- This topic has 141 replies, 18,595 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 6 months ago by
2008.07.25 at 5:15 am #610
last_rose_of_summerKeymasterI’ve had plently, lol.
Too drunk right now, but synopsis:
One, my deceased grandmother was my cat, and snuggled next to me.
Another, my stepfather’s head was hanging off a hook on a door near the laundry room.
And, I’m ALWAYS having the reoccurring dream that I’m in college, and have a test. I haven’t studied, know nothing about the subject matter, and am late.
2008.07.25 at 6:44 am #20896
blueczarinaSpectatorI’m in college, and have a test. I haven’t studied, know nothing about the subject matter, and am late.
[/quote:3plv49k7]hangovers can cause that. ^
i have had a lot of weird dreams too. i’m not sure if i want to share them and sound like i was dropping acid though.
your new avatar is quite interesting. whose head is it?
2008.07.25 at 7:17 am #20897
manillascissorKeymastersworn to secrecy. can’t believe no one knows.
same (cinematic release) as my other.
2008.07.25 at 7:48 am #20898
blueczarinaSpectatorsworn to secrecy. can’t believe no one knows.
same (cinematic release) as my other.[/quote:4klb3eb2]
dang, i can’t figure it out.
2008.07.25 at 8:12 am #20899
2008.07.25 at 8:32 am #20900
blueczarinaSpectatori found it. i cheated though. i googled 1958 movies and i clicked on one called Vertigo and it had that little guy falling (or taking a big hit of something- haha
). i’ve never seen it, but it had your old avatar pic as the movie poster.
2008.07.25 at 1:04 pm #20901
AnonymousSpectatorI’m in college, and have a test. I haven’t studied, know nothing about the subject matter, and am late.
[/quote:jbf1kd6q]hangovers can cause that. ^
i have had a lot of weird dreams too. i’m not sure if i want to share them and sound like i was dropping acid though.
your new avatar is quite interesting. whose head is it?[/quote:jbf1kd6q]
lol we won’t think your dropping acid…I have messed up dream too!
2008.07.25 at 2:12 pm #20902
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori almost never dream really.
i had one a week and a half ago, but i already said no telling. it wasn’t scary.
but months and months ago i had a dream that was scary. i was going through this burned out gothic type building. and i had to help other people get through it, but you had to watch out for things that were going to get you. it is intense.
but i would say i have only dreamt about maybe 4 times in the last 7years. wonder why that is?
2008.07.25 at 3:55 pm #20903
MarcellaSpectatorI dream almost everyday, I’ve already told my most fucked up dream- one where I had HIV. I have also dreamed I’m pregnant several times in a row. In one of them, I went to this restaurant with a gay friend and they said he couldn’t eat there. I grabbed ketchup and squashed it on the guy’s eye and try to run but it was too late because I was already on labor o_O.
2008.07.25 at 6:46 pm #20904
Im a Cult HeroSpectatorI don’t normally remember dreams, but I remember a weird one from a few weeks ago :
I was attempting to build a house of cards except using guitar pedals instead of cards, Peter Murphy (of Bauhaus) was beside me and kept saying \"If you build it, they will come\", I kept asking him \"Who will come?\" but he just kept repeating the same thing, I was also holding my dog at bay to stop him knocking over the pedals the whole time *shrugs* -
2008.07.25 at 7:36 pm #20905
PipokaSpectatorRaining babys and i was in panic trying to catch all of them…
horrible feeling ! -
2008.07.25 at 8:34 pm #20906
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoroh god, i am glad i don’t have some of the dreams you all do, i wonder if one of those people who interprets dreams could read this and tell us what they all mean.
2008.07.25 at 8:47 pm #20907
manillascissorKeymasterpretty funny dreams! lol
raining babies, oh no!!!!!!!
you can google dream meanings, quite easily.
there are a few \"classic\" ones i’ve had:
teeth falling out or chipping
missing schooli have the missing school one regularly, probably once a week. it’s always college, and i am convinced i’m not going to graduate because of missing one test. arg.
but the absolute best dream ever, was flying. it was so euphoric and what’s more, lucid, meaning i had complete control of where i was flying. that dream must have been 15 years ago or more and i still remember the intense feeling i got from it.
2008.07.25 at 8:47 pm #20908
manillascissorKeymasteri found it. i cheated though. i googled 1958 movies and i clicked on one called Vertigo and it had that little guy falling (or taking a big hit of something- haha
). i’ve never seen it, but it had your old avatar pic as the movie poster.
[/quote:1bzteiry]Ding ding ding!!! Nice job!
2008.07.25 at 8:49 pm #20909
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryou know what helps you dream melitonin, maybe i don’t have enough of that in my system. but my mom took it for a while, and she had lots of lucid, very vivid dreams, so much she stoped taking it.
2008.07.25 at 9:12 pm #20910
AnonymousSpectatorHere’s something uber-freaky…
I had a dream recently where in France, a Mashed Potatoes boxset came into my posession.
I’ve not been there since 1997.
Today, my Mother tells me \"we’re\" going to Paris for her Birthday this December.
Could this be it?
2008.07.25 at 9:14 pm #20911
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoroh man, that is uber freaky. i would have freaked out, i am for you right now. if you get a mashed potatoes box set i will scream.
