- This topic has 282 replies, 24,538 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 3 months ago by
2008.07.05 at 11:40 am #555
last_rose_of_summerSpectatorDunno what you guys think of this,but what about having our own chat room on mirc ? So we can hang out there and talk.i know we doing good as it is,but would also be nice with our on channel so we could hang out 24/7.Whenever we got time,we could hang out there.Is it a good or bad idea ?
2008.07.05 at 11:46 am #18750
ArthurSpectatorThere is already a chatroom, mayonaise!
I sometimes meet up with people there, we set a time by email or PM from here and then we start chatting. I think for bigger groups we should publish some chat times here, by request of a certain individual member? Like \"hi, for the next 2 hours I’m available to chat, who joins?\". I don’t know, just a suggestion…
2008.07.05 at 12:18 pm #18751
amnesiaSpectatorOhh.Roger that.I need to open my eyes more offen and check our main site,my bad
2008.07.05 at 12:24 pm #18752
amnesiaSpectatorForgot to add.Im in the chat room now,probo gonna stay there,my PC is on all day,even im not using it.Drop by,seems im the only there
2008.07.05 at 1:53 pm #18753
ArthurSpectatorI’m in too now mayonaise. I’m Soma.
2008.07.05 at 2:52 pm #18754
amnesiaSpectatorI’m in too now mayonaise. I’m Soma.
Yeah,i notice,but was away.But anyway im still there
2008.07.05 at 2:58 pm #18755
blueczarinaSpectatorbullet and me use bluebullet and the rest of the forum for chatting
2008.07.05 at 3:06 pm #18756
ArthurSpectatorbullet and me use bluebullet and the rest of the forum for chatting
Ow? Really? I hardly noticed… -
2008.07.05 at 3:08 pm #18757
amnesiaSpectatorbullet and me use bluebullet and the rest of the forum for chatting
Come on in Blueczarina.Arthur and me are in the channel.
2008.07.05 at 3:11 pm #18758
ArthurSpectatorCome on in Blueczarina.Arthur and me are in the channel.
Yup we are! -
2008.07.05 at 3:27 pm #18759
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori still haven’t gottenit to work for me. i need to try again, cause i like to chat with people.
2008.07.05 at 3:29 pm #18760
amnesiaSpectatori still haven’t gottenit to work for me. i need to try again, cause i like to chat with people.[/quote:32ueqgkx]
I can help you set it up if you like ? I only use mirc for chatting in general
2008.07.05 at 3:32 pm #18761
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwhat is that?
2008.07.05 at 3:38 pm #18762
blueczarinaSpectatori can’t chat exactly, because i’m at work now and i sometimes have to go register a patient. it does work for me though, its just no one is ever in it.
2008.07.05 at 3:39 pm #18763
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorit says that the cirtificate is expired, or maybe i am doing it wrong, i don’t know. is it my firewall or something?
oh i am no good at computer stuff.
2008.07.05 at 3:46 pm #18764
blueczarinaSpectatori suck at computer stuff too. so i’m not much help.
2008.07.05 at 3:46 pm #18765
amnesiaSpectatori can’t chat exactly, because i’m at work now and i sometimes have to go register a patient. it does work for me though, its just no one is ever in it.
But when you get home from work you can
2008.07.05 at 3:47 pm #18766
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorhow do i get it to work for me?
is there another place i can go?
when i log in it says connect in the top left hand corner.
2008.07.05 at 3:48 pm #18767
amnesiaSpectatorit says that the cirtificate is expired, or maybe i am doing it wrong, i don’t know. is it my firewall or something?
oh i am no good at computer stuff.[/quote:2w6llobn]
I can turn my PC on and off,thats about it.You dont need to be a expert for mirc.But i got a registret copy of mirc i can share.Ready to use.Ill set it up. Just let me know pls
2008.07.05 at 3:49 pm #18768
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorok, how do we do that?
2008.07.05 at 3:55 pm #18769
MarcellaSpectatorIt crashed my PC. I’m scared to go in now
2008.07.05 at 3:57 pm #18770
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorcrashed it? oh no.
i can use the one over at the pumpkins.net fine, why won’t ours work for me?
2008.07.05 at 4:03 pm #18771
amnesiaSpectatorok, how do we do that?[/quote:34g3c9f8]
Pm me with a nick you want to use and your mail adresse and then ill set it for you and mail it back
2008.07.05 at 4:03 pm #18772
ArthurSpectatorTsss, I have no idea why everyone is having issues… I have talked with quite a few people already in the chatroom, and now mayonaise is added to that list… What might be an issue is if your internet browsers can or can’t use JAVA? I have installed JAVA 6, package 6, if I’m right. I don’t know what the others are having? Please show the error screens here in the board, so we can help each other…
When you see the login screen, just type in a nick and hit enter, then you’re in. When JAVA needs to load for a while, you’ll see a symbol moving around. And then: chat!
2008.07.05 at 4:03 pm #18773
amnesiaSpectatorIt crashed my PC. I’m scared to go in now
Are you using a laptop Marcella ?
2008.07.05 at 4:11 pm #18774
MarcellaSpectatorYes, I am using a laptop. Does that have anything to do with it?
2008.07.05 at 4:21 pm #18775
ArthurSpectatorYes, I am using a laptop. Does that have anything to do with it?[/quote:30t5l9ls]
I guess not. I only wonder how it crashes on such a little page as the chatroom… What Operating System is on the laptop? What Internet Browser? What JAVA version? -
2008.07.05 at 4:25 pm #18776
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori still can’t get it to work. ahhhhhhhhhhhh
oh man. why why why won’t it work?
