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  • Author
    • #1128

      Cool As Ice Cream

      Yes, the man himself said it.

      \"Go buy that freakin’ shirt! Or I’ll have manillascissor delete all your accounts! :twisted: \"

    • #34988



    • #34989


      Do I have to send in proof of purchase to secure my account? :P

    • #34990



      Billy, you got a shirt in king kong size ?

    • #34991

      i would love to buy one billy, but i seem to have no money, wanna buy one for me?

    • #34992



    • #34993


      :lol: :lol: :lol:

      guess this place is going to only have a few members left…me included

      buy a shirt people!!!

    • #34994

      Or I’ll have manillascissor delete all your accounts![/quote:1kh862fq]
      Are you implying some people have multiple accounts? Hmmm?

    • #34995


      i have 3 actually- blueczarina, bluebullet (which i share with bullet), and bollythealien (the alien in the zero shirt i was harassing reggae with :P )

      so yes, some or at least one person has multiple accounts :P but i don’t do too much mischief with them. :wink:

    • #34996


      buy the t-shirt, everyone! i have one and it is awesome.

      suggestion: \" conquers the world\" thread.
      in this thread, we post pictures of ourselves (or others) wearing the spfreaks t-shirt in as many different towns and cities as possible.

      make one from your hometown, but also take your t-shirt with you everytime you go away, and don’t forget to make the picture! if you can, make the picture in front of a landmark, so it’s easy for everyone to recognize where it’s taken. (for example, if you’re in paris, go stand in front of the eiffel tower or the notre dame, instead of making the picture in front of a closed down second hand toilet paper store.)

      another nice one would be a picture in front of the venue everytime you go to a smashing pumpkins concert.
      we could also try to get on a picture with someone famous, while wearing the spfreaks t-shirt.

      basically we’d be making a big \" was there\" gallery. what do you think?

    • #34997

      i love the idea, but i need a shirt first.

      maybe i can get the treasury to print me out some money too, they seem to be doing it for everyone else who wants it.

    • #34998


      this sounds interesting! So it would be like the Flat Stanley geography lesson, but in this case SPfreaks geography.
      Um, is this a Billy command? :roll:

    • #34999

      i love the idea, but i need a shirt first.

      maybe i can get the treasury to print me out some money too, they seem to be doing it for everyone else who wants it.[/quote:r4ic7i1m]


    • #35000

      i don’t know flat stanley.
      wikipedia to the rescue!

    • #35001


      well you obviously don’t have children in school :P
      lucky :lol:

      Flat Stanley is a pain in the ass…I have 2 of his reports at my house..LOL

      this task is much easier pictures and no reports :)

    • #35002

      everything comes back into style? :lol:

    • #35003

      Um, is this a Billy command? :roll:[/quote:2jermin5]
      Billy COMMANDS you!

      Yes, the man himself said it.

    • #35004


      :D Cool, start the thread! :D

      Why I like this idea, is also because of: \"Stanley Lambchop and his younger brother Arthur 8) are given a big bulletin board by their Dad for putting pictures and posters on.\"

      That must be Daddy Cool then… :lol:

    • #35005


      so should this project be called Flat SPfreaks? or Flat Billy? :roll:

    • #35006

      😀 Cool, start the thread! :D[/quote:h0lqubn6]
      I’ll do it as soon as I have at least one picture.

      In the mean time, everyone can start thinking about where to make pictures and maybe already make some, so that the thread will get a good start once it’s been created.

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