2008.07.25 at 9:17 pm #20912
PipokaSpectatorpretty funny dreams! lol
raining babies, oh no!!!!!!!
you can google dream meanings, quite easily.
there are a few "classic" ones i’ve had:
teeth falling out or chipping
missing schooli have the missing school one regularly, probably once a week. it’s always college, and i am convinced i’m not going to graduate because of missing one test. arg.
but the absolute best dream ever, was flying. it was so euphoric and what’s more, lucid, meaning i had complete control of where i was flying. that dream must have been 15 years ago or more and i still remember the intense feeling i got from it.[/quote:20d01462]
i always wake up with a bad bad feeling when a dream that my teath are falling and i dream it regularly
it’s horrible. sometimes i wake up crying.
fly-> amazing. the last time i dream it was thursday
i think it was because wednesday all my worries gone away and i finally had a quiet night. it’s so real and so good…
2008.07.25 at 9:17 pm #20913
manillascissorKeymasteryou know what helps you dream melitonin, maybe i don’t have enough of that in my system. but my mom took it for a while, and she had lots of lucid, very vivid dreams, so much she stoped taking it.[/quote:13ks4a3d]
Isn’t that the stuff the gives your iris it’s color?
2008.07.25 at 9:18 pm #20914
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori don’t know? but my eyes are a really pale blue, so maybe. i will look it up.
2008.07.25 at 9:19 pm #20915
AnonymousSpectatoroh man, that is uber freaky. i would have freaked out, i am for you right now. if you get a mashed potatoes box set i will scream.[/quote:mgo77tk9]
Make sure it’s a super-squealy Fan Girl one.
2008.07.25 at 9:21 pm #20916
AnonymousSpectatorRaining babys and i was in panic trying to catch all of them…
horrible feeling ![/quote:3bfj79n9]Is it okay to be scared of you, in a nice way?
2008.07.25 at 9:21 pm #20917
Many supplemental melatonin users have reported an increase in vivid dreaming. Extremely high doses of melatonin (50mg) dramatically increased REM sleep time and dream activity in both narcoleptics and those without narcolepsy.[44]Many psychoactive drugs, such as LSD and cocaine, increase melatonin synthesis.[44] It has been suggested that nonpolar (lipid-soluble) indolic hallucinogenic drugs emulate melatonin activity in the awakened state and that both act on the same areas of the brain.[44] It has been suggested that psychotropic drugs be readmitted in the field of scientific inquiry and therapy.[45] If so, melatonin may be prioritized for research in this reemerging field of psychiatry.[46]
adding some more
Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone found in most animals, including humans, and some other living organisms, including algae.[1] Circulating levels vary in a daily cycle, and melatonin is important in the regulation of the circadian rhythms of several biological functions.[2] Many biological effects of melatonin are produced through activation of melatonin receptors,[3] while others are due to its role as a pervasive and powerful antioxidant[4] with a particular role in the protection of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.[5]
The use of melatonin as a drug can entrain (synchronize) the circadian clock to environmental cycles and can have beneficial effects for treatment of certain insomnias. Its therapeutic potential may be limited by its short biological half-life, poor bioavailability, and the fact that it has numerous non-specific actions.[6]
2008.07.25 at 9:22 pm #20918
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoroh man, that is uber freaky. i would have freaked out, i am for you right now. if you get a mashed potatoes box set i will scream.[/quote:2f85evsk]
Make sure it’s a super-squealy Fan Girl one.
for sure, i am good at those, just let me know when to scream.
2008.07.25 at 9:22 pm #20919
PipokaSpectatorRaining babys and i was in panic trying to catch all of them…
horrible feeling ![/quote:1bye2jdd]Is it okay to be scared of you, in a nice way?
hey !!! at least i was trying to catch them!
2008.07.25 at 9:27 pm #20920
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoroh here is more, and it is probably why you thought of the eyes first manilla
In higher animals and humans, melatonin is produced by pinealocytes in the pineal gland (located in the brain) and also by the retina, lens and GI tract. It is naturally synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan (via synthesis of serotonin) by the enzyme 5-hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase.
2008.07.25 at 9:39 pm #20921
manillascissorKeymasterthanks bullet
i looked but couldn’t find anything that specifically talked about it. grr. but i’m pretty sure it has something to do with eye color development.
like, all babies are born with blue eyes, and the melatonin levels are what ultimately change them or allow them to remain blue.
2008.07.25 at 9:40 pm #20922
manillascissorKeymasteroh here is more, and it is probably why you thought of the eyes first manilla
It is naturally synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan (via synthesis of serotonin) by the enzyme 5-hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase.[/quote:14ekvcje]
Ah yes, it all makes sense now!!!
2008.07.25 at 9:41 pm #20923
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryour very welcome. i wonder why mine are so light then? huh? maybe it is lower levels of it. i will just say it is. oh i have a dr’s apointment on the 4th maybe i will ask him about it.
if i think of anymore dreams i will post them.
2008.07.25 at 9:56 pm #20924
MarcellaSpectatorManilla, I think you’re thinking of melanin. Someone’s eyes are blue because they have lower amounts of melanin, while people with brown eyes have a greater amount of it. It also determines skin color, that’s why normally pale skinned people have blue eyes.
