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DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI told her the point of a boardgame was to make it challenging so only we could win.
If you think that question was funny, she put tons of Jeffree Star questions on it but none about the pumpkins, how mean.
It looks like I can’t play either, I have no pockets.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorNope, none of the questions are about sp, my sister wouldn’t let me since no one in that class listens to smashing pumpkins.
our teacher won’t let us play are own games so I will never know if I am good or not.
I’ve nver tried a mango limeade but they are probably delcious.
The reason for this being I don’t have a sonic around here.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI actually do hate games that make me go backwards on the board.
I guess it went back to my childhood because everytime I was ahead and about to win the game I’d end up having to go back spaces and would end up losing, so sad.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorWe keep arguing about the game.
I wanted to have color coted questions with open ended questions where as the way you answer the psychology questions and music questions kinda deciphers what your personality might be.
She didn’t like my idea very much.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorMy sister needs Billy to help her play the guitar.
She’s not that good but it is probably because the lack of practice.
I don’t want to play guitar though.
I tried about two years ago and it was frustrating so I switched to bass which I am much happier with.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorIt’s supposed to be a design your own board game.
Guess what my group is doing?
a psychology and music board game.
we do have a lot of work to still do on it though.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI also wish you good luck.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI really liked Carnavas a lot two years ago when I was really into them.
But, this song just sounds like a continuation of that album and a bad one at that.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI felt like that all the time in 9th grade Spanish class.
Oh, what fond memories.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorAt least you are feeling better today.
I’m creating a gameboard in computer class, so much fun!
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorNice, I’ll check out that website in a little bit.
In other news, I was almost attacked by a dog while walking home from school.
I really hate these hillbillies and their dogs, they let them roam the streets unattended.
Why so many of them need dogs is beyond me.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI don’t have a nice book store.
all we have is the weirton book company.
and you should get a subscription, they’re awesome.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI have that class now in high school and I also have all A’s.
I didn’t know there was a Psychology Today Magazine.
I used to read Alternative Press, though it wasn’t a very good magazine.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI don’t really know what I want to do either.
I plan on going to a four year university.
The problem with deciding what to do is that I want to do so many things.
Theres to many things that I am intersted in.First, I wanted Astronomy but that required to much math, so I’m settling on History or Psychology.
Thank you on the Graduation comment
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorSenior year of high school, only 8 days till graduation.
But, I still know I’ll have math in college.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI’m dreaming of that day already
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI STILL hate math class.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI woke up two hours ago, and had to get my sleepy self to school.
It sucks that I have Math class first thing in the morning.
Now, I want to go home.
Is it bad before you even get to school to be thinking about going home.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI given up on all of my favorite sports teams because they always lose.
They’ve both made it to the Super Bowl and Stanley Cup and they chocked, twice.
So, I am badically never watching sports again.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI’m in Math class and we haven’t had homework in over three days now.
I am extremely happy right now.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorEVERY TEENAGE GIRL IN AMERICA.
I’ve realized the victim’s mother on the Dr. Phil show looks like Chrissie Hynde from the pretenders.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI was listening to Neil Young last night because I was sleeping in the living room
when all of a sudden I heard \"Rockin in the Free World\" it kinda startled me.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorIT IS FRIDAY!!!!
okay i’m done with the good news for today.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorWELCOME BACK!!!!
I am creeped out now, my teacher is making us watch a Dr. Phil episode on sexting.
It’s kinda making me giggle.
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorYes, Oreo cakesters are delicious.
The heatstreak is finally over no more weather in the 90’s, well at least for a while.
Now it’s 60 degrees and cool, just the way I like it.