- This topic has 135 replies, 18,224 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 6 months ago by
2008.07.04 at 1:25 am #551
blueczarinaSpectatorJuly 03, 2008 – More info on the tour in August
As previously reported, The Smashing Pumpkins will be heading out on the road in the United States for a few weeks this August.
The last tour of the U.S. by the band consisted of mostly larger venues. This tour will prominently be booked in smaller venues across the country. Cities that they have not played since reforming will be on the route. Smaller venues means less tickets, and tickets will most likely go very quickly. Keep your eyes peeled!
Dates and cities are still forthcoming but will be revealed ANY MINUTE.
***Correction: These shows should not be considered part of the 20th anniversary shows that will be occurring later this year.
2008.07.04 at 1:26 am #18576
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorso excited so excited so excited, i am so excited.
oh man i need money now!!!!!
2008.07.04 at 2:58 am #18577
2008.07.04 at 3:21 pm #18578
MarcellaSpectatorThat is neat! (I never say that word, you guys are getting inside my mind
If they go to Texas I might as well be able to catch one….in my wildest dreams -_-.
2008.07.07 at 6:02 am #18579
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.07.07 at 7:59 am #18580
*conjures up memory of billy calling pisces iscariot a cashcow record*
c’mon billy. wtf. i know i’m supposed to be excited about this, but i’m not. new material. new material. new material.
fuck the gish tour. fuck this too.
although, ty for posting, blue.
2008.07.07 at 1:45 pm #18581
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatornot excited, i am so excited. i bet they will be doing new matieral at the august shows. cause the single will come out in september. and i can’t wait to see where they are going to be, i want to go see the small shows in august and the big shows in november. i am so gonna ask for money for my birthday, and i never ask for gifts, but i am asking for money so i can go and see them. i might have to get a part time job just to pay for all the new stuff. on top of my regular job.
2008.07.07 at 9:35 pm #18582
blueczarinaSpectatori want new stuff too. but it could be a nice opportunity to hear the old stuff for younger or newer fans or nostaligic ones- although it won’t be quite the same as it was.
i think i’m going to have to set some cash aside though for all of the new SP stuff coming at the end of the year though. there are lots of goodies to come.
2008.07.08 at 11:33 am #18583
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoras most may know the first date of the august shows has been posted.
i hope they post more dates soon so that i can plan on whether or not to try and go to this one.
is anyone else planning on going to this one? i am gonna try if i can get the gas $ together. i might rent a car, one with good gas mileage from enterprise, it is 1/2 price on weekends.
and hey it is at a casino, nice. i love the nickle slots.
2008.07.09 at 8:58 am #18584
AnonymousSpectatorI hope you can make it to the show, bullett.
My friend’s a 4-hour drive from The Venue and can’t decide whether to travel for it.
He drove for 3 to last year’s Ohio show, so hopefully he’ll be at the above one and take some pics, etc.
2008.07.09 at 12:35 pm #18585
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori am thinking maybe for me. i an catch a ride with someone, so that would be awesome, but even with 1/2 the gas money and the ticket prices, i don’t know if i can afford it, not that it is not worth it, but gas is getting pretty expensive, and that is a long ass drive.
i hope to have a more def answer soon.
2008.07.09 at 3:01 pm #18586
AnonymousSpectatorYes Bullet I am waiting for new listings of dates to see if one is closer too.
I could go but is it worth it to spend all that $$ when there could be more dates listed soon?
I’m thinking a midwest tour, nothing too far for them, but ya never know.
Maybe they will do a casino by my house..Turtle Lake Casino in Wisconsinit’s 21+ unlike the ones in Minnesota-no drinking and 18+
I wish they would just post a few more dates. -
2008.07.09 at 3:05 pm #18587
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryes more dates would be great
is that the start of a poem? wait no crying, hummm.
2008.07.09 at 3:10 pm #18588
AnonymousSpectatoryes more dates would be great
is that the start of a poem? wait no crying, hummm.[/quote:si63h3pn]
why yes Bullet it isyes more dates would be great
so don’t be late and become Billy’s bait -
2008.07.09 at 3:11 pm #18589
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryes more dates would be great
so don’t be late and become Billy’s bait
or you will cry and be very shy?how is that?
