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    • #1544

      Honeymade Opiate

      Beautiful. Just recieved the new Fancy Space People 12\" from Starry Records. 100 copies on white wax.
      Even has Kerry Brown’s signature in the \"sender\" field (as it’s his label, obviously – duh).

      Great music, resembles me somewhat of the LA-band Satellite Party. Sexy, yet very futuristic.

      Billy C is credited for the guitar.

    • #42708


      Ooooops. Wrong forum.

    • #42709


      Hehe, no, good forum! It’s related to Billy Corgan/Smashing Pumpkins, so…

      Awesome vinyl, by the way! This should have an upload in the Collection too. May I use your pics (or are you willing to take a few new ones, front/back of sleeve, front/back of vinyl etc in separate pics)? Thanks!

    • #42710


      I’ve been on the fence about this one since it first went up for preorder. The band seems a bit weird and the music doesn’t immediately grab me. I remember when they did a ustream in the studio with Fancy Space People and they really put me off. How much guitar is Billy credited? and is the album any good musically, or do the samples on Starry Records give an accurate representation?

      I’m a big vinyl junkie and those white platters are tempting, but the cover art is atrocious :shock: ! Win one, Lose one, even Stephen.

    • #42711

      what about this sheet? do you think it’s included with every copy?

    • #42712


      Mirrorboxer, the music’s great. At least in my opinion.

      As they aren’t really a gigantic band, perhaps that $10-15 (or how much the LP cost, don’t remember…) seems a bit excessive. Anyway, I’m a sucker for white wax especially, and that it’s limited to 100 copies makes it even more obvious that it’s a record that deserves it’s space in my collection.

      CAIC, I think at least they’re with every white wax copy. I don’t know about the black vinyl release, though…

    • #42713


      I might take some new pics for the collection Arthur.

      And here’s the album credits:

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