- This topic has 23 replies, 2,219 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 11 months ago by
some pumpkins.
2009.03.08 at 1:05 pm #1053
some pumpkinsSpectatorDo you think that article will affect some of the fans from wanting to come back or from listening again?
It can be such a touchy subject and some might not want to accept their favorite band is talking God publicly and not ashamed by it! -
2009.03.08 at 1:13 pm #33075
blueczarinaSpectatori don’t know. it could potentially, but i don’t know. religion is a touchy subject for me too, but at least i think his faith is more of an individual thing to him then it is some organized faith he is trying to push off on others. i respect Corgan and i think of his music as some kind of transcendant sort of thing anyway. i always felt that there was something else there besides a kick ass song.
2009.03.08 at 1:33 pm #33076
AnonymousSpectatorI’ll say this. I’m glad he has put his faith and believing out there.
I think the music has always been spiritual, but there are many that just hear the music and not the actual lyrics. I do like the fact that he embraces all religions, that’s how I feel. I’m no atheist and I have no specific religion. I’m a believer without the religion label attached.
I don’t think he is trying to push it off on people either. But I do think he is helping people become more aware of spirituality-not religion. to me those are 2 different topics.
If he loses a few fans, it would probably be the haters to go first… -
2009.03.08 at 1:46 pm #33077
blueczarinaSpectatoryeah, sadly he could probably stand to lose a few people.
and as for the SP i think listening to his music is kind of spiritual in some respects. not neccesarily Christian, but it just has a different vibe, a different energy that really resonates. it sort of takes you to a different place. plus he has really deep lyrics.
and i respect the fact that he puts his feelings out there too. he doesn’t shove them down anybody’s throat he is just honest about himslef. its like \"here i’m. take it or leave it.\"
2009.03.08 at 3:32 pm #33078
ArthurSpectatorFor me, the \"mission\" (whatever that is
) of Smashing Pumpkins is best described in this song.
\"Emptiness is loneliness, and loneliness is cleanliness
And cleanliness is godliness, and god is empty just like me
Intoxicated with the madness, I’m in love with my sadness\"This is where I get my faith in everything from, how strange it may sound… When this is said/sung, it is away (the emptiness, god, sadness) and hope and trust comes back.
2009.03.08 at 5:14 pm #33079
some pumpkinsSpectatortouchy subject. i’ll leave religion and god out of this, but i can say with 100% certainty that i definately have a spitirual connection with pumpkins music.
2009.03.08 at 5:28 pm #33080
blueczarinaSpectatortouchy subject. i’ll leave religion and god out of this, but i can say with 100% certainty that i definately have a spitirual connection with pumpkins music.[/quote:2g4147v4]
i agree ^^
i’m not comfortable with the god connection, but there is spiritual connection i have with the SP.
2009.03.08 at 10:21 pm #33081
MarcellaSpectatorI don’t think it will affect fans. That article wasn’t focusing (not even mentioning) on Christianity, just spirituality, of any sort. We all have some of that inside ourselves. Spirituality in Pumpkins songs can’t be denied in any way.
2009.03.09 at 10:27 am #33082
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatorWhat article is being discussed here? Is this something new? Or something I already forgot about? (I’m not the kind of fan who prints out mission statements of bands, and hangs them up above his bed.)
2009.03.09 at 11:57 am #33083
AnonymousSpectatorWhat article is being discussed here? Is this something new? Or something I already forgot about? (I’m not the kind of fan who prints out mission statements of bands, and hangs them up above his bed.)[/quote:18wtzpvj]
the article from Simon
2009.03.09 at 12:03 pm #33084
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatorI’m sorry, I’m not able to read all of that. What is supposed to be the mission, according to that article?
2009.03.09 at 1:16 pm #33085
AnonymousSpectatorI don’t think the mission was exactly put in the article. But on the main headline it says We are on a mission from God, but I guess we all know that
I suppose it doesn’t completely state what their mission is -
2009.03.09 at 1:25 pm #33086
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatorOh, now I see it. It’s nowhere in the article. That’s not the best way to introduce that article…
2009.03.09 at 2:03 pm #33087
ArthurSpectatortouchy subject. i’ll leave religion and god out of this, but i can say with 100% certainty that i definately have a spitirual connection with pumpkins music.[/quote:25ifihpu]
I don’t think it will affect fans. That article wasn’t focusing (not even mentioning) on Christianity, just spirituality, of any sort. We all have some of that inside ourselves. Spirituality in Pumpkins songs can’t be denied in any way.[/quote:25ifihpu]
Just curious… what kind of "spirituality" is that? I don’t have that too much (if at all) to be honest. I mean, I "feel" something when I hear a Pumpkins song that attracts me, but it has more to do with taking away the aggressiveness or mistrust I feel, or feeding the melancholy I have inside… Not really "being in touch with a higher being" or "uplifted in a spiritual way"or something. So I’m just very curious: what is spirituality exactly? What does it mean to you guys? And what has the Smashing Pumpkins music to do with it? -
2009.03.09 at 2:28 pm #33088
MarcellaSpectatorWell, I didn’t say I had a spiritual connection with Pumpkins songs, I don’t have that with any band. But some sort of spirituality is present in the songs, the music, the lyrics.