2008.07.25 at 9:56 pm #20925
manillascissorKeymasterIs your avi from the notebook?
2008.07.25 at 9:57 pm #20926
manillascissorKeymasterManilla, I think you’re thinking of melanin. Someone’s eyes are blue because they have lower amounts of melanin, while people with brown eyes have a greater amount of it. It also determines skin color, that’s why normally pale skinned people have blue eyes.[/quote:22j1lmbo]
Thank you!!!! No wonder I couldn’t find anything!!!!
2008.07.25 at 9:59 pm #20927
MarcellaSpectatorYou’re welcome
2008.07.25 at 9:59 pm #20928
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorgod no.
i will post the whole pic here in a minute.
2008.07.25 at 10:25 pm #20929
AnonymousSpectatorok here a screwy dream
I was outside with someone and he got these cool glasses that you can see the ‘real world’, and it came with an instruction book on how to interpret what you are seeing.
So I asked the person to just give me the low down on the book and put my glasses on and guess what through the glasses you could see the universe close up and asteroids flying all the cool stuff out there, but when you take the glasses off you see bombs coming down instead of asteroids. So we went into the bomb shelter-found out a month later our friend bought a house with a bomb shelter-that’s fucked up
2008.07.25 at 10:31 pm #20930
manillascissorKeymasterholy crap! that is very fucked up.
but a bomb shelter. that’s gotta inflate your property value. that is just kick ass.
2008.07.25 at 10:34 pm #20931
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori would love a bomb shelter, it could be like a cool panic/party room.
2008.07.25 at 10:35 pm #20932
AnonymousSpectatorWhat’s more fucked is Billy was the person in my dream…LOL
so that makes the dream almost funny…lol
left him out…sorry Billy you in my dream makes it sound silly… -
2008.07.26 at 3:55 am #20933
blueczarinaSpectatorok, as long as you don’t think i was dropping acid here is a weird dream of mine.
now i actually had this dream twice, but while i was having it the second time i remembered having it the first time and it changed some things for the people in it. and i wasn’t in it. it was more like i was just watching a f*cked up movie. and i also remember it pretty good. it was kind of a weird dream, but the imagery kind of stuck with me after i woke up.
well, anyway there was this large room like a room in a palace with a high ceiling and large dark wooden doors and a fireplace. the architecture and furniture was all in the gothic (arches, etc.) style with a bit of baroque mixed in. and in the middle of the room was a long wooden dining table with high backed chairs. off to the side was a group of people standing in a circle dressed in a mix of Elizabethan, Neo- Classical, and Regency costume in rich but dark colors and they all had weird glowing symbols floating over their heads. they were spining around and chanting something when all of a sudden a vampire broke through the tall glass windows. he was wearing a Victorian style costume and had a black cloak over his suit, but not like a Dracule cape. he killed them or at least kind of attacked them and stole their power. then he left and i’m not sure what happened next, but eventually towards the end of the dream there was the girl with him. she had a short red bob and was wearing a long red Chinese style dress with gold trim. she too was a vampire and they were both running from a couple of kind of older guys in modern style clothes- khakis, a sweater, button up shirt. these guys were trying to capture and defeat the vampires. so they chased them to what was like a warehouse with a driveway for trucks to pull into. they chased them into a door that led to a small room. it had a metal table and a metal chair and looked like a police interrogation room, except it had a sink. they turned the water on and the room began to fill up with water. the door was still open though, but the water never leaked out of the room, it just filled up the room. the vampires couldn’t touch the water so they had to stand on the table and on the chair, because if they did touch the water they would die. i woke up though before i could see what happened though.
a few days later i had the same dream and it was mostly the same up until they got to the warehouse I think. it was weird though because i remembered having the dream before while having this one and it was like the vampires knew about the room with the water this time around, so they didn’t get caught that way. the guy disappeared for some reason, but the girls was put in the back of a green truck, which was like a u-haul type truck. so she was standing in the back of it and looking at the two old guys who were trying to capture the vampires. she then picked up this frozen phone book that was in the truck. it was frozen like a block of ice and she threw it at one of the guys and it hit him, broke his glasses, and killed him. a bit later though he was fine somehow. i think she did escape though. i don’t remember. it was kind of a trippy dream.
2008.07.26 at 4:03 am #20934
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoroh, i was starting to read your post czarina and i remembered a dream i had
i was in a big room with glass doors out front, and i was suposed to do something very important on a computer that was near the door, but then something happened and i couldn’t do it, but i had to cause it was important.
i don’t know what that was all about but i remember the glass doors very well, they were huge.
2008.07.26 at 4:10 am #20935
blueczarinaSpectatoroh, i was starting to read your post czarina and i remembered a dream i had
i was in a big room with glass doors out front, and i was suposed to do something very important on a computer that was near the door, but then something happened and i couldn’t do it, but i had to cause it was important.
i don’t know what that was all about but i remember the glass doors very well, they were huge.[/quote:1xnut0mq]
my guess- it was about spfreaks. you just had to visit us.
2008.07.26 at 4:11 am #20936
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatormaybe, i can’t remember, and i didn’t remember the dream till i started reading yours.
