Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Forum shortly down… #44038


    Thanks for the sms in the middle of the night… :wink:[/quote:va6znsfl]
    You are welcome :P

    in reply to: Success is not final, failure is not fatal… #42507


    Desiderata (Latin: \"desired things\")

    in reply to: Welcome to: My Collection! (includes user manual) #26442


    Hi Folks,

    Last couple of months no email is delivered by the email option in MyCollection because of a mallfuction in the email server settings.

    A user discovered it and send Arthur a message about it. After testing I could discover the mallfunction. I set the right settings so the website can email again.

    And if someone thinks, why on earth I didn’t get any response when I contacted a collector for trading, well, here is your answer :wink:

    in reply to: Collection – Site Improvement #33382


    Not one complaint. We freaks are eternally indebted to you, you won’t hear us complaining!!![/quote:lpqexc09]

    *bows with a blush* (to also the others)

    This is always a considderation. As private project and as a non payed service people are temped to accept such *as is*. Never the less, the design of the SPfreaks Collection (the website application itself) is always work in progress. Not only in new features or changes, but also in improvement of the website. It’s never realy done. I have to trust in my own design, observation and opinion, that of Arthur, but also on those of the visitors. I’m gifted to design with the user in thought, instead of showing off my qualities as designer and programmer and overload the user with usefull (and in many cases not usefull) or (not) practical features in a overwhelming interface. Usefull, simple and the content hold a prominent place – not the many gadgets you can build into a website.

    KISS – Keep It Stupid Simple

    Some minor changes can sometimes lead to a better user experience. So please manillascissor and others, be objective and (possitive) critical. If you see aspects that could need improvement because of whatever reason, I take every one serious and discuss it with my brother so it could lead to adjustment, new development (or sometimes rejection).

    Arthur may be the owner of SPfreaks, it’s his dream and I helped him build it to what it is today. But, without *you* as visitor, participant and contributer this site would be an empty shell (dust in the binairy wind – to freely quote Kanses).

    One side note: This forum is not my design, only the layout is re-made to match the general style of SPfreaks. I do not improve this forum, it is supported *as is*. Only bugs in layout will be fixed if I made a mistake in the templates. The SPfreaks Collection however is complete my own techniscal design, programming and implementation. If you have any remarks about it, even in the form of complains, please let me know!

    You know what: the best compliment I get is your fisit and use of this website! So thank you all!

    in reply to: Welcome to: My Collection! (includes user manual) #26346


    How can I delete it? I was in a hurry it was my last one entered-doesn’t help that i was on the phone too..[/quote:20enq7v9]

    Just follow these instructions:
    [*:20enq7v9]Sign on into[/*:m:20enq7v9]
    [*:20enq7v9]Open the Collection Index (homepage: The Collection)[/*:m:20enq7v9]
    [*:20enq7v9]Select My Collection option in de filter section[/*:m:20enq7v9]
    [*:20enq7v9]Goto the page or adjust the filter so the item is shown in the list[/*:m:20enq7v9]
    [*:20enq7v9]Click the option "Edit options" of the item you want to delete of your collection
    [*:20enq7v9]Uncheck the "I own this" option
    [*:20enq7v9]Save your options[/*:m:20enq7v9][/list:u:20enq7v9]

    in reply to: Welcome to: My Collection! (includes user manual) #26330


    Error on page was my mistake, I’m sorry for the trouble.

    in reply to: Welcome to: My Collection! (includes user manual) #26319


    been waiting for this for 15 years. 8)[/quote:egevqp9t]

    Then you have collected a large amount of items in the past 15 years, so I expect to see a huge My Collection here on :wink:

    in reply to: We’re back! #26157


    when i surf to i still get an "under construction" message. works fine, but i’m certain that most people use the shorter to access the site.[/quote:2z798kfw]

    I suggest, if you are a windows user, to do next thing:
    – Open Internet Explorer or whatever browser you are using
    – Navigate to (and recieve the wrong page)
    – In Internet Explorer press Ctrl-F5 (both keys on the same time)

    Ctrl-F5 is a reload of the page, but you force Internet Explorer to read the page from the website again instead of using the local cache (Temporary Internet Files).

    If this not works:
    – Open Internet Explorer or whatever browser you are using
    – Find and use the option "Delete Temporary Internet Files" (you do not have to delete cookies etc.)

    In Internet Explorer 7:
    – Tools / Internet Options
    – Browsing History: Delete…
    – Temporary Internet Files: Delete Files…

    – Retry to navigate to

    If this not works:
    – Close all open Internet Explorer or whatever browser you are using
    – Click Start
    – Click Run
    – Enter: ipconfig /flushdns
    – Click OK
    – Open Internet Explorer or whatever browser you are using
    – Retry to navigate to

    If this not works – you are out of options :D

    in reply to: We’re back! #26153


    Hope you didnt have to work TOO insanely hard to get everything up and running again.[/quote:11byhokg]

    Well, managing a very demanding and full time job, being maried and having 3 kids in the ages of 3, 10 and 14 (all girls) the hardest thing is to get spare time. As the late evenings and part of the night were the only time to work on this problem, you could say it was not easy to do. It took around 16 hours to install, restore/reconfigure/upgrade, starting at monday and being online on thursday morning (local time) – I may be proud on myself to manage that. It’s insane, but hey, I’m a freak myself, only in other subjects than the Smashing Pumpkins *lauging out loud*

    SPfreaks is back – that is what counts :D

    in reply to: Chatroom: The JimmBill Talks #8821


    A little help…

    Register your (nick)name


    [*:4hdc3be3]Enter your (nick)name, no password and press de [Enter #SPfreaks] button

    > You connect and enter the #SPfreaks chatroom
    [*:4hdc3be3]Enter the next line:

    /nickserv register <password> <emailaddress>

    example: /nickserv register MySecret123">
    [*:4hdc3be3]Next time you sign in, you enter your (nick)name and password
    [*:4hdc3be3]When someone signs in with your (nick)name and doesnt enter the correct password, the name will after 60 seconds be forced changed to Guest with a random number.
    [*:4hdc3be3]If you forget to give your password when you sign in, you could se the next dialog:

    [01:37] [#SPfreaks] You must resolve the nickname conflict before you can proceed
    [01:37] -irc-server- Your nick will be changed in 60 seconds if you do not comply.
    [01:37] -irc-server- You now have 40 seconds to change your nick. The nick you are
    [01:37] -irc-server- currently using is registered to another user.
    [01:38] -irc-server- You now have 20 seconds to change your nick. If you do not
    [01:38] -irc-server- comply, Your nickname will be change for you. This is your final warning.
    [01:38] *** RedWolf is now known as Guest2
    [*:4hdc3be3]If you change your nick and you change it back to you old name, you see the next dialog:

    [01:47] -irc-server- This nickname is owned by someone else. Please choose another.
    [01:47] -irc-server- If this is your nickname, type: /PASS <password>
    [*:4hdc3be3]To enter your password when you’re in the chat, enter:

    /pass <password>

    example: /pass MySecret123[/*:m:4hdc3be3][/list:u:4hdc3be3]

    Nickname changes

    You can change your nick while you’re in the chat. Use the box left/below in the chatscreen and hit <enter>.

    Or use the IRC command: /nick <nickname>

    Note: After you changed your nickname you have to wait 1 minute before you can change it again.

    For help or questions, post on the support forum. I will return answer as soon as possible.

    Happy chatting :D

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