2008.07.09 at 3:18 pm #18590
AnonymousSpectatoryes more dates would be great
so don’t be late and become Billy’s bait
or you will cry and be very shy?how is that?[/quote:3ok1hefg]
yes more dates would be great
so don’t be late and become Billy’s bait
or you will cry and be very shy?
try to be sly
do not catch Billy’s eye
while listening to? -
2008.07.09 at 4:53 pm #18591
blueczarinaSpectatormore crybaby poems i see
2008.07.09 at 5:52 pm #18592
MarcellaSpectatorThey totally got to me
2008.07.09 at 6:08 pm #18593
blueczarinaSpectatori know. it brings tears to my eyes too.
crybaby syndrome must be spreading like an epidemic across the forum.
2008.07.09 at 6:49 pm #18594
ArthurSpectatori know. it brings tears to my eyes too.
crybaby syndrome must be spreading like an epidemic across the forum.
Blame me for that. On April 2nd I wrote here on the forum somewhere: "Who are you, tormented souls? What are you, rockinâ crybabies?". You guys took a while however to pick it up. -
2008.07.09 at 6:52 pm #18595
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.07.09 at 7:05 pm #18596
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori love you arthur, but only in the friend way,
i am gonna make an acronym for that
that will work.
2008.07.09 at 7:15 pm #18597
ArthurSpectatori love you arthur, but only in the friend way[/quote:s8iz3nev]
You said that so many times now on the forum, my girlfriend doesn’t believe it anymore. She asks if we are the FM Brokeback Mountain couple. I told her "yeah maybe, but we didn’t get paid like those actors". I’m not sure if she can handle this joke properly, let’s see the next few days… Women tend to return to nasty things on very awkward moments. -
2008.07.09 at 7:21 pm #18598
blueczarinaSpectatoryou get into a lot of trouble here don’t you Arthur.
2008.07.09 at 7:29 pm #18599
ArthurSpectatoryou get into a lot of trouble here don’t you Arthur.
Yeah actually I do… And it’s always the women that bring me into trouble!Who should I ban then, my girlfriend, or my "lover in a friendly way" bullet? It breaks my heart to choose…
2008.07.09 at 7:32 pm #18600
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.07.09 at 8:23 pm #18601
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryou get into a lot of trouble here don’t you Arthur.
Yeah actually I do… And it’s always the women that bring me into trouble!Who should I ban then, my girlfriend, or my "lover in a friendly way" bullet? It breaks my heart to choose…[/quote:242xmwsr]
ok ok, i will stop saying it jeeze, what should i say, wow arthur you don’t suck ass. i think that will be my new line for people i like, wow you don’t suck ass. has a nice ring to it. and if i only kinda like them i will say, wow you don’t suck ass all the time.
2008.07.09 at 8:24 pm #18602
blueczarinaSpectatorwow, that would be funny.
2008.07.09 at 8:31 pm #18603
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori am going to do it. i have already started. go and see. oh and czarina, you don’t suck ass.
2008.07.09 at 8:36 pm #18604
blueczarinaSpectatorawww, thank you bullet. and you don’t suck ass either.
2008.07.09 at 8:37 pm #18605
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori might tear up.
2008.07.09 at 8:39 pm #18606
blueczarinaSpectatori know.
more crybaby.
2008.07.09 at 9:51 pm #18607
ArthurSpectator -
2008.07.09 at 10:23 pm #18608
blueczarinaSpectatoryeah, you would have to walk on water to get there Arthur.
2008.07.09 at 11:12 pm #18609
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatormaybe billy can touch you and you may get special powers.
2008.07.09 at 11:22 pm #18610
blueczarinaSpectatortrue, i have it on good authority from a certain Veronica that he is God.
2008.07.10 at 4:47 pm #18611
AnonymousSpectatoroh sure Arthur blame the women…
Although if I do some deep thinking I could say we are the evil ones of this world, but then I could say that about men too…(my hubby says women are f****ed up when you can have aunt flow visit for a week straight and not die nasty schmasty-sorry (at least I have more than the same thought every 2 minutes like ya’ll men do- )
oh gotta love deep thoughts -
2008.07.15 at 4:21 am #18612
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorKENTUCKY, THEY ARE COMING TO KENTUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, i am soooooooooo excited, this is the best news since forever and a day. now to get the money, i wonder how much it will be? i hope it is not to expensive, cause i am so gonna have to borrow money.
