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    • #1780


      off to see Smashing Pumpkins tomorrow! \\m/
      and again in Chicago 8)
      – and will be seeing these other bands/artists: Paper Route, Deftones, Silversun Pickups, possibly Neil Young, and the amazing Jack White. 8)

      also visiting my sister in Vancouver, and seeing some National Parks – photos when I get back!

    • #46281


      have a good time!


    • #46282


      SP were pretty awesome last night! I was pretty much right in front of Billy so I had a great view of them all playing. Posted photos on twitter but not sure how to post them here from my iPod – but will at some point :)

    • #46283


      And Chicago was even more awesome! Especially meeting new friends and old :)
      Staying here another 4 nights at a backpackers place near Lincoln Park Zoo – visited the zoo today and saw amongst other creatures, a snow leopard, a Fennec Fox (adorable!), and a few birds and animals which only have a few hundred left in the wild – would have let all the animals free but they are safer in the zoo at least! :?

    • #46284


      Other highlights:

      * cycling around Yosemite Valley
      * Field Museum in Chicago – really good exhibits on ancient american civilisations – so much to see and not enough time!
      * Night tour in New Orleans \"Witches, Voodoo, Ghosts and Vampires\" by a guy with a walking staff topped by a voodoo doll of Snoop Dogg :?: :lol:
      * a minerals museum and small town charm in Marion, Kentucky
      * visit to Third Man Records in Nashville
      * monorail, market and waterfront in Seattle
      * ferry to Vancouver Island
      * Cathedral Grove (trees of 300-800 years old) on Vancouver Island
      * Green Festival in San Francisco

      photos at some point :P

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