2008.07.05 at 4:29 pm #18777
amnesiaSpectatori still can’t get it to work. ahhhhhhhhhhhh
oh man. why why why won’t it work?[/quote:3uci7m1g]
Check your mail pls
2008.07.05 at 4:30 pm #18778
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorok, i will
2008.07.05 at 4:38 pm #18779
MarcellaSpectatorYes, I am using a laptop. Does that have anything to do with it?[/quote:1otatjpl]
I guess not. I only wonder how it crashes on such a little page as the chatroom… What Operating System is on the laptop? What Internet Browser? What JAVA version?[/quote:1otatjpl]I use Mozilla Firefox, and I’m not sure about my Java version, but I guess it must be a recent one seeing I’ve had no problems when browsing other sites that require Java.
2008.07.05 at 4:39 pm #18780
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori will have to check back on this all later. hopefully soon i can get into the chat rooms with no problem, and then we can all chat.
are weekends good for most of you?
2008.07.05 at 4:41 pm #18781
ArthurSpectatorI use Mozilla Firefox, and I’m not sure about my Java version, but I guess it must be a recent one seeing I’ve had no problems when browsing other sites that require Java.[/quote:ieyg85jr]
And what is the "crash" exactly? Can you post a screendump here? -
2008.07.05 at 4:44 pm #18782
amnesiaSpectatorI use Mozilla Firefox, and I’m not sure about my Java version, but I guess it must be a recent one seeing I’ve had no problems when browsing other sites that require Java.[/quote:3ewehe8t]
And what is the "crash" exactly? Can you post a screendump here?[/quote:3ewehe8t]Whats a screendump ?
2008.07.05 at 4:51 pm #18783
MarcellaSpectator^ It’s when you press the \"print screen\" button on your computer and then you can paste it on another program and show it. It’s like pressing \"copy\" and then \"paste\".
Basically once the chatroom starts my laptop freezes. Last time I had to restart it.
I’m going to try again.
2008.07.05 at 4:54 pm #18784
ArthurSpectatorWhats a screendump ?
To create a screendump, you use the Ctrl-key together with the PrtScn-key to create a pic of the actual screen that is in front of you. You can then paste that pic (also called a "printscreen") in Word, Paint, or other places that accept pics. I use Irfan View for that. -
2008.07.05 at 4:59 pm #18785
MarcellaSpectatorHere’s the link for it: http://i25.tinypic.com/2i1dxer.jpg .
Translated it says that the digital application of the chatroom has an error, and asks me if I want to execute it still. That’s when I click \"execute\" and CRASHHH.
2008.07.05 at 5:23 pm #18786
ArthurSpectatorLooks like you are running the Operating System called Windows Vista? Or Windows XP? Then it might be necessary to set some \"trusted sites\" and you might also try checkmarking \"Confiar siempre en el contenido de este editor\". I’m sure it means something like \"Always trust content of this provider\". And still I’m confused why it crashes on such a modern computer… Maybe because it’s Spanish? Guess not…
2008.07.05 at 6:16 pm #18787
MarcellaSpectatorIt finally works! Guess the problem was on Firefox…It works fairly well on IE. I feel very dumb now for not having thought of that before
2008.07.05 at 6:27 pm #18788
ArthurSpectatorUsers should also be aware of the following (copied from the homepage of http://chat.spfreaks.com/ ):
\"SPfreaks Chat can also be accessed though an IRC client on your computer. An example is mIRC, a populair Windows based IRC client. But also MAC or UNIX clients will do. (*)
The settings for your IRC client are:
-server: irc.spfreaks.com
-port: 6667
-room: #SPfreaksThe room is not listed in the roomlist for privacy reason. Just enter ‘/join #SPfreaks’ (without quotes) and you’re in…\"
I believe SPfreaks member mayonaise is an expert on mIRC, ask her…
2008.07.05 at 9:36 pm #18789
blueczarinaSpectatori think i could access it before, but it looks like i will have to check this all out when i get home just to make sure.
2008.07.06 at 10:59 am #18790
amnesiaSpectatorIm in the chat room.But there is only me
2008.07.06 at 11:09 am #18791
ArthurSpectatorNot anymore.
2008.07.06 at 2:58 pm #18792
amnesiaSpectatorCome on in ppl.So far only Arthur,Marcella and me has been in the chatroom.Drop by whenever you got time.Im there all day,coz my pc is on-line 24/7 coz of my work,not always im there,but my nick is in the channel unless my unstabil net decides to go down *sigh*.Go here http://chat.spfreaks.com/ and if that doesn´t work i can sort out the IRC client called Mirc,just lemme me now or ask Arthur.
2008.07.09 at 11:33 am #18793
amnesiaSpectatorCome on guys.Im all alone in the chat room.
2008.07.09 at 12:36 pm #18794
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori am not up that early, or i try not to be. and i am still working on getting the chat room to work.
2008.07.09 at 1:16 pm #18795
AnonymousSpectatorwell I just tried and either nobody is there or it doesn’t work. Everytime I get in, there is nothing there but anickname spot and a connect button and smileys…where do you type? Where does it list everyone? Or am in a secret chat room? lol
I have vista so that could explain everything…I hate windows vista -
2008.07.09 at 1:21 pm #18796
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorsee that is what i get, just the name, connect and smilies. nothing else, i have tried the other, but it didn’t go to well, i geuss i need to download that other program, but it is difficult trying to download things cause my husband doesn’t like it. even if it is not bad, or gonna infect the computer.
2008.07.09 at 1:56 pm #18797
AnonymousSpectatorWell this bites…good thing Microsoft gave us Vista with nothing else to go with it…lol
I uploaded the new Java as well and nothing…i’ll figue it out… -
2008.07.09 at 2:10 pm #18798
AnonymousSpectatorok so I went to IE and that is doing exactly what firefox does nothing
I even unblocked my settings per what it said and it’s not working
Vista is garbage!! I’ve had it since they introduced it-nothing, but problems -
2008.07.09 at 4:19 pm #18799
MarcellaSpectatorI have Vista and it works for me, but only in IE. Very strange =l. I do have to wait a long time before the space to type and the list of people load, though.
