Found on MySpace (thanks to Cleveland Smashing Pumpkins Fans!)
\"Check out the transcript of the radio interview during the Pumpkins’ recent UK stint. It sounds like some very interesting things are in the works, among them a release later this year of \"archival\" material. Corgan also mentioned something about touring smaller venues and doing period-specific tours.
Here’s a snippet:
\"BC: …But just to diverge for a second: what we are talking about doing, because we’re going to finally start releasing a lot of archival stuff at the end of this year, we’re going to start doing tours that are focused on particular periods. So we’ll go out and actually do a tour where we’ll say, \"Okay, we’re only going to play songs from the beginning of the band through Gish.\" We’ll probably play fairly small places and charge good tickets, so you’re going to have to be a fan if you want to come, but it will really be a great chance to revisit those times. We’re really excited about that. I think that’s going to be fantastic.
ZL: That sounds amazing, that sounds really amazing. Apart from that, in terms of future music as well, you’ve got American Gothic – we’re going to get to that in a second. Are you guys talking about a forthcoming album?
BC: Jimmy, you want to let any secrets out?
ZL: Yes, Jimmy, you do is the answer to that question.
JC: We’re actually pretty full-tilt into the future right now. We’re in the process of buying a space in Chicago. We’re going to build anotherâ¦what would be \"Pumpkinland 2.0.\"\"