2008.07.15 at 5:43 am #18613
blueczarinaSpectatoranybody looking for a way to fund your cross country trip to see the SP- you could always take a page out of this guys book.
http://cgi.ebay.com/Smashing-Pumpkins-C … .m14.l1318
he even thanks the people by \"name\" who have contributed to his vacation money.
2008.07.15 at 2:02 pm #18614
AnonymousSpectatorI wonder where his vacation is taking him? To the US for a Smashing Pumpkins gig.
It’s a good idea he’s got going there. But I wouldn’t be sellin’ my SP goodies. not that I have any worth sellin..no fancy stuffnot yet
2008.07.16 at 2:49 am #18615
blueczarinaSpectatori would sell my kidneys before i would sell my SP goodies.
2008.07.16 at 6:37 pm #18616
ArthurSpectatorMessage from our German friends on MySpace:
Apropos Tour… Duran Duran Bassist John Taylor hat der dänischen Zeitung \"Fyens Stiftstidende\" in einem Interview verraten, dass Duran Duran im Herbst mit den Pumpkins auf Tour gehen werden: \"This fall we’ll go to America where we will go on tour with the Smashing Pumpkins – it’ll be fun.\"Now go Babelfish that!
2008.07.16 at 6:41 pm #18617
blueczarinaSpectatoris this about that Duran Duran possible tour thing?
personally, i think that would be a weird combo.
2008.07.16 at 6:42 pm #18618
ArthurSpectatorTribute to… or Tribute with… ?
2008.07.16 at 6:45 pm #18619
blueczarinaSpectatorTribute to… or Tribute with… ?
huh, its a tribute? i can’t read German. on thepumpkins.net though they have a thread with a rumor that they will be doing a concert together.
2008.07.16 at 7:17 pm #18620
ArthurSpectatorOn there it might be a rumour, here is the fact, presuming the German Pumpkins fans quote correctly. Let me translate for you.
Duran Duran bass player John Taylor told the Danish newspaper \"Fyens Stiftstidende\" in an interview, that Duran Duran will tour with the Pumpkins: \"This fall we’ll go to America where we will go on tour with the Smashing Pumpkins – it’ll be fun.\"
So, here’s my litle quick and dirty research to check if it’s true:
\"Fyens Stiftstidende is a daily newspaper in Denmark and has a circulation, primarily on Funen, of approximately 60,000 on weekdays and 80,000 on weekends. Until 1841 it was known as \"Kongelig Priviligerede Odense Adresse-Contoirs Efterretninger\". On April 13, 1993 the newspaper changed its 221 year-old tradition as a mid-day newspaper, to a morning paper.\" (Wikipedia)
So the newspaper exists. They have a website also: http://www.fyens.dk/
And indeed, there is a interview with Duran Duran, published on 20-06-2008:
http://www.fyens.dk/article/1018259:Mus … ohn-Taylor
And here you go, deep down in the article, at the end:
Til sidst: Er der noget nyt på vej fra Duran Duran?
– Det ved jeg ikke. Til efterÃ¥ret tager vi til Amerika, hvor vi skal pÃ¥ tour med Smashing Pumpkins – det bliver skægt. SÃ¥ vi skal bruge en del tid pÃ¥ landevejen. NÃ¥r vi er færdige, sÃ¥ mÃ¥ vi se, hvor vi stÃ¥r.
And of course undersigned can read Danish (*). This means:
As last thing: Is there any news from Duran Duran?
– I don’t know. This fall we travel to USA, where we are going on tour with Smashing Pumpkins – It’s going to be awesome. So we are going to spend a lot of time on the highways. When we are done, we will see where we stand.
(*) Actually I can’t. 1 of the boardmembers helped me out, and hugs to you! You know who you are!
2008.07.16 at 7:27 pm #18621
i don’t like Duran Duran though. it seems like a weird combo- 80s pop and alt rock.