2008.07.09 at 4:24 pm #18800
amnesiaSpectatorI got this chat client called mirc for use if you wanna try.But dunno if it works with vista tbh
Just drop me a pm and i will set up a mirc. -
2008.07.09 at 6:24 pm #18801
ArthurSpectatorI have Vista and it works for me, but only in IE. Very strange =l. I do have to wait a long time before the space to type and the list of people load, though.[/quote:1hhmm84q]
Yeah I have that too most of the times. Don’t know why… Java loading, or server slow, I have no idea… -
2008.07.15 at 8:29 pm #18802
amnesiaSpectatorBilly is in our chat channel guys.Joins us,there is only him and me
2008.07.15 at 8:32 pm #18803
ArthurSpectatorOh yes I see! OMG!
My first chat with THE MAN himself!
2008.07.15 at 11:27 pm #18804
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorreally? if not don’ tease like that, i can’t get it to work for me.
2008.07.16 at 12:57 am #18805
AnonymousSpectatorThat is just notty Arthur..You know how all of us would be sad if we missed it because your chat room dislikes bullet and I. My pc bites
2008.07.16 at 2:31 am #18806
blueczarinaSpectator*cough* is this the same Billy you guys were getting those chat logs from awhile back
2008.10.02 at 2:10 pm #18807
ShannenSpectatorHow come I never see any of the regulars in the chatroom each time I’m there?
2008.10.02 at 3:12 pm #18808
AnonymousSpectatorsome of us on here have great pc’s, but apparently not good enough to have the chat room work. We have tried and tried and we are unlucky…
maybe I should try again…. -
2008.10.02 at 3:21 pm #18809
AnonymousSpectatorno such luck…
There has to be a way. I am just not figuring out what part of my pc won’t allow the chat room to fully load.
I get it up but can’t post anything there. -
2008.10.02 at 3:34 pm #18810
ShannenSpectatorTry to use firefox instead of IE
2008.10.02 at 4:55 pm #18811
AnonymousSpectatoractually I am on firefox and IE doesn’t work for me either. I will eventually figure this out. I should just have my computer genius child figure it out when he comes home.
2008.10.02 at 5:00 pm #18812
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorThe java applet isn’t working for me either, so I’m using Chatzilla instead (an irc client add-on for Firefox).
Apparently I’m the only one on there?
2008.10.02 at 5:13 pm #18813
AnonymousSpectatorso java works for me on ESPN while chatting during the draft I had, so why doesn’t it work for this site? Do I need to reconfigure something in the java console?
2008.10.02 at 5:15 pm #18814
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorI don’t know. I doubt it. But like I said, I have the same problem.
2008.10.02 at 5:36 pm #18815
AnonymousSpectatorwhat’s chatzilla?? Is that the other thingy it talks about on the chat page?
how do I add that… -
2008.10.02 at 5:41 pm #18816
blueczarinaSpectatori think the chat room works for me, but i presume no one is ever in there so i never go there. i think we need something at the bottom of the screen to list when someone is in the chat room.
2008.10.02 at 6:44 pm #18817
amnesiaSpectatorIm in the chatroom somtimes, but nobody are there.Arthur and Marce drops by every now and then and thats it.Im not in the chatroom now but ill try to go there more offen. Would be cool if others would be there as well.
2008.10.02 at 7:01 pm #18818
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorwhat’s chatzilla?? Is that the other thingy it talks about on the chat page?
how do I add that…[/quote:2j9uvya6]You add it like any other add-on.
And it’s an IRC client, like mIRC.
2008.10.02 at 7:14 pm #18819
ShannenSpectatorThe java applet isn’t working for me either, so I’m using Chatzilla instead (an irc client add-on for Firefox).
Apparently I’m the only one on there?[/quote:3hdnmull]
You are probably behind a firewall? Try to quit the firewall and see if the chat program works.
2008.10.02 at 7:18 pm #18820
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorThe java applet isn’t working for me either, so I’m using Chatzilla instead (an irc client add-on for Firefox).
Apparently I’m the only one on there?[/quote:3ftghylr]
You are probably behind a firewall? Try to quit the firewall and see if the chat program works.[/quote:3ftghylr]
Meh. I am. but I can’t be bothered to do it, as I can access the chatroom with my IRC client.
2008.10.03 at 1:28 am #18821
AnonymousSpectatorI have no idea what I did, BUT I can finally get in the chat room
I did it!!!! -
2008.10.03 at 1:07 pm #18822
AnonymousSpectatorand now today no such luck…..
2008.10.03 at 1:41 pm #18823
AnonymousSpectatorok…I think I now know how to work it from now on..
2008.10.03 at 1:46 pm #18824
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatornot me, either i am just retarded or it just won’t work for me. the one over at thepumpkins.net does, why not over here though.
2008.10.03 at 1:52 pm #18825
AnonymousSpectatorI’m in!!!
bullet you need to fix it in your cookies I believe and uncheck it through your windows firewall….
well you might have to add it first in your control panel
It was a pain through trial and error, but I got it working fine -
2008.10.03 at 1:58 pm #18826
AnonymousSpectatorand by the way..I am staying logged in
you know what will happen if I log out? Probably nothing, but it was a pain to get in so I’m staying in for the day….I’ll check it through out the day…. -
2008.10.04 at 4:07 pm #18827
amnesiaSpectatorIm in the chatroom now, so if anybody wanted to have a lil talk.
2008.10.04 at 4:42 pm #18828
blueczarinaSpectatorhmm, it works at home, but not at work.