2009.03.09 at 2:43 pm #33089
ArthurSpectatorBut some sort of spirituality is present in the songs, the music, the lyrics.[/quote:1ws6p8ju]
Explain? What means spirituality to you? And how and where do you find it in the songs, music and lyrics of our beloved Smashing Pumpkins? I’m getting more and more curious now!This is what Wikipedia says about spirituality, by the way.
"Spirituality, in a narrow sense, concerns itself with matters of the spirit, a concept closely tied to religious belief and faith, a transcendent reality, or one or more deities. Spiritual matters are thus those matters regarding humankind’s ultimate nature and meaning, not only as material biological organisms, but as beings with a unique relationship to that which is perceived to be beyond the bodily senses, time and the material world. Spirituality in this sense implies the mind-body dichotomy, which indicates a separation between the body and soul. But spirituality may also be about the development of the individual’s inner life through specific practices.
The spiritual is traditionally contrasted with the material, the temporal and the earthly. A perceived sense of connection forms a central defining characteristic of spirituality â connection to a metaphysical reality greater than oneself, which may include an emotional experience of religious awe and reverence, or such states as satori or nirvana. Equally importantly, spirituality relates to matters of sanity and of psychological health. Spirituality is the personal, subjective dimension of religion, particularly that which pertains to liberation or salvation."
2009.03.09 at 4:24 pm #33090
AnonymousSpectatoryou know, the intuition that speaks to you
When your mind runs along all day long and then bam you have that instinct with something..that’s your intuition (spirit) speaking, your higher being
So when I was googling shit about SP and came across this link and felt something within my heart-that’s an example of spiritual connectedness!! Or how about how the hell I even wound up here or at SP.com-spiritual connectedness. In all reality it doesn’t make sense, but in spiritual reality it does.
When you have a feeling (vibes) to accompany the instinct.this is really a hard thing to explain in words
overwhelming, anxiety, full of happiness, excitement..but it feels peaceful, like home. Kinda like the I’m in love feeling, but not!When you have dreams that give you messages, whether that message is vocabulary in your dream or image/images that stand out, or the whole dream could stand out. And connecting the dream to something in this reality, for example I had a dream about blue paint being painted in a certain way on canvas, the next time I went to paint I found myself using blue and doing the part I saw in my dream-just hit me at that moment that that particular thing was supposed to be what I was doing at the moment. -that’s a spiritual connectedness.
when you listen to SP and hear the lyrics with an open mind (they take you away to some better feeling/place).
Just listening you feel something. This is really hard to explain
Embracing change with an open mind,letting the big spirit/God/ Ohm/Mother God/Azna/ Higher Power/Buddha, whatever it may be for you, lead you on your journey-
No one should ever think that they are here just because..because why? Not to be a robot to the society we live in, but to be who you truly are. And what rings true for you-that feeling you get about doing something that helps someone else as well a long the way.
If I didn’t halfway believe that, I do not think I would not be here on this forum or even listening to SP. There is no way with the life I had going on at the time..no way! So I believe the spiritual connection I have with God brought me here and now I’m talking about it-weird!
And call me weird again, I went to ad design school, quit due to car accident issues, painted my husband one picture and at that pretty much vowed that that was the end of it for me. I never threw out my supply box or portfolio case. Why? If I was done I should have removed it right? Well I still have it and now I’m painting again??
And in 2007 I saw the SP ad and ended up at SP.com I was not even listening to SP at all- It was hip hopyeah when I met my hubby I just stopped pretty much my listening habits because he didn’t like what I liked. So I sold myself out temporarily.