2008.07.26 at 5:02 am #20937
AnonymousSpectatorinteresting dream…trippy intense, wow. you know you can look up things in your dreams in a dream dictionary..like the vampire, sink,glass, doors, whatever you find significant in the dream look it up-it could give you some insight….kinda fun too!
2008.07.30 at 10:45 pm #20938
To see a vampire in your dream, symbolizes seduction and sensuality, as well as fear and death. The vampire represents contrasting images of civilized nobility and aggression/ferocity. It may depict someone in your waking life whose charm may ultimately prove harmful. Deep down inside you know that this person is bad for you, yet you are still drawn to it. Vampires also sometimes relate to decisions about sex and losing your virginity. Alternatively, to see a vampire suggests that you are feeling physically or emotionally drained. The vampire may also be symbolic for someone who is addicted to drugs or someone in an obsessive relationship.Glass
To dream that you are looking through glass, represents your openness and non-defensiveness. Alternatively, you may be putting up an invisible emotional barrier around yourself.Interesting…
2008.07.31 at 6:15 am #20939
To see a vampire in your dream, symbolizes seduction and sensuality, as well as fear and death. The vampire represents contrasting images of civilized nobility and aggression/ferocity. It may depict someone in your waking life whose charm may ultimately prove harmful. Deep down inside you know that this person is bad for you, yet you are still drawn to it. Vampires also sometimes relate to decisions about sex and losing your virginity. Alternatively, to see a vampire suggests that you are feeling physically or emotionally drained. The vampire may also be symbolic for someone who is addicted to drugs or someone in an obsessive relationship.Glass
To dream that you are looking through glass, represents your openness and non-defensiveness. Alternatively, you may be putting up an invisible emotional barrier around yourself.Interesting…[/quote:2gmjbtjc]
interesting. i’m not a on drugs or doing anything weird though, so i’m not sure what that dream meant.
maybe i was just watching too much Buffy.
2008.07.31 at 1:03 pm #20940
AnonymousSpectatoror you have your eye on someone and you know deep down they are bad-not right…lol
isn’t it fun trying to analyze dreams -
2008.08.01 at 10:46 am #20941
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorNot my strangest dream, but my dream last night was weird. It is so hard to explain, but I remeber the last part – I was Solid Snake (I had the octocamo, but wasn’t old) and was sneaking into some compound. There were a bunch of rolling things that were kind of a cross of the Scarabs in MGS4 and the gun platforms in Portal. One of them was apparently GLaDOS. But yeah, I got spotted, got tricked into going into a room as I was escaping. and got caught. I was then taken outside, where I had to fight a bunch of people and I was using the back of a truck for cover. The people included Vulcan Raven (who had his minigun as a fixed gun emplacement) and some woman who I seemed to recognize, but can’t for the life of me place her… I think she must have been a human version of GLaDOS.
I woke up physically exhausted.
2008.08.01 at 11:27 am #20942
manillascissorKeymasterHa ha!!!
Too much MGS4 for you, Superlord!
2008.08.01 at 1:12 pm #20943
that’s a nutty dream and what’s interesting is you were asleep and woke up exhausted. I couldn’t sleep for shit last night, so no dreams for me, well just bits and pieces that I can’t remember now. -
2008.08.01 at 1:24 pm #20944
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorThe thing is, I haven’t played MGS4 for weeks…
2008.08.01 at 2:37 pm #20945
AnonymousSpectatormaybe it was a calling from your inner self to play again…lol
2008.08.19 at 1:44 pm #20946
Return To ComfortSpectatorsworn to secrecy. can’t believe no one knows.
same (cinematic release) as my other.[/quote:1lo2o8pl]
I knew who it is, and from what movie, sans Google.
2008.08.19 at 2:22 pm #20947
Return To ComfortSpectatorHave them all the time. This is the most recent.
In dream, I was pregnant with triplets. Went into labor, Triplet #1 came out. Other two weren’t moving. Doc looked at me and said, \"This is actually totally normal with multiples. Sometimes one or two of the multiples are ready to enter this world before the others. So just take #1 home and do your normal things. Eventually you’ll go into a second labor.\"
WTF? Screw that. Funny part was, when we got home, all #1 did was have diarreah, hard-core. Like running-down-the-legs all the time. Ick.
2008.08.19 at 11:48 pm #20948
AnonymousSpectatorHave them all the time. This is the most recent.
In dream, I was pregnant with triplets. Went into labor, Triplet #1 came out. Other two weren’t moving. Doc looked at me and said, "This is actually totally normal with multiples. Sometimes one or two of the multiples are ready to enter this world before the others. So just take #1 home and do your normal things. Eventually you’ll go into a second labor."
WTF? Screw that. Funny part was, when we got home, all #1 did was have diarreah, hard-core. Like running-down-the-legs all the time. Ick.[/quote:3fupw47k]
That would suck 100%
2008.08.31 at 4:58 am #20949
AnonymousSpectatormy latest dream wasn’t too fucked up, but I had purple paint stuck around my nail cuticles-no biggie
I was at my old house from when I was a teen, there was a get together at the bar by my current house, but it was across the alley of my teen house. Any way the get together was the kind you have after a funeral, I knew some of the people there and i think even the person who’s funeral it was-can’t remember for sure though. any ways they all come out and a few come over to me to talk I’m standing next to one of them and I just get this nice hug that felt good -
2008.09.17 at 7:12 pm #20950
AnonymousSpectatorI don’t know what’s in the water for some of you guys and guysesses…
Rarely do I remember them, although this was quite good at the time:
Was running around a futuristic Hospital and being chased by Robots with syringes (hyperdeemic nerdles).