2008.10.04 at 5:05 pm #18829
AnonymousSpectatorsorry blue…you’re missing out..lol
not really-Billy’s not in there -
2008.10.06 at 8:48 pm #18830
AnonymousSpectatorI’m in, but not for too long
2008.10.07 at 5:08 pm #18831
AnonymousSpectatordoes anyone ever go in? every time I’ve been in it’s been empty besides the other day
I had a pleasant chat with are beloved Mayo -
2008.10.07 at 5:19 pm #18832
blueczarinaSpectatori’m never there because i’m usually logging in when you guys are logging out.
plus i have damn school all day.
and yes, i just love school as you can all tell by now.
otherwise i would chat with you guys.
2008.10.07 at 5:24 pm #18833
amnesiaSpectatorIm in the chat room now, but dunno for how long though.
2008.10.07 at 6:09 pm #18834
AnonymousSpectatori’m in too
2008.10.07 at 6:30 pm #18835
amnesiaSpectatorIm back in the room now.Saw you where there reggae but then i lost my inet.
2008.10.07 at 7:38 pm #18836
AnonymousSpectatorI’m in again….
2008.10.08 at 2:55 pm #18837
AnonymousSpectatorI’m gonna log in and stay in, but I will check periodically if anyone is there
2008.10.09 at 6:33 pm #18838
AnonymousSpectatorI’m currently in if anyone wants to join….
2008.10.09 at 6:38 pm #18839
amnesiaSpectatorI’m currently in if anyone wants to join….[/quote:35nph0dx]
I might join a lil later.Need to be done with my work and then dinner.
2008.10.09 at 6:55 pm #18840
AnonymousSpectatorok…If I remember by then..got a few things I need to tackle after the children come home from school…but i could always make my hubby do it
2008.10.11 at 1:59 pm #18841
amnesiaSpectatorIm in the chatroom atm.
2008.10.11 at 3:11 pm #18842
amnesiaSpectatorCome and join me and Reggae in the chatroom guys.Billy is the chatroom as well.
2008.11.07 at 5:39 am #18843
blueczarinaSpectatori think the chat room is down guys.
you get a directory listing denied error when you click on the link.
2008.11.07 at 3:59 pm #18844
ShannenSpectatorblue, yup. I think Arthur is still working on to bring it back to live.
2008.11.07 at 4:04 pm #18845
ArthurSpectatorblue, yup. I think Arthur is still working on to bring it back to live.[/quote:1yxf8f8w]
RedWolf. -
2008.11.15 at 8:10 pm #18846
niteshyftSpectatorI’m sitting idly in the chat room as I work on the challenge I put out, if you pop in,wait a few minutes as it’s not my main window up. I’ll probably be in there for a couple more hours.
2009.01.15 at 12:54 pm #18847
amnesiaSpectatorSeems the chatroom is working proper again, so join in guys.See you there.
2009.01.15 at 1:44 pm #18848
I might be in after my 8 year old goes to school -
2009.03.21 at 3:32 pm #18849
amnesiaSpectatorIm in the chatroom if anybody wants to talk.
2009.03.21 at 4:09 pm #18850
blueczarinaSpectatori would, but it doesn’t open at work.
crappy Java client.
2009.03.24 at 12:01 am #18851
amnesiaSpectatorIts sucks being the only one in the chatroom.
2009.03.24 at 12:03 pm #18852
AnonymousSpectatorI’ve never tried the Chatroom here before.
Sometime I’ll have to risk my Craputer’s explosion and give it a whirl.
2009.03.24 at 12:12 pm #18853
amnesiaSpectatorIt was fun last night.
Manilla/Blue and me had a blast.
2009.03.24 at 2:48 pm #18854
PipokaSpectatorIt was fun last night.
Manilla/Blue and me had a blast.[/quote:3rrb5cec]
and you didn’t invite me for the party?
2009.03.24 at 3:51 pm #18855
amnesiaSpectatorAnybody is welcome, would be fun if we one day could arrange something and then meet at the chatroom and be silly.
2009.03.24 at 5:09 pm #18856
blueczarinaSpectatorwe should try to arrange something- we have a time zone problem though.
2009.03.24 at 5:20 pm #18857
AnonymousSpectatorJudging by some of the posts here lately, also a Twilight Zone problem…
2009.03.24 at 9:26 pm #18858
AnonymousSpectatorwell damn I missed the chat too..
oh well maybe another time… -
2009.03.25 at 12:03 am #18859
amnesiaSpectatorManilla and me are in the chatroom, join if you want.
2009.03.25 at 2:45 am #18860
blueczarinaSpectatorJudging by some of the posts here lately, also a Twilight Zone problem…
2009.03.25 at 8:38 pm #18861
amnesiaSpectatorMe and the old fart are in the chatroom, join.
2009.03.25 at 8:57 pm #18862
ArthurSpectatorShe means; Arthur and the old fart, being me, mayonaise.
2009.03.25 at 9:29 pm #18863
amnesiaSpectatorOh shut up you!
2009.03.26 at 12:11 am #18864
amnesiaSpectatorIts a madhouse in chatroom right now.
For the record.They really should not grant patients computer access at the institution
2009.03.26 at 12:14 am #18865
blueczarinaSpectatorfuck no!!!!
2009.03.26 at 12:41 am #18866
ArthurSpectatorRecord! 7 gnome_cracking people in da… da… da… da darkroom!
2009.03.26 at 12:46 am #18867
amnesiaSpectatorMama, im scared of the werid people at the SPfreak chatroom, dont make me go there again.
2009.03.26 at 12:48 am #18868
blueczarinaSpectatorhey, you’re one of us!
2009.03.26 at 8:03 pm #18869
PipokaSpectatorand a lot of celebrities!
2009.04.15 at 8:13 pm #18870
ArthurSpectatorChat, anyone?
2009.04.15 at 8:19 pm #18871
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwould love to if it worked for me.
2009.04.15 at 8:40 pm #18872
amnesiaSpectatorChat, anyone?[/quote:iemjcoth]
On my way.
2009.04.30 at 8:11 pm #18873
amnesiaSpectatorIm in the chatroom.