2008.07.16 at 7:31 pm #18622
amnesiaSpectatorI dont mind Duran Duran tbh.They done a few goddies.
2008.07.16 at 7:48 pm #18623
blueczarinaSpectatorthey’re not my cup of tea, but i guess they must be popular with some folks.
i haven’t listened to them much though- i’m ok with that though.
2008.07.16 at 11:57 pm #18624
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryou know what i am hungry like the wolf.
2008.07.17 at 2:12 am #18625
blueczarinaSpectatoryou know what i am hungry like the wolf.
2008.07.17 at 2:28 am #18626
AnonymousSpectatorI watched a Duran Duran concert on HDTV a while back…They aren’t that bad. It’s tolerable that’s for sure. Get ya good and ready for SP
It would draw an older crowd I bet. -
2008.07.17 at 2:39 am #18627
blueczarinaSpectatorIt would draw an older crowd I bet.[/quote:1o5jxgxo]
what? this kind
2008.07.17 at 1:24 pm #18628
Yup those kind! That was terrible to look at lol -
2008.07.17 at 1:29 pm #18629
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorlmao, omg dude, that is tooooooooo funny. thanks for apoligizing to my eyes, they needed it.
2008.07.17 at 6:30 pm #18630
blueczarinaSpectatorlmao, omg dude, that is tooooooooo funny. thanks for apoligizing to my eyes, they needed it.[/quote:zf3ydrum]
i figured i best apologize to you guys for subjecting you to this one.
2008.07.17 at 9:35 pm #18631
AnonymousSpectatorAt some point in my life, I must own one of those far-right Super-strength Wristbands.
You could soak up a River or two with that baby.
2008.07.17 at 9:36 pm #18632
2008.07.17 at 9:40 pm #18633
ArthurSpectator4 guys, 2 girls… sooooo Orgy Eighties. Been there, done that, moved on.
2008.07.17 at 9:42 pm #18634
AnonymousSpectatorYou had orgies with 4 guys and 2 girls, in the 80s?
2008.07.17 at 9:50 pm #18635
ArthurSpectatorYou had orgies with 4 guys and 2 girls, in the 80s?
Maybe, I don’t know. There was too much weed and things in the cheese fondue to count the exact numbers… -
2008.07.18 at 12:11 am #18636
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorarthur, have you been tipping back the bottle too?
orgies in the 80’s, did everyone have big hair?
2008.07.18 at 3:27 am #18637
blueczarinaSpectatorwow Arthur- 4 guys, huh.
it sounds like some of you guys have been doing this
2008.07.18 at 9:18 pm #18638
AnonymousSpectatorwow Arthur- 4 guys, huh.
it sounds like some of you guys have been doing this
love how the smiley licks his lips..lol
Well 4 guys makes ya thirsty I guess..drink on boys -
2008.07.18 at 9:21 pm #18639
blueczarinaSpectatorwow Arthur- 4 guys, huh.
it sounds like some of you guys have been doing this
love how the smiley licks his lips..lol
Well 4 guys makes ya thirsty I guess..drink on boys[/quote:1vm89udy]OMG
ohh, this site today, i swear. *shakes head*
2008.07.18 at 9:36 pm #18640
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatordid everyone get masked stick wielding netphorians over at thier houses too?
2008.07.18 at 9:41 pm #18641
blueczarinaSpectatordid everyone get masked stick wielding netphorians over at thier houses too?[/quote:9i4k2k6k]
its looking like it.
2008.07.19 at 4:03 pm #18642
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorlast rose should be getting the tickets now.
2008.07.19 at 8:51 pm #18643
ArthurSpectatorFrom sp.com, the whole August 2008 Tour:
August 08, 2008 – Adler Theatre – Davenport, IA
August 09, 2008 – The Venue – Hammond, IN
August 12, 2008 – Palace Theatre – Louisville, KY
August 13, 2008 – Tennessee Theatre – Knoxville, TN
August 15, 2008 – Ovens Auditorium – Charlotte, NC
August 16, 2008 – Charlottesville Pavillion – Charlottsville, VA
August 19, 2008 – Mizner Park Amphitheatre – Boca Raton, FL
August 20, 2008 – Ruth Eckerd Hall – Clearwater, FLI wonder if we will see Ginger, Lisa and Jeff back…
2008.07.19 at 8:58 pm #18644
PipokaSpectatorI wonder if we will see Ginger, Lisa and Jeff back…
why do you say that?