Eventually they caught me, but not before I kicked one of them to the ground and it went haywire.
The others chased and jumped me, whereby I flinched and woke up, smacking my forehead on the wall.
2008.09.17 at 8:05 pm #20951
blueczarinaSpectator\"guys and guysesses\"
2008.09.17 at 8:20 pm #20952
MarcellaSpectatorI dreamed I met My Chemical Romance at a church. That was pretty. But then suddenly everything faded and I was in a classroom and Billy was my literature teacher. He made me do weird things like carrying books on my head and forced me to sing. So so strange o_O.
2008.09.18 at 11:19 am #20953
Manilla’s name was in my dream…
I must have been dreaming about the site…lol
that’s pretty fucked up -
2008.09.18 at 12:24 pm #20954
Return To ComfortSpectatorYou dreamt of Manilla’s name? Craziness. But I can beat that.
I dream of Manilla!!!!! What do you think about that? -
2008.09.18 at 12:53 pm #20955
AnonymousSpectatorYou dreamt of Manilla’s name? Craziness. But I can beat that.
I dream of Manilla!!!!! What do you think about that?[/quote:ugbxe66j]
That definitely beats dreaming about his name…lol
What I think is more of a question, Are you two dating? -
2008.09.18 at 2:16 pm #20956
Return To ComfortSpectatorThat definitely beats dreaming about his name…lol
What I think is more of a question, Are you two dating?[/quote:1cpeeexc]Lol, why would you say that? I dream of all sorts of people, doesn’t necessarily mean I’m dating him/her. Plus, isn’t Manilla married??? I vaguely recall reading something on here about a wife, just not sure where/when that was.
2008.09.18 at 2:22 pm #20957
my bad I was thinking about the cat avatar which is not yours…lol
my bad
I know I dream about a lot of people too…I guess I was on morning brain today with reading your post..lol
I thought I read Manilla is getting on with his life now…not in those exact words.. -
2008.09.18 at 2:35 pm #20958
Return To ComfortSpectator😆 aaaggghhh
my bad I was thinking about the cat avatar which is not yours…lol
my bad
I know I dream about a lot of people too…I guess I was on morning brain today with reading your post..lol
I thought I read Manilla is getting on with his life now…not in those exact words..[/quote:sp2bxb7v]Ahh, I believe that’s Arthur’s gal with the cat.
I hope he’s "getting on with his life", if that’s what he needs. -
2008.09.18 at 8:45 pm #20959
MarcellaSpectatorYeah, as me, he is going with the flow =). Isn’t Shannen the one with the cat avatar? So Shannen is Arthur’s girlfriend?
I had no idea
I feel like such a stalker ._.
2008.09.18 at 9:55 pm #20960
manillascissorKeymasternow the cat’s out of the bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shannen is my girlfriend too.
but i dream of comfort more than i should, i suppose.
2008.09.18 at 10:22 pm #20961
AnonymousSpectatorOh, how this love triangle could go round a while… Who were those two fighting over the keyboard on MSN a wee while back? She didn’t have a Cat, but a guy whose name begins with A did promise me some Honey.
Arthur said a few weeks ago, that I should propose to ‘Naise on the forum, I’m too scared now what with all these Hormones and Pheremones flying around…
2008.09.18 at 10:31 pm #20962
MarcellaSpectatorA proposal :0?
2008.09.18 at 10:47 pm #20963
AnonymousSpectatorYes ‘Mam, exactly that.
I’m a bit tied up with this Avril Lavigne issue currently though, so for now I’d probably be wise to keep quiet…
– Zipped. –
2008.09.18 at 11:35 pm #20964
Return To ComfortSpectatorAll sorts of intereting tidbits floating around here……
2008.09.19 at 2:09 am #20965
AnonymousSpectatorAnd I bet there will be more…lol
2008.09.19 at 2:18 am #20966
MarcellaSpectatorI still remember the way Superlord avoided my proposal! *indignation*
2008.09.19 at 3:53 am #20967
blueczarinaSpectatorwow- i leave and suddenly we have turned into a soap opera
2008.09.19 at 5:55 am #20968
ArthurSpectatorAnd it all happened in the fucked up dream topic, how appropriate…
2008.09.19 at 5:59 am #20969
blueczarinaSpectatorAnd it all happened in the fucked up dream topic, how appropriate…
2008.09.19 at 10:34 am #20970
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.09.19 at 6:16 pm #20971
blueczarinaSpectatoroh noooo, pilgrims
2008.09.19 at 7:34 pm #20972
Return To ComfortSpectatorWeird Science? Right? Classic.
Trivia: The house in weird science was also used in…..anyone? anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
2008.09.19 at 7:38 pm #20973
manillascissorKeymasterametyville horror?