2009.04.30 at 9:02 pm #18874
ArthurSpectatorMe and blamo too.
2009.04.30 at 9:25 pm #18875
niteshyftSpectatorwtf, blamo?
I swear, people just can’t call me Josh.
You mean old man you.
2009.05.01 at 2:09 am #18876
blueczarinaSpectatorwtf, blamo?
I swear, people just can’t call me Josh.
You mean old man you.[/quote:2oeymj6n]
maybe you should have made your username Josh
2009.05.01 at 1:08 pm #18877
niteshyftSpectatorBut every good superhero needs a secret identity!
2009.05.01 at 1:53 pm #18878
ArthurSpectatorBut every good superhero needs a secret identity![/quote:1n4jjvbw]
Which immediately implies, you don’t. -
2009.05.01 at 7:22 pm #18879
blueczarinaSpectatorBut every good superhero needs a secret identity![/quote:37rvzeem]
Which immediately implies, you don’t.[/quote:37rvzeem]
2009.05.01 at 9:35 pm #18880
amnesiaSpectatorIm in the chatroom.
2009.05.01 at 9:56 pm #18881
ArthurSpectatorMe too. Anyone else?
2009.05.01 at 11:07 pm #18882
niteshyftSpectatorit’s a partay woot woot come on!
2009.05.02 at 1:32 am #18883
blueczarinaSpectatori always miss these parties.
pretty soon school will be out though, but the next few days are going to suck ass!!!
2009.05.02 at 1:51 am #18884
niteshyftSpectatorMiss them? We’re still in here. You never logged in to check! I kinda miss you too
2009.05.02 at 4:16 am #18885
last_rose_of_summerSpectatori know it’s too late tonight, but i can’t ever get the chat thingy to work on here
2009.05.02 at 4:20 am #18886
blueczarinaSpectatorwhat made it work for me was when i downloaded a proper java platform.
2009.05.02 at 5:18 am #18887
last_rose_of_summerSpectatori tried to do that but it didn’t let me. i’ll have to play around with it some more.
2009.05.02 at 6:19 pm #18888
blueczarinaSpectatorthat’s what i had to do
2009.05.02 at 7:45 pm #18889
last_rose_of_summerSpectatori just downloaded java but i still can’t get into the chat room. how do i register for it?
2009.05.02 at 8:21 pm #18890
amnesiaSpectatorIm in the chatroom with Billy Corgan, join pls.
2009.05.03 at 7:49 pm #18891
amnesiaSpectatorIm all alone in the chatroom.
2009.06.06 at 10:31 pm #18892
amnesiaSpectatorChat, anybody?
2009.06.06 at 10:35 pm #18893
AnonymousSpectatorI’m in
had to wait for people to leave -
2009.06.06 at 10:36 pm #18894
blueczarinaSpectatori can’t. i’m at work and it doesn’t work there. plus i’m too tired and out of it. this has been a most fucked up day.
2009.06.06 at 10:44 pm #18895
I’m sorry you are having a crap day -
2009.06.06 at 10:47 pm #18896
blueczarinaSpectatori don’t know if its crap or not. it was just crazy as fuck. i’m likely to get interruptions if i try to spill the details now, but i will tell you guys after i get home.
2009.06.06 at 10:50 pm #18897
amnesiaSpectatorHugs Blue.
2009.06.06 at 10:51 pm #18898
AnonymousSpectatorhugs to you dear
hope you shift ends soon!! -
2009.06.06 at 10:53 pm #18899
blueczarinaSpectatorthanks mayo.
its all good. i just need some rest and for the next half hour to go lickity split. .
2009.06.06 at 10:54 pm #18900
AnonymousSpectatoruh lickety split?
going to Dairy Queen after work -
2009.06.06 at 10:55 pm #18901
blueczarinaSpectatori was thinking more like carmel machiatto. this book store remodeled and got this new coffee shop that is better than starbucks.
2009.06.06 at 10:56 pm #18902
AnonymousSpectatorblah coffee
but if it’s better than Starbucks go for it -
2009.06.06 at 10:57 pm #18903
blueczarinaSpectatorheck yeah. the one i had yesterday tasted like carmel and vanilla and had tasty carmel drizzle. it was nummy and fattening.
2009.06.06 at 10:59 pm #18904
amnesiaSpectatorI hate coffee.
Black coffee is yuk yuk, and it gets even more disgusting when the cream and sugar is added. -
2009.06.06 at 11:00 pm #18905
blueczarinaSpectatorif its made right though it can be super tasty. i don’t like plain black coffee either.
2009.06.06 at 11:00 pm #18906
AnonymousSpectatorI hate coffee.
Black coffee is yuk yuk, and it gets even more disgusting when the cream and sugar is added.[/quote:2oyv1gq9]
I love Mayo
great minds think a like
sorry blue you gotta change your coffee love -
2009.06.06 at 11:01 pm #18907
2009.06.06 at 11:05 pm #18908
2009.06.06 at 11:06 pm #18909
AnonymousSpectatorthat’s ok as long as Honey Bunches of Billy approves
2009.06.06 at 11:08 pm #18910
blueczarinaSpectatorhe does
2009.06.06 at 11:12 pm #18911
AnonymousSpectatorthen there is absolutely nothing wrong with your love for coffee
glad I don’t like it though
it’s just yucky -
2009.06.06 at 11:13 pm #18912
blueczarinaSpectatori just like the tasty flavored kinds and the frappes with whip cream
2009.06.06 at 11:19 pm #18913
AnonymousSpectatorI’ve tasted some, but I just can’t get over the bitter taste…I think it hilarios when peopl add whip cream to their tea
that is just bizarre to me
sucks that you aren;t in the chat room
FOL baby
I’m listening to that right now -
2009.06.06 at 11:21 pm #18914
blueczarinaSpectatori like whip cream on tea too
2009.06.06 at 11:25 pm #18915
but of course you do -
2009.06.07 at 1:29 am #18916
i’m contrary like that.
i really like green tea and chai tea frappes with whip cream.
