and both Flood and Alan Moulder were present. There were no overdubs on the album version.[/quote:1sr9vhz5]
For some reason, THIS really impresses me.
* Billy is looking for the non-distorted version of ‘Tales of a Scorched Earth’. If he can find the tape, the song might appear on the bonus disc of the Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness reissue.[/quote:1sr9vhz5]
I am torn with this news. I absolutely love this song and I’ll reserve my doubts until a later date. Worst case is I have the original that I love
* The reissue for Adore will be released on Record Store Day 2013.[/quote:1sr9vhz5]
I wonder if this will be the same as the reissue of Pisces for RSD2012
* The reissue for Machina I & II will be released by the end of 2013.
* A DVD for ‘The Final Show’ that was taped on December 2nd, 2000 at The Metro will be released as part of a reissue. [/quote:1sr9vhz5]These will likely go together and will make me one very happy man!
* When Billy gets back the rights to Zwan material from Warner Brothers, he would like to release 65 previously unreleased Zwan songs.[/quote:1sr9vhz5]
I knew there was alot, but I didn’t realize there was 65!
* A vinyl of the Stigmata soundtrack will be released by EMI.[/quote:1sr9vhz5]
…………and SOLD
2012.05.18 at 11:19 pm #44468
marigoldSpectator* When Billy gets back the rights to Zwan material from Warner Brothers, he would like to release 65 previously unreleased Zwan songs.
[/quote:12a1suf2]I’m wondering what sort of format 65 songs would be released as…
2012.06.04 at 6:59 pm #44469
ArthurSpectatorIf I understand it right, the first Lucky13/SPRC release will be the last 2 full 1995 Double Door shows? Not bad, not bad… Quite awesome actually!
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