Wow I am so happy to come across this neat site here. I found the link on the smashing pumpkins site. Some really nice pics on here of billy and ginger. I saw the pumpkins in Asheville, NC at the Peel on
June 24, 2007. I would like to share with you guys this video. I was recording some pumpkins videos at the first of this video I am recording where billy smiles and winks is Hummer. He looked right at my camera and here’s what I got. Here’s the link below. I am sure you guys will like it. My heart’s still melting from it. I was the only girl he done this too. I also have a my space site please stop by and visit. I have all of my pumpkins pics I took posted too and videos-
Also you can view Billy smile here too-
Thanks, Misty in NC
Tip SPfreaks. Check how to use YouTube links.