2009.06.07 at 6:39 pm #18917
last_rose_of_summerSpectatori like chai tea. i’ve never tried whip cream on it though.
2009.06.07 at 7:11 pm #18918
blueczarinaSpectatorits like dessert.
2009.06.08 at 5:40 am #18919
ArthurSpectatorPeople that don’t like coffee are sissies, and they have not been raised in a proper way by their parents, that’s just my humble opinion.
That smell when I open the coffee tin, then that other heavenly smell in the kitchen when making the coffee on the stove, oh man… and then that first zip from my own homemade espresso… cloud 9!
2009.06.08 at 6:15 am #18920
blueczarinaSpectatorcoffee is tasty for sure.
2009.06.08 at 10:14 am #18921
amnesiaSpectatorI rather want to be a sissie, then a coffee drinker, coffee, YUK.
2009.06.08 at 10:47 am #18922
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatori like my sugar with coffee and cream
not really though
i drink my coffee black, or with some milk added, when available
no sugar -
2009.06.08 at 2:02 pm #18923
AnonymousSpectatorI rather want to be a sissie, then a coffee drinker, coffee, YUK.[/quote:2jpgywl1]
do you realize that Arthur called Billy a sissy
I’m with you Mayo it’s NASTY
and guess what we are with Billy and they aren’t -
2009.06.08 at 8:38 pm #18924
blueczarinaSpectatorhey, Billy is enjoying a cup of coffee so i don’t know what you are talking about
2009.06.08 at 9:06 pm #18925
amnesiaSpectatorChat, anybody?
2009.06.09 at 1:22 am #18926
I missed the chat time -
2009.06.09 at 9:51 am #18927
I missed the chat time[/quote:25ziltxq]Yes you did.
2009.06.10 at 4:17 am #18928
dammit -
2009.06.10 at 12:19 pm #18929
last_rose_of_summerSpectatori still wanna figure out how to make it work on my comp at home.
2009.06.10 at 3:15 pm #18930
amnesiaSpectatori still wanna figure out how to make it work on my comp at home.[/quote:245866zi]
Have you tried to log in here dear?
2009.06.13 at 2:22 am #18931
manillascissorKeymastercome chat….
2009.06.13 at 12:49 pm #18932
last_rose_of_summerSpectatorholy crap i tried it again and it actually worked! of course when no one is online
maybe the power failure did something to my computer to make it better
anyway nice to know i should be able to chat with you guys next time
(i hope)
2009.06.13 at 12:52 pm #18933
2009.06.13 at 1:46 pm #18934
amnesiaSpectatorThats good news Rose.
2009.06.13 at 10:24 pm #18935
AnonymousSpectatornow we all just need to figure out a time that works best with everyone or some. that should be interesting…
2009.06.13 at 10:25 pm #18936
amnesiaSpectatorIll been in the chatroom in 2 mins, anybody?
2009.06.13 at 10:26 pm #18937
blueczarinaSpectatorthere has been chats before starting in the late afternoon with lots of us.
the problem is we have so many timezones.
2009.06.13 at 10:32 pm #18938
amnesiaSpectatorThen join Blue, im the only one there atm.
2009.06.13 at 10:33 pm #18939
blueczarinaSpectatori would, but i’m still at work. it doesn’t open here becuase we have outdated shitty internet.
2009.06.13 at 10:35 pm #18940
AnonymousSpectatori’m in…..blue
that sux you aren’t chatting
2009.06.13 at 10:45 pm #18941
blueczarinaSpectatortrue, i’m too tired anyhow. i’m sure there will be other chats after the weekend though.
2009.06.13 at 11:00 pm #18942
amnesiaSpectatorReggae and i are in the chatroom.
2009.06.14 at 5:40 pm #18943
AnonymousSpectatorquestion on the chat room names
am I able tolog in without using my username on here along with my password or do I have to use my username?
maybe I want to name myself agoodbitch one day..lol am I able to get in that way
just wondering lol -
2009.06.14 at 5:42 pm #18944
blueczarinaSpectatoryeah, you can be whomever and you can change it once in
2009.06.14 at 5:45 pm #18945
you know this and your ass is never on
you better get on one of these days
probably when I’m not damn you -
2009.06.14 at 6:21 pm #18946
blueczarinaSpectatori have talked to manilla and the euro spfreaks before, but i never seem to catch you
2009.06.14 at 6:39 pm #18947
AnonymousSpectatori’ve talked to most of them to
Dazey no he’s never in there
and you maybe once
weren’t you on when everyone went nutty that day
omg that was hilarious!!!
I am a mystery -
2009.06.14 at 6:41 pm #18948
blueczarinaSpectatoryeah, i was there for that super crazy day.
and i have never chatted with Dazey in the spfreaks chat.
2009.06.15 at 1:38 pm #18949
niteshyftSpectatorMayo is ignoring my request to get in the chat room.
2009.06.15 at 1:42 pm #18950
amnesiaSpectatorNot true!!!!!
2009.06.15 at 1:46 pm #18951
niteshyftSpectatorShe did show up! Anyone else going to join? Hmmmm?
2009.06.15 at 3:12 pm #18952
AnonymousSpectatorI would but are ya’ll in still?
2009.06.15 at 3:18 pm #18953
AnonymousSpectatorpm later mayo when you do
2009.06.15 at 5:52 pm #18954
niteshyftSpectatorI’m back in the chat for a bit if anyone cares to join
2009.06.15 at 7:39 pm #18955
amnesiaSpectatorI’m back in the chat for a bit if anyone cares to join
No your not.
You aint there. -
2009.06.15 at 7:41 pm #18956
niteshyftSpectatorI’m back in the chat for a bit if anyone cares to join
No your not.