2008.09.19 at 7:45 pm #20974
AnonymousSpectatorIt appears some men just have their heads in their bra
2008.09.19 at 7:46 pm #20975
Return To ComfortSpectatorametyville horror?[/quote:nfjuzav6]
Good guess, but no!
2008.09.19 at 7:49 pm #20976
AnonymousSpectatorha…is it…Not Another Teen Movie???
2008.09.19 at 10:10 pm #20977
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.09.20 at 3:19 am #20978
blueczarinaSpectatorwait a minute- i just noticed those are dudes in that pilgrim pic
i just thought it was homely girls. shows how much i pay attention when i’m doing some drive by posting at school.
2008.09.20 at 3:21 am #20979
AnonymousSpectatorblue..have you seen that movie? it’s pretty funny
2008.09.20 at 3:34 am #20980
blueczarinaSpectatorblue..have you seen that movie? it’s pretty funny
i haven’t actually. for some reason i don’t watch many movies.
2008.09.20 at 3:36 am #20981
AnonymousSpectatorit’s a good laugh…I just watched part of it a week or 2 ago.
I’ve seen it way too many times over the years you definitely should see it.
it’s old, but good -
2008.09.20 at 3:38 am #20982
blueczarinaSpectatori may check it out some time.
2008.09.20 at 4:02 am #20983
Return To ComfortSpectatorha…is it…Not Another Teen Movie???[/quote:1svy6gxt]
nope, but I can see why you’d pick it!
2008.09.20 at 1:15 pm #20984
AnonymousSpectatorha…is it…Not Another Teen Movie???[/quote:c4fd9wzl]
nope, but I can see why you’d pick it![/quote:c4fd9wzl] really? is it that obvious
2008.09.23 at 8:10 pm #20985
AnonymousSpectatorwell a had a dream that I was in some strange town going to see SP and I was in a restaurant ordering a drink, when who is sitting just a few feet away? Yup Mr. Corgan, but I didn’t bother him…and I missed the damn show for some reason in my dream….
what a nightmare……….. -
2008.09.23 at 8:21 pm #20986
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorferis buller’s day off, love it
love john huges movies (wierd science, 16 candles, b-fast club just to name a few)
2008.09.25 at 6:56 am #20987
AnonymousSpectator\"Pardon my French, but Cameron is so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass; in two weeks you’d have a diamond.\"
My last dream, nightmare if you will, was that I’d posted 428 times on this forum.
2008.09.25 at 7:03 am #20988
blueczarinaSpectatorMy last dream, nightmare if you will, was that I’d posted 428 times on this forum.[/quote:1xiwdk8l]
imagine if it was over 2000 times
2008.09.25 at 11:58 am #20989
AnonymousSpectatormust have been a premonition Dazey….
Watch out he just might be postin that many -
2008.09.25 at 12:50 pm #20990
ArthurSpectatorMy last dream, nightmare if you will, was that I’d posted 428 times on this forum.[/quote:2uu4rb82]
imagine if it was over 2000 times
2455 times, for example. I would feel pretty fucked up I guess, after so many posts. In my dream that is. -
2008.09.26 at 3:07 am #20991
blueczarinaSpectatorMy last dream, nightmare if you will, was that I’d posted 428 times on this forum.[/quote:x63vqwpc]
imagine if it was over 2000 times
2455 times, for example. I would feel pretty fucked up I guess, after so many posts. In my dream that is.[/quote:x63vqwpc]
its 2460
thank you
2008.10.02 at 12:55 pm #20992
AnonymousSpectatorback on the dream track…
I had a dream that my youngest wanted a cookie so I gave him one. Not knowing it was a peanut butter cookie until he started having his allergic reaction, so I had to go and get his epipen and inject him with it. However, I injected him in the wrong spot.
Next thing I know I have my son tapping me on the shoulder to wake me up….
that was a fucked up dream!!! -
2008.10.09 at 12:01 am #20993
AnonymousSpectatorMy neighbor was in my dream, she came to my house to hide out from the police for some illegal fraud activity she was involved in and they found her…lol
crazy and intense that’s for sure…I was glad to wake up -
2008.12.02 at 3:31 pm #20994
last_rose_of_summerSpectatori had a dream that the sun was exploding and sending big fireballs down to the earth and buildings were on fire and there was chaos and people screaming and running everywhere. it was fucked up! that’s probably the craziest dream i have ever had!
2008.12.02 at 6:35 pm #20995
blueczarinaSpectatorlets hope its not prophetic
2008.12.02 at 7:09 pm #20996
last_rose_of_summerSpectatoromg i hope not!
if i had dreams that came true i would want one of my billy dreams to come true!
2008.12.02 at 7:10 pm #20997
blueczarinaSpectator -
2009.01.06 at 11:51 pm #20998
AnonymousSpectatorwell it was a weird dream..
Lisa and the SP were off to do a change and she was out on the street changing her clothes, but wardrobe people surrounded her as she changed for the rest of the show so no one could see her do it. Billy had some ridiculous looking blue and black striped shirt with matching pants..lol
and there was a birthday party with balloons in the front row..it was really weird. I just wanted a good seat and the damn balloons were in the way. -
2009.01.10 at 7:58 pm #20999
AnonymousSpectatorI recently had one that I wasn’t going to share with anybody, so what the hell, my Mother thinks the Internet’s a brand of TV.