Now what brought me here? Curiosity? No a feeling didSpiritual Connection..so I go with it
2009.03.09 at 5:48 pm #33091
blueczarinaSpectatorewww, hip hop
and i guess for me by spirituality and the pumpkins i don’t know what i mean- nothing religious really. i guess its just that to me pumpkin music can be cathartic. when you sit there listening to an album or whatever there is just something in the sound and in the emotion he puts into his music that sort of takes you to a different place. it has a profound effect on my mood. some of the music is uplifting or energizing, gives you a boost, and some of it feeds your sadness. spirituality might not be the right word. maybe its just that inexplicable pumpkiness, but its just sort of like there is this different sort of energy there. i can’t really explain, but you can kind of go into a pumpkin trance when you listen to the music and just let it take you along. it does sort of bring you to a different state. its not a god thing. its not anything like that. its just that their music is atmospheric and deep and emotional and encapsulates this energy this vibe that draws me in and can kind of put me into an altered state if only for an album.
its not religious. its just meditative, restorative, and trance like. i don’t know if i make sense. i don’t really know how to put it.
plus i guess to me when Corgan is performing he seems to kind of trip on his own songs. of course he had some \"help\" with that over the years, but he kind of lets himself be taken away. he taps into a different place within himself and allows the music and emotion wash over him. and to me some parts in his songs seem kind of mantra like. its like these quiet, still moments in which there is just this focus on this one idea or feeling. Siva would be a song i would say has this. it kind of alternates between these bursts of energy and these bursts of contemplative quiet. Soma does this too and so do a lot of others. Plus Siva’s lyrics are kind of mantra like.
I don’t live – I inhale
I don’t give – I unveil
Don’t want to live in your misery
I don’t live – I inhaleIts just like that with a lot of pumpkin songs. You have the quiet moment that are still and contemplative, but yet sort of focused or charged somehow with this subtle vibe that draws you in. Then there is the louder stuff that overwhelms you with this burst of emotion and energy that pulls you along and can even be restorative/ energizing.
There is just this infusion of something extra, something that can’t quantified or explained exactly. It might not be \"spirituality\" in the Western sense. I guess when i think about it all it might be more spirituality in the Eastern sense as far as the sort of vibe i get.
i don’t know. i confuse myself too.
2009.03.09 at 9:15 pm #33092
But I agree with pretty much everything Blue said. Isn’t music, in itself, spiritual? Most of the praises and prayers to gods are sung.
2009.03.09 at 9:32 pm #33093
[/quote:13lstp9s]look what your doing to poor Marcella Arthur ^^
2009.03.10 at 7:49 am #33094
Cool As Ice CreamSpectatorIsn’t music, in itself, spiritual? Most of the praises and prayers to gods are sung.[/quote:3ldlnmdk]
That’s twisted logic. If most of the praises and prayers are sung, one could maybe conclude that praises and prayers are musical, but not that music is spiritual. -
2009.03.10 at 10:30 am #33095
AnonymousSpectatorI don’t think the mission was exactly put in the article. But on the main headline it says We are on a mission from God, but I guess we all know that
I suppose it doesn’t completely state what their mission is[/quote:386p0e27]
I’m not actually here, I’m working, but I recognise: "We’re on a mission from God."
The Blues Brothers was ironically based in… Chicago.
2009.03.10 at 12:40 pm #33096
AnonymousSpectatorDazey, I remember that part
2009.03.10 at 2:49 pm #33097
some pumpkinsSpectatortouchy subject. i’ll leave religion and god out of this, but i can say with 100% certainty that i definately have a spitirual connection with pumpkins music.[/quote:1ls53mbj]
I don’t think it will affect fans. That article wasn’t focusing (not even mentioning) on Christianity, just spirituality, of any sort. We all have some of that inside ourselves. Spirituality in Pumpkins songs can’t be denied in any way.[/quote:1ls53mbj]
Just curious… what kind of "spirituality" is that? I don’t have that too much (if at all) to be honest. I mean, I "feel" something when I hear a Pumpkins song that attracts me, but it has more to do with taking away the aggressiveness or mistrust I feel, or feeding the melancholy I have inside… Not really "being in touch with a higher being" or "uplifted in a spiritual way"or something. So I’m just very curious: what is spirituality exactly? What does it mean to you guys? And what has the Smashing Pumpkins music to do with it?[/quote:1ls53mbj]
its a feeling i get that can be best described as an undescribable feeling of pefect completeness. when that song you’re listening to is the only thing that matters and its the only thing you need. and there is nothing that can ruin that perfect moment your having with the particular song. its an escape from reality for me. a selfish moment for myself.
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