You aint there.[/quote:u3sj1hh7]
Should have checked the chat window before pushing Submit
2009.06.15 at 8:49 pm #18957
niteshyftSpectatorMayo and I are still chilling in here, if anyone feels the desire to come in and join the mini-party
2009.06.15 at 8:53 pm #18958
last_rose_of_summerSpectatori might later if you guys are still on. i have 10 mins till i get off work yay!
2009.06.15 at 9:10 pm #18959
amnesiaSpectatorniteshyft, Reggae and i are there.
2009.06.17 at 1:41 am #18960
niteshyftSpectatorIf anyone is bored enough, I’m in the chat for a bit. Just relaxing for the night and not much to do.
2009.06.17 at 8:43 pm #18961
amnesiaSpectatorChat anybody?
2009.06.17 at 9:19 pm #18962
AnonymousSpectatormayo it’s been buggin hardcore last night and today, so I’ll try and see if it works again
and it will most likely freeze up my pc and I’ll have to do a restart just in case you wonder what happened -
2009.06.18 at 12:09 am #18963
now you’re name changing
2009.06.18 at 2:54 am #18964
AnonymousSpectatori had to
my account was being wacko
so manilla fixed it
my old one was not allowing a change -
2009.06.18 at 8:52 pm #18965
amnesiaSpectatorIm in the chatroom, if anybody wanna chat.
2009.06.20 at 9:01 pm #18966
amnesiaSpectatorIm in the chatroom, if anybody wanna chat.[/quote:2rlprcrw]
2009.06.20 at 10:10 pm #18967
AnonymousSpectatorIm in the chatroom, if anybody wanna chat.[/quote:4ur8ewew]
we are in….who wants to deal with our tormenting today -
2009.06.28 at 11:34 pm #18968
I sent you a pm
but you logged off -
2009.07.12 at 1:32 pm #18969
niteshyftSpectatorIf anyone is awake or bored enough, I’m finally back online and sitting around relaxing. Decided to park in there for a bit.
2009.07.23 at 12:49 am #18970
AnonymousSpectatorrose and I are going to chat join if you want
otherwise we are gonna talk some good stuff without you all -
2009.07.23 at 2:46 pm #18971
niteshyftSpectatorSitting here watching tv with my daughter. Parked in the chat for a little bit until grandma returns. Not sure how long I’ll be around.
2009.07.23 at 3:02 pm #18972
last_rose_of_summerSpectatori would join you but i can’t chat at workie
2009.07.23 at 3:07 pm #18973
niteshyftSpectatorS’all good, just reading Beatles discussions.
2009.07.23 at 3:43 pm #18974
AnonymousSpectatorum I just got up pretty recently and I bet you are gone now…maybe another time
2009.07.23 at 3:53 pm #18975
niteshyftSpectatorhad a couple things to do, but I am back in there for a bit now.
2009.07.23 at 9:05 pm #18976
ArthurSpectatorI want to set a date and time for finalizing another Epic Compilation we were working on…
2009.07.23 at 9:06 pm #18977
AnonymousSpectatoroooh fun
post some dates for them to respond to, so you can get it organized -
2009.07.23 at 11:51 pm #18978
last_rose_of_summerSpectatorI want to set a date and time for finalizing another Epic Compilation we were working on…
oh yay!
2009.07.24 at 2:12 am #18979
niteshyftSpectatorI want to set a date and time for finalizing another Epic Compilation we were working on…
I’ve been on there a ton waiting for you to be logged on
But it’s all good, I’ve been in the wonderful company of Carrie and Ayoe, so it all worked out
2009.07.24 at 1:36 pm #18980
niteshyftSpectatorSitting around for an hour if anyone feels the desire to come pester me!
2009.07.24 at 8:14 pm #18981
ArthurSpectatorSitting around for an hour if anyone feels the desire to come pester me![/quote:jp4p9f3r]
I wished… I had to work… -
2009.07.24 at 8:35 pm #18982
AnonymousSpectatorI had to clean so I can paint
maybe later -
2009.07.27 at 1:58 pm #18983
niteshyftSpectatorI log on right when Arthur logs off. Bah. Heading into the chat for a little bit before I start packing for the trip! Not sure how long I’ll be around.
2009.07.30 at 2:04 am #18984
AnonymousSpectatorrose and I are there now
2009.08.01 at 9:11 pm #18985
manillascissorKeymasteri’m in there.
arthur, get your butt in here.
2009.08.01 at 10:38 pm #18986
AnonymousSpectatorLook, I’m you!
2009.08.01 at 11:19 pm #18987
AnonymousSpectatorwow apparently I am drunk posting
2009.08.05 at 5:40 pm #18988
ArthurSpectatorI’m in the chatroom for a bit, for like 1 or 1.5 hours… Chat, anyone?
2009.08.05 at 9:54 pm #18989
AnonymousSpectatorwas good chatting..ya’ll missed out
2009.08.06 at 7:04 pm #18990
AnonymousSpectatorI’m there
where are you? -
2009.08.15 at 1:22 am #18991
niteshyftSpectatorI’m bloody bored and neither roommate is home. I joined the chat and someone is there! Maybe. So, join! You know you want to.
2009.08.15 at 1:29 am #18992
blueczarinaSpectatori can’t join i’m afraid. i have to work super early tomorrow and i’m tired from working too much this week. someone had a baby at work and i helped to fill her shifts. it sucks because my last week of summer vacation is next week
but i guess there was money to be had.
2009.08.15 at 12:39 pm #18993
AnonymousSpectatorchat had booted me out mid sentence last night…so I just decided I better go to sleep and catch up on some zzzz’s
I’m not caught up though…lol
sorry -
2009.08.20 at 11:19 pm #18994
niteshyftSpectatorArthur, we need to set up a time to meet in there.. Since it’s been like.. 2.. 3 months? What’s good for you? I’m free during the day or evening from Sunday on.