2008.07.19 at 9:17 pm #18645
ArthurSpectatorI tried to find back the old article @ sp.com, but after a few pages, it gave an error like \"There was a problem getting the items! XML error: Invalid character at line 1\". So I didn’t check any further. But I remember Billy saying that the form and shapes of the band might change in the future, like a band of 10 people. So I’m hoping the 3 new tourmembers will be back too, because I think they rock well!
2008.07.19 at 10:10 pm #18646
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryeah i think they do too, i was watching the dvd i got from monte and jeff can burn it up on a guitar.
2008.07.19 at 11:06 pm #18647
PipokaSpectatoryes i like them too
let’s see…
2008.07.19 at 11:13 pm #18648
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwell reggae will be the first to know, she is going to the davenport concert. so let us know reggae
2008.07.20 at 5:13 am #18649
AnonymousSpectatorOh yes! most definitely will fill you in on the details.
I am excited! Oh and Arthur I was having problems like that too one day on sp.com looking up some old blog.
I just hope I don’t have big heads in my way-that drives me CRAZY! -
2008.08.04 at 8:11 pm #18650
ArthurSpectatorOh yes! most definitely will fill you in on the details.[/quote:2wh16x28]
Be prepared for some treats!Freshly copied from sp.com:
"The band has confirmed that they are practicing 9 songs that their current incarnation haven’t played before."
2008.08.04 at 9:10 pm #18651
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoroh, i am so excited.
2008.08.05 at 12:00 am #18652
AnonymousSpectatorOH YES! I was so happy when I read that! I can’t wait to hear the new music
And it’s in 4 days and they changed the website look…and and I am just an SPfreak -
2008.08.05 at 12:33 am #18653
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori love the new look, it is so trippy, my favorite. and lookie here what they posted no opening act.
August 04, 2008 – August tour to be ‘An Evening with The Smashing Pumpkins’
SP.com can now confirm that there will not be a support act for the upcoming listed dates for August.
The upcoming tour dates will be billed as \"An evening with The Smashing Pumpkins.\"
2008.08.05 at 6:51 am #18654
blueczarinaSpectatori love that poster. i hope they end up on ebay.
2008.08.05 at 1:29 pm #18655
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori hope i get one, or it ends up on ebay, cause that is cooler than cool.
2008.08.05 at 6:07 pm #18656
blueczarinaSpectatorthe new poster is by Linda Strawberry and it looks like the new poster will be on sell at the shows- lucky bums.
i’m sure they will end up on ebay though- i need one of those.
2008.08.05 at 6:28 pm #18657
amnesiaSpectatorthe new poster is by Linda Strawberry and it looks like the new poster will be on sell at the shows- lucky bums.
i’m sure they will end up on ebay though- i need one of those.
http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea … =421194832[/quote:zfoslvad]
Wow,that poster looks damn nice.Nice find Blue
2008.08.05 at 6:44 pm #18658
blueczarinaSpectatorit is an awesome poster. i wonder if the art for glow or the new album stuff will be like this.
2008.08.05 at 6:52 pm #18659
PipokaSpectatorI love the poster too.
The black birds remind me of crows, ravens, rooks (i checked these on the dictionary don’t know wich of them do you use) and the one wich is looking to the girl is kinda scary….but i really like it too
2008.08.05 at 6:52 pm #18660
PipokaSpectator* double post *
2008.08.05 at 7:52 pm #18661
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori think they are crows, i want a crow, you can teach them to talk i think. and i was reading over on the comments for the poster that 4 crows represent birth. huh, just something to think about.
oh and someone said that they thought linda strawberry drew it, dunno if that is true or not.
2008.08.05 at 7:58 pm #18662
blueczarinaSpectatoryup, its true. i posted Linda Strawberry’s blog about it above.
2008.08.05 at 8:04 pm #18663
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorah, see reggae’s fast reading rubbed off on me, i am not with it today.