Long story short:
Found myself eating Oreos in the middle of this giant Cornfield, all alone.
The Scarecrow nearby asks me for one, which I hand over into his/its Straw hand.
After a conversation about high food prices round the world, I was transported into some weird Forest and couldn’t find my way out.
Why’s real life so dull in comparison? I want to have picnics with Scarecrows.
2009.01.10 at 8:24 pm #21000
blueczarinaSpectatordreaming about Oreo picnics with scarecrows, huh?
2009.01.10 at 9:01 pm #21001
2009.01.10 at 11:51 pm #21002
manillascissorKeymasteryou know what dazey? i wish i dreamed of that! sounds quite pleasant.
2009.01.13 at 5:29 pm #21003
AnonymousSpectatorIt had its moments, being stuck in the Forest was best.
Last night’s was a gem: Avril Lavigne (I kid you not), had split with her boyfriend (think she’s married in real life) and wanted to, \"Crash for the weekend if that was convenient.\"
I woke up around the point where an answer was to be given. Alarm clocks should be fed to Jaws.
Had one with Arthur in a while back, it was like his face super-imposed onto a Polar Bear (wtf?), must be something in the water…
2009.01.13 at 5:33 pm #21004
blueczarinaSpectatormust be something in the water…[/quote:2zmlu7g0]
acid maybe?
2009.01.13 at 5:39 pm #21005
AnonymousSpectator -
2009.01.13 at 5:52 pm #21006
blueczarinaSpectatoroh wow. does that live in you towns water supply. because monster slime could explain everything. it probably messes with your brain chemicals.
2009.01.13 at 6:11 pm #21007
Dazed, that is not a Polar Bear (wtf?)… Not on my continent anyway… -
2009.01.13 at 7:54 pm #21008
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorno dazey was saying acid from the alien cause the alien has acid spit and blood. doesn’t anyone watch movies anymore??????????????????
i had a really fucked up dream this morning. i went back to bed after my son got on the bus, cause i had nothing to do today, and figured, party bonus, sleep!!!
ok so my husband and i go to this hotel that is a large cabin, and then at some point my foot gets cut badly, like the whole bottom half gone and you can see bone, which it didn’t really hurt, but was bleeding profusly, so husband says lets go to the hospital. so we are gonna go when there is this wierd fire, and it is huge, but when it gets to the hotel, it isn’t burning anything, but if you get caught in the flame it makes you like a monster or like a demon, and you eat people, or kill them and then they are like that too. and then i ws trying to not be a monster, helping other people to not be a monster, and we were in this old like ford van and we end up on a dead end street, and the monster/demons are coming tworad us,
and then the flipping phone rings and wakes me up.
but that was not as bad as when i was dreaming that jason statham and i were making out and the alarm went off. i agree with dazey alarms are evil evil evil.
2009.01.13 at 11:31 pm #21009
blueczarinaSpectator -
2009.01.14 at 12:31 am #21010
AnonymousSpectatoryes they are..dream ruining man made piece of….time
2009.01.14 at 7:11 am #21011
ArthurSpectatorno dazey was saying acid from the alien cause the alien has acid spit and blood. doesn’t anyone watch movies anymore??????????????????[/quote:b45o33xu]
I’m sure Dazey gets the joke.Had one with Arthur in a while back, it was like his face super-imposed onto a Polar Bear (wtf?)[/quote:b45o33xu]
Just to be sure, I’ll explain to you though.I pretended the alien face is my face, but obviously it was not onto a Polar Bear. Gotcha now?
2009.01.15 at 4:37 pm #21012
DanniSpectatorI’ve had like this sickest dreams.
Once I was on my way up to heaven walking the \"grande stairs\". You know, bright lights, long stair etc etc.
As I made my way up the stairs I met the Kids In The Hall gang. I talked to them for like five minutes before I started walking up the stais again. Shortly after that I met Bill Clinton. He was going DOWN (!!!) the stair. I wonder what that ment. Though I never figured it out.
Also I’ve had a pillow-fight with George W. Bush back in 2002. Ha ha! THATS crazy
2009.01.15 at 5:44 pm #21013
blueczarinaSpectatorHe was going DOWN (
!!!) the stair. I wonder what that ment. Though I never figured it out. [/quote:3rddarxo]
i wonder if Ms. Lewinsky had anything to do with that ^^
2009.01.15 at 5:51 pm #21014
DanniSpectatorblueczarina: That actually might be the case!
But if it was like that I just guess they’d walk the \"grande stairs\" together. That would be a sight for sore eyes.
2009.01.15 at 6:11 pm #21015
blueczarinaSpectator -
2009.01.15 at 8:31 pm #21016
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorI’ve had like this sickest dreams.
Once I was on my way up to heaven walking the "grande stairs". You know, bright lights, long stair etc etc.
As I made my way up the stairs I met the Kids In The Hall gang. quote]kids in the hall is like one of the greatest shows ever, in the whole wide world.