2009.08.22 at 1:55 pm #18995
ArthurSpectatorArthur, we need to set up a time to meet in there.. Since it’s been like.. 2.. 3 months? What’s good for you? I’m free during the day or evening from Sunday on.[/quote:37233nvb]
I have been sick since last Thursday, but I feel a little better now. My girlfriend is out to a BBQ (which I am missing obviously) but for the next few hours I’m online, and in the chatroom. Hopefully see you there then?
2009.10.24 at 1:19 am #18996
amnesiaSpectatorChat anyone, im buzzed and wanna chat hehe
2009.10.26 at 7:56 pm #18997
AnonymousSpectatorChat anyone, im buzzed and wanna chat hehe
we need a chat date set up
pick a time I’ll be there-just pm me dear -
2009.10.27 at 5:35 pm #18998
last_rose_of_summerSpectatori haven’t been in there in a long time
this week i am so busy with the haunted house and stuff. i do miss chatting though. -
2009.11.04 at 3:17 pm #18999
AnonymousSpectatorif u have time I am there now
can’t promise how long I will be in… -
2009.11.04 at 3:26 pm #19000
amnesiaSpectatorSee you in a sec.
2010.02.05 at 5:13 pm #19001
AnonymousSpectatorwhat happened we all used to hop in there once in a while…I fail
2010.02.05 at 5:18 pm #19002
amnesiaSpectatorEverytime i logged on, nobody was there, and nobody came, so i didn’t bother goin there anymore.
2010.02.07 at 2:09 am #19003
marigoldSpectatornope, nobody there at the moment either….
2010.02.07 at 2:22 am #19004
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorHaha, it usually works that way.
That’s why you should plan a date ahead of time so a lot of people can chat at once. -
2010.07.18 at 10:11 am #19005
ArthurSpectatorI’m in there now. Someone care for a chat?
2010.07.18 at 6:09 pm #19006
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorHaha, I was actually awake at 6am this morning.
I could have chatted if I would have read that sooner.
2010.07.19 at 1:37 am #19007
blueczarinaSpectatori was at work at 6 am.
i don’t think i could get away with chatting though.
2010.07.19 at 2:36 am #19008
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI don’t think you could have either, that might have ended bad.
Anyone want to chat tonight? I’m going to be up for a while since I haven’t been sleeping well for the past couple of days.
2010.07.19 at 6:02 am #19009
ArthurSpectatorSorry… bloody time differences!
Just woke up, have to go to work in a bit. Must be lonely in the chatroom, like it was yesterday?
2010.07.19 at 6:16 am #19010
DaysofthephoenixSpectatorI’m still awake, I really need a new sleeping schedule this isn’t working.
Also, time differences do suck since most of us are from different countries.I actually had Marigold accompany me in the chatroom so it actually wasn’t tonight.
2010.07.19 at 8:35 pm #19011
ArthurSpectatorI’m in the chatroom in a few seconds!
2010.07.19 at 9:24 pm #19012
marigoldSpectatorZero? Wake up!
I’m still awake, I really need a new sleeping schedule this isn’t working.
Also, time differences do suck since most of us are from different countries.I actually had Marigold accompany me in the chatroom so it actually wasn’t tonight.[/quote:1d86sp2v]
Cool chatting to you!
2010.07.19 at 9:58 pm #19013
ArthurSpectatorZero? Wake up!
Huh? (yawns) -
2010.07.21 at 7:18 pm #19014
AnonymousSpectatorArthur we gotta have a chat again sometime…well not with just you
where is Ayoe at? I miss my sis… -
2010.07.22 at 6:49 am #19015
ArthurSpectatorI’m trying to be there more often, but I’m quite busy sometimes.
It’s always cool to meet you guys there, that’s for sure! I hit up with Derek (US) and Debby (NZ) a few days ago, and it was very nice, again.
2010.07.24 at 10:00 pm #19016
ArthurSpectatorI’m in there now. Who joins!?
2010.08.06 at 10:36 pm #19017
ArthurSpectatorSomeone? I’m in the chatroom.
2010.08.06 at 11:55 pm #19018
ArthurSpectatorGoner, don’t bother anymore!
2010.08.08 at 9:38 pm #19019
AnonymousSpectatorone day we just might all be there at the same time
2010.08.13 at 1:39 am #19020
blueczarinaSpectatori would like to chat with you guys again. my scheduled just so f-ed. we should try and set up a time maybe.
2010.08.13 at 10:53 am #19021
ArthurSpectatorSame thoughts here. It’s always fun, but I’ve been there alone a few times recently.
2010.08.15 at 6:31 pm #19022
2010.08.15 at 8:53 pm #19023
2010.08.17 at 7:55 pm #19024
amnesiaSpectatorIm gonna hang out in the chatroom if anyone wanna chat
2010.08.17 at 8:05 pm #19025
marigoldSpectatorgood timing!
2010.08.21 at 11:54 pm #19026
AnonymousSpectatorAyoe! I gotta get you in chat one day
and Arthur you again as well…
and the rest of your freaks -
2010.10.24 at 1:07 am #19027
amnesiaSpectatorAre you guys alive?
2010.10.24 at 3:23 pm #19028
AnonymousSpectatoryes, but you aren’t….
miss talking to you
2010.10.26 at 4:41 pm #19029
last_rose_of_summerSpectatoryep I should chat sometime too. I need to quit being so antisocial
2010.10.27 at 8:21 am #19030
marigoldSpectatormight be using the spfreaks chat now that the electropopmedia chat has been killed off. Some of us from the oboard just can’t use the fancy technology (audio and video) on the new tinychat room.
2010.11.02 at 1:15 am #19031
last_rose_of_summerSpectatorI haven’t even tried that new chat. I don’t like the idea of video chatting too much.
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