2008.08.05 at 8:05 pm #18664
blueczarinaSpectatorah, see reggae’s fast reading rubbed off on me, i am not with it today.[/quote:17tutyec]
hehe, thats ok
2008.08.05 at 8:07 pm #18665
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorok, good, i am glad you all look over my retardedness.
2008.08.05 at 8:08 pm #18666
blueczarinaSpectatorits ok. i miss stuff too. plus, i’m out of it too. i’ve been sick all morning.
2008.08.05 at 9:19 pm #18667
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorplus i try to block out all things linda strawberry, so that might be why, but even though i am not down with her, i do like her poster. very nice.
2008.08.06 at 12:22 am #18668
blueczarinaSpectatorplus i try to block out all things linda strawberry, so that might be why, but even though i am not down with her, i do like her poster. very nice.[/quote:35agk31x]
yeah, shes a little weird, but love the poster.
2008.08.06 at 3:50 am #18669
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatora little wierd, are you kidding?
but anyways, that is a super cool poster.
2008.08.06 at 3:57 am #18670
blueczarinaSpectatora little wierd, are you kidding?
but anyways, that is a super cool poster.[/quote:29l9gmjj]
ok, she’s a lot of weird
, but yes, great poster
2008.08.06 at 10:45 am #18671
PipokaSpectatorwhy do you say she’s weird ?
anyway, i always heard storys when i was a child that told crows are related to death.
i checked on wikipedia\"Crows, and especially ravens, often feature in European legends or mythology as portents or harbingers of doom or death, because of their dark plumage, unnerving calls, and tendency to eat carrion. They are commonly thought to circle above scenes of death such as battles.\"
i think that’s why i don’t like them at all. i remember a cousin telling me a story that creep me out when i was little. maybe i just have some child trauma…
2008.08.06 at 12:37 pm #18672
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryeah, i have also seen that in alot of stories, but i just think they are neat.
2008.08.06 at 1:14 pm #18673
AnonymousSpectatorWell when you have like 100 crows cawing in a tree all day it annoying, but it’s cool to see them all. And no they weren’t in my tree-Thank God!!
2008.08.06 at 1:59 pm #18674
PipokaSpectator -
2008.08.06 at 7:14 pm #18675
ArthurSpectatorFinally some pics again from our rocking heroes…
2008.08.06 at 7:36 pm #18676
blueczarinaSpectatordamn, it looks like a warehouse full of music equipment. i guess they don’t travel light.
2008.08.06 at 7:43 pm #18677
PipokaSpectatornice pictures!
2008.08.06 at 8:00 pm #18678
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorginger is so small and cute, that amp is almost bigger than her.
i can’t wait to see them.
2008.08.06 at 10:36 pm #18679
AnonymousSpectatorThis is really exciting!!
2008.08.06 at 10:42 pm #18680
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorshit it is only a couple of days away, i just can not wait. ahhh!!!!
2008.08.07 at 1:38 pm #18681
AnonymousSpectatorI feel like I am going to get sick. I have butterflies like NEVER before!
I leave tomorrow to see the show TOMORROW!!! -
2008.08.07 at 1:56 pm #18682
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori know for you it is tomarow!!!!
oh man are you gonna tell us everything as soon as you get back?
2008.08.07 at 3:13 pm #18683
AnonymousSpectatorYes I will tell all. And post pics!
Saturday when I get back…
I just want to SCREAM I am so happy -
2008.08.07 at 10:26 pm #18684
MarcellaSpectatorRock your ass off, Reggae!
2008.08.08 at 11:15 am #18685
AnonymousSpectatorI will
Just wanted to say
Hell Yeah!!!babye spfreaks..
until tomorrow
this SPfreak is on her way -
2008.08.08 at 11:35 am #18686
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorAugust 07, 2008 – Full production rehearsal currently in progress
The recently-outed Smashing Pumpkins Media Militia would like to announce that the 2 remaining semis of gear (lights and audio) arrived in Davenport last night and the crew burnt the midnight oil setting up the front of house PA and lighting rig.
The band rehearsals have now stepped up a notch and they are now into their first full-blown production rehearsal.
Various fans have started to mill around outside and the buzz is definitely in the air.