2009.04.08 at 6:09 am #21017
ArthurSpectatorI don’t dream so much, or at least I don’t remember them anymore afterwards. Last night (I just woke up now) I had a funny dream… No bullshit! This is really what I dreamed, or what I remember of it. I have never dreamed of the guy before, as far as I know, so it’s kinda funny…
I was invited, together with a few other people, by Billy Corgan to see him in private, in his house. He lived on a small farm, so when we walked around, Billy giving a tour around the premises, we saw little sheep, few pigs, chicken… It was very peaceful, and Billy was a great host. I have no idea why this little group was invited to see him, but it was a very special occasion to all of us. I also remember we were sitting on chairs inside and discussing things, in an open and friendly way. I don’t know the subjects anymore, I’m sorry. But I felt like a close friend to Billy, that’s what I remember.
There was more, but it slips away so fast…
2009.04.08 at 7:03 pm #21018
blueczarinaSpectatoraww, how sweet
was SG there?
2009.04.08 at 7:06 pm #21019
ArthurSpectatoraww, how sweet
was SG there?
If she was in, I would have started a new topic "My sweet dreams". -
2009.04.08 at 7:09 pm #21020
blueczarinaSpectatori’m sure you would have
2009.05.15 at 9:43 am #21021
AnonymousSpectatorLast night’s was awesome and freakily real:
Made my own Hot Air Balloon and took off in it.
Flew over vast landscapes and at one point fell out, but grabbed hold of the hanging cable thingie outside and had to climb up it and back into the basket.
A short while later I was chased by some kind of Forest Bear, no idea why or where.
Ahhh, real life, what a bore.
2009.05.15 at 10:23 am #21022
manillascissorKeymasterawesome dream. flying ones are the best!
i have a reoccuring one that i can levitate. it’s always pretty lucid, and that makes it so much fun cause i control where i go and for how long. people in my dreams are always impressed too, so it boosts my subconcious ego as well.
2009.05.15 at 11:17 am #21023
AnonymousSpectatoryou guys are funny
I don’t fly in my dreams..I see things -
2009.05.15 at 11:23 am #21024
AnonymousSpectator😆 you guys are funny
I don’t fly in my dreams..I see things[/quote:21vdtqb1] -
2009.05.15 at 11:25 am #21025
AnonymousSpectatoryeah shhh is right!
and I don’t see that guy in my dreams -
2009.05.15 at 11:26 am #21026
amnesiaSpectatorThere is one thing that im good at in dreamland, and thats finding people.
I can find anyone and anybody in my dreams, werid, is it not. -
2009.05.15 at 11:29 am #21027
AnonymousSpectatorthat is very weird! but cool
I should go back to sleep and dream
but I too awake -
2009.05.15 at 9:41 pm #21028
blueczarinaSpectatorawesomeo you guys ever think when you feeling like your dream. flying ones are the best!
i have a reoccuring one that i can levitate. it’s always pretty lucid, and that makes it so much fun cause i control where i go and for how long. people in my dreams are always impressed too, so it boosts my subconcious ego as well.
i love that subconcious ego part.
do you guys ever think that when you are floating like that it might some kind of out of body thing? i know you hear about that sometimes. i think Billy even mentions it in his confessions.
2009.05.15 at 9:45 pm #21029
AnonymousSpectatorhell yeah it has to be. I mean when you can feel like you are in that place in your dream why wouldn’t it be an outer body experience? especially when some of those things occur later on down the road outside of the dream world
2009.05.16 at 12:44 pm #21030
last_rose_of_summerSpectatorthe other night i had a dream that i was an invisible vampire but there was a dog that could see me and he wanted to attack me. he would always growl and show his teeth and since no one could see me they didn’t know what the hell was going on with the dog. but if he tried to bite me he went through me like i was a ghost. but i could touch him. i would grab his ears and wiggle them back and forth and it only pissed him off more. crazy dream!
2009.05.16 at 12:58 pm #21031
blueczarinaSpectatorthat’s an interesting one Rose
last night i couldn’t sleep, so i’m not sure if i dreamed much.
2009.05.16 at 2:27 pm #21032
AnonymousSpectatorhmmm…good thing it was only a dream
2009.07.29 at 6:08 pm #21033
AnonymousSpectatorI had a dream that had an alligator in it and it was a pet, not my pet though. So I looked up the meaning for having that in a dream and it’s like a warning of some sort
and other things within the several dreams I had last night seem to keep pointing at warnings
wtf I wish I could figure it out, I have my speculations, but are they valid -
2009.07.29 at 7:55 pm #21034
last_rose_of_summerSpectatori need to look up what it means to dream about deer and a deer attacking you, i dreamed that the other night.
oh and something really weird, i had a dream with my mother-in-law’s ex husband in it, and then the next day he called her! and they don’t even talk anymore.
but i think i should start keeping a dream journal. going back and reading my previous post was kinda neat. i forgot about that dream, but when i read that it made me remember it again.
2009.07.29 at 11:53 pm #21035
AnonymousSpectatorI guess that was a dream to let you know he would be coming into the day somehow (your mother in law’s ex)
not figuring out that whole deer dream…where were you in the dream? who was around in the dream?
lol..that can help decipher some things within the dream -
2009.07.30 at 12:08 am #21036
last_rose_of_summerSpectatorit was really weird… i was in my parents front yard and there were deer running around the neighborhood and someone was shooting at them but they always missed, then one of the deer started running towards me and tried to use me as a punching bag with its front hooves
crazy dream!
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