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    • #620


      I’m… so thoroughly sick of being sick.

      Just throwing that out there, because I’m feeling completely filled with self-sympathy and bitter cabin fever after a week in bed coughing up my lungs and complaining.

      Learn from my lesson- don’t get Influenza. If one of your friends get it, just stay away from them. They might want you to be all huggy and sympathetic and friend-like, but it’s not worth it. TRUST. ME.

      …Someone entertain me. I demand it. :x Don’t be scared, any thing’s better then watching more random home videos uploaded to Youtube.

      -Apart from guessing what ‘G.L.O.W’ stands for- and that’s just becoming frustrating. I can’t believe we have to wait till September when the track is sitting somewhere in a studio. It’s especially annoying when the only opinions we get to hear about it are from the M. staff on the site because of the user comment ban. Which is clever, and ass in my opinion. Clever, to keep the band from looking bad by a certain few that signed up. And ass, because it’s losing the connection between the band and the fans… and making them look bad by turning down all the rest that signed up seldomly because they love Corgan/Chamberlin/The Music/The PUMPKINS!

      I don’t -just- want to hear what M. staff think about Doomsday Clock! I wanna hear the kids, hardcore fans yelling about how they saw Billy in the street, or how they brought the ‘New Zero Shirt’ and how it fits like a dream.

      I miss knowing that the fans are out there, (of course this site is a wonderful exception in saying that) even if the occasional dick bag decided to blunt down a few nicely cut edges…


      Screw. Influenza.

    • #21345


      good thing we can’t get sick through the net…lol
      Hope you feel better soon. Know the feeling
      Yeah it bites we can’t be on the site news posting, but this one is wonderful!!

    • #21346


      phil, I know what you’re going through, I had the same almost 2 months ago and had to stay home almost 2 weeks. Fever on and off, headached, the whole bullshits. Still I’m not really OK, and I badly need a holiday. Will be there in 4 weeks, then I’m 3 weeks off in a row. Looking forward, you wouldn’t believe it.

      Take care phil, keep cool. I’m with ya.

    • #21347


      Always nice to know someone out there has gone through the same kind of hell as me.

      Share the love.

      Love. Virus. Same thing.

      In the past week my goldfish Gavin and my hot water bottle have become my best companions. They never complain that they might catch something!

      I’m very lucky to have them.

      -Good Luck with the break Arthur. You certainly deserve it. Especially after all this inner stress. Urgh. Terrible topic.

    • #21348


      The world (music) has changed so much. The business of it all. Back in the day, before the internet started squirming about randomly in every residential home, people did not have any other way to hear a track prior to release other than having a promo or seeing it performed live.

      Since we didn’t have this option, we didn’t *excuse me*, but fucking bitch about the fact that a band has a set release date. I get that times have changed and that many other artists are releasing shit independently and even sometimes for free over the internet. But for fucks sake, it wasn’ THAT long ago when this option ceased to exist.

      Personally, I love waiting. I honestly cannot stand the instant gratification of our society these days. It sickens. No wonder music is in the shithole. Once a band releases an album, the fans swawk ’cause they already illegally downloaded it months ago, and are sick of listening to it.

      People bitching about the release of G.L.O.W.—-god, I hate being this way, but for fuck’s sake, save it. There are SOOOOO many other atrocities going on in this world. A Smashing Pumpkins track is supposed to remove you from the hard times of life, not become it.

    • #21349


      nicely said Manilla :wink:

    • #21350


      sorry phil,

      that wasn’t an attack on you. just, in a grr mood i suppose.

      sorry you are ill. :( hope you get to feeling better soon.

    • #21351




      I understand, and agree with you Manilla. But in saying that- If I had the choice to listen to G.L.O.W or any other Smashing Pumpkins single now, or say in a couple of months, I would always -always- choose the sooner.

      It’s not so much that I don’t mind waiting for it, as it is I’d prefer to have it now.

      After all, waiting is one of my least favourite things. From for toast, to traffic lights and online orders. And listening to the Pumpkins is of course, one of my favourites.

      -I can wait. I’m not saying I can’t. I’m just thinking here and now rather then then and later.

      After all… would you rather see Billy preform say a week from now or in three months? :wink:

    • #21352

      So you want entertainment?

      Screw the debate on the modern music industry and the instant-microwave roast dinner for three state of the world, I WILL SHOW YOU A GOOD TIME THAT DOES NOT INVOLVE LEAVING YOUR COMPUTER!

      Lots of TV, streamed. And I mean lots. Entire series.

    • #21353


      ^ And anime, and movies.

      It’s wrong, illegal and the pure reflection of what lazy asses our society is becoming. But it’s awesome.

      I hope you get better soon, Phil. My mother always told me that if I went out without my sweater I’d get Influenza and regret it.

    • #21354

      phil i hope you feel better soon, and if you have never watched it, firefly is a great show to watch, they only made one season i think. but it mixes the old west with sci-fi, very good, then there is a movie serenity, that is about the show, so bonus at least.

      hope you feel better maybe arthur can make you some chicken and cheese soup to feel better.

    • #21355


      After all… would you rather see Billy preform say a week from now or in three months? :wink:[/quote:3kwnijl9]
      I;m seeing them in 12 days wahoo!!!
      lol I get what you’re saying

    • #21356


      i hope you get better Phil. i know being sick sucks. :wink:

    • #21357

      ^ And anime, and movies.

      It’s wrong, illegal and the pure reflection of what lazy asses our society is becoming. But it’s awesome.[/quote:w3y9vewa]

      Illegal maybe. Lazy… how? Awesome yes.

      I’m only on there watching TV shows anyway. I mean, I’m not going to wait a week for the next re-run of an old show when I could just stream it online! I mean, seriously. Why would you wait when you don’t have to?

    • #21358

      alot of channels have thier tv shows on thier websites too. like i watch alot of shows on USA, like burn notice, monk, in plain sight, psyche, and they all have full episodes with comercials, so they are totally legal, and they are really great shows, so if i miss one i just go and watch it online. sci-fi chanel has some of theres, and lots of other channels do too. so if you really feel bad about it, go and watch them on the sites that show comercials, they aren’t long like 20 seconds or so.

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