The band is rocking so hard that \"the ceiling is fucking falling down\" and the band has taken a slight break. Indeed
SP Media Militia Back Stage HQ
2008.08.08 at 11:46 am #18687
PipokaSpectatoroh i wanted to be there so much….
can’t wait to see the first videos on youtube -
2008.08.08 at 11:51 am #18688
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori hope some will be up tonight, or at least in the morning. if anyone finds some good ones post them here.
2008.08.08 at 4:18 pm #18689
MarcellaSpectatorSome vids (especially those of any new material) are most probably going to be available tomorrow or late in the night. I can hardly wait!
2008.08.08 at 8:51 pm #18690
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorhere are new pics from davenport
2008.08.08 at 11:24 pm #18691
PipokaSpectatorthe \"lisa in rainbows\" pic is amazing!
i love her hairstylesad it hasn’t a close up picture of ginger.
the blue lights look really amazing
2008.08.08 at 11:31 pm #18692
The rehearsal video!
Billy look’s like a 6 year old happy boy with that hat… so cute -
2008.08.09 at 1:44 am #18693
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori am gonna watch it in a minute
2008.08.11 at 9:12 pm #18694
2008.08.11 at 10:27 pm #18695
blueczarinaSpectatori want one of those so bad.
thats the neatest poster.
2008.08.12 at 12:43 pm #18696
AnonymousSpectatorOk if any one wants to see my pics from the Davenport show here is the link
http://www.flickr.com/photos/29543855@N … 688167559/
2008.08.12 at 12:58 pm #18697
amnesiaSpectatori want one of those so bad.
thats the neatest poster.
I can only agree
2008.08.12 at 7:42 pm #18698
blueczarinaSpectatorthose posters better end up on ebay or the sp.com store
or i will come down with a case of mellon collie
cool pics reggae
2008.08.12 at 8:31 pm #18699
amnesiaSpectatorthose posters better end up on ebay or the sp.com store
or i will come down with a case of mellon collie
cool pics reggae
Seems we are going to have nother duel if that poster shows up on Ebay
Its ok.Im not really collecting posters,ill just grab one later on (if they show up again) -
2008.08.12 at 8:35 pm #18700
ArthurSpectatorOr watch the pics here in our SPfreaks Collection every now and then…
2008.08.12 at 8:37 pm #18701
blueczarinaSpectatori really like the posters myself. i have too many posters though- SP and otherwise, but i need that one.
2008.08.12 at 8:40 pm #18702
blueczarinaSpectatoryou lucky bum, you have one?
2008.08.12 at 8:47 pm #18703
ArthurSpectatoryou lucky bum, you have one?
Of course, Billy always sends a few test pressings to me to hear my approval. He does that since The Marked era. Now, finally, you know the secret to my huge collection. -
2008.08.12 at 8:50 pm #18704
amnesiaSpectatoryou lucky bum, you have one?
Of course, Billy always sends a few test pressings to me to hear my approval. He does that since The Marked era. Now, finally, you know the secret to my huge collection.[/quote:2ccrdlzb]
Shit.I thought i was the only one.I think i need to pull billy´s ears now.
2008.08.12 at 8:50 pm #18705
blueczarinaSpectatoryour silly
2008.08.12 at 9:56 pm #18706
AnonymousSpectatorOk I am confused..He really sent you one or I am just being pulled by a very long chain….
Damn wish he would send me one. Linda could even send me one. I was at the show and didn’t buy one cuz I didn’t want to wait in line..show was starting- -
2008.08.12 at 10:05 pm #18707
ArthurSpectatorHe really sent you one[/quote:jr2cei4y]
On average he sends me around 3 when it comes to concert – and other promo posters. Test pressings for cds and singles, only 1 of course. Sometimes I PayPal him a few bucks for shipment.Hey, kidding! I wish it was true! Fact is, I’m buying my stuffs from the same places as you guys…
2008.08.12 at 10:11 pm #18708
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorFact is, I’m buying my stuffs from the same places as you guys…
Oh, so you personally know Jimmy as well?
2008.08.12 at 11:41 pm #18709
MarcellaSpectator -
2008.08.13 at 5:10 am #18710
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