- This topic has 54 replies, 5,855 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 8 months ago by
2009.05.16 at 7:12 am #1167
Honeymade OpiateSpectatorJust an idea, here. What other artist/band or such do you collect besides the Pumpkins? Or are you looking for a special item of a kind? Pictures, etc etc?
C’mon and brag people, i know you want to!
On my behalf it’s gotta be
Therapy?, Jane’s Addiction, Dinosaur Jr, Hole, Foo Fighters (stuff only from their debut album!), Earth, Hellacopters mainly.
2009.05.16 at 7:14 am #36296
manillascissorKeymasterI used to collect a lot of Deftones vinyl. Still have it all. And a few cool posters.
2009.05.16 at 7:21 am #36297
DanniSpectatorDeftones, eyh?
Ya know, I haven’t listened to them very much and I just don’t know why. Although I have to admit that Saturday Night Wrist from 2006 is a great album.
2009.05.16 at 10:58 am #36298
mr.benwaySpectatorI’m collecting Sub Pop Promotion CDs and Photos/press Kits.
Here are some Pictures
with cds i own (‘X’) or i have information about (‘-‘), but there are a lot catalog-numbers (‘?’) where i need more information.
I also try to complete the Sub Pop Singles-Club #1 / #2, but that are pricey issues.
2009.05.16 at 12:02 pm #36299
mr.benwaySpectatorOn my behalf it’s gotta be
Therapy?, Jane’s Addiction, Dinosaur Jr, Hole, Foo Fighters (stuff only from their debut album!), Earth, Hellacopters mainly.[/quote:271adntr]
Wow…Those are phantastic bands… I like them also a lot… Back in the mid 90s i was also collecting Hole & Foo Fighters, but i sold the promos & vinyl () a few years ago.
2009.05.16 at 1:01 pm #36300
blueczarinaSpectatori half assed collect the odd bloc party and franz ferdinand item, mostly franz though. they have better album art and some odd promo stuff.
2009.05.16 at 1:06 pm #36301
last_rose_of_summerSpectatori collect pocket dragons…. [url:2slselsh]http://www.dragonsinmypocket.com/shop/home.php?cat=5[/url:2slselsh]
they don’t make them anymore
but some places still have some for sale online. unfortunately i have not been able to afford to buy any for a long time.
2009.05.16 at 1:19 pm #36302
last_rose_of_summerSpectator -
2009.05.16 at 1:22 pm #36303
blueczarinaSpectatorfunny little critters. i haven’t seen those before Rose.
how many do you have?
i have some non-music collections of sorts too. i like to collect odd little toys and random strangeness. i always liked weird toys and vintage stuff. plus i also collect fashion advertisements.
2009.05.16 at 1:23 pm #36304
blueczarinaSpectatorhaha, i didn’t see the picture. you have quite a few.
2009.05.16 at 1:29 pm #36305
manillascissorKeymasteri used to collect the SHIT out of porcelain animal figurines from this company:
i think i have about 200 pieces all stored at my parents house.
2009.05.16 at 1:42 pm #36306
blueczarinaSpectatorinteresting. are they mostly horses or are there other critters too in your collection?
2009.05.16 at 1:46 pm #36307
manillascissorKeymasteroh, i got em all. cats, dogs, mice, bears, horses, frogs, etc…
2009.05.16 at 1:55 pm #36308
last_rose_of_summerSpectatorthose are neat manilla! i also collect shot glasses too. i have another curio cabinet in the kitchen full of them.
i just love the pocket dragons. we even had a bride and groom one on top of our wedding cake
i have a picture but it’s not digital and i don’t have a scanner so i can’t post it. maybe one day i can get a scanner.
2009.05.16 at 2:12 pm #36309
blueczarinaSpectatorthat is neat manilla. i love little frog figurines. and that’s cool rose. dragon wedding toppers. did the cake match?
2009.05.16 at 5:07 pm #36310
ArthurSpectatorHehehe, cool topic! Seems like everybody collects not only Smashing Pumpkins lol! Same here, I collect funny antique artifacts (especially Asian!), Dutch clay pipes from the 1500 – 1800 era, Dutch unused stamps, and music wise: 16 Horsepower (US), Noir Desir (FR) and Reboelje (Frisian band).
When I was young I collected plastic Pink Panther figurines. Shannen and her brother even gave me 2 Pink Panther dolls a while back, 1 of them to stick to the car window. Pink Panther rulez! Somebody remembers the cartoon where Pink Panther buys an \"instant hole\" and it even got delivered in a box, and then he starts using it, by throwing it on the floor and then jumping in it to disappear? Fucking brilliant!
Also the movies with Peter Sellers are brilliant…
Inspector Clouseau enters a hotel lobby and spots a dog in the hallway. He asks the guy at the desk:
\"Doezz your dog bite?\"
\"No.\"Clouseau tries to cuddle the dog.
…Wraf! Wraf! Bite!…
\"Uhm, I thought your dog doezz not bite?\"
\"That is not my dog.\" -
2009.05.16 at 6:19 pm #36311
DanniSpectatorThat’s cool y’all!
Speaking of figures, anyone remberer these? The 1988 TMHT figures:
2009.05.16 at 6:31 pm #36312
blueczarinaSpectatori think my brother had a turtle one.
2009.05.16 at 7:29 pm #36313
blueczarinaSpectatori have a collection of these. they are McDonalds Magic Nursery dolls. they were a christmas happy meal toy in the 90’s.
2009.05.16 at 9:28 pm #36314
ArthurSpectatorMcDonalds Magic Nursery dolls.
Now I suddenly understand Iconoclasm, and book burnings… Some things just should NOT exist!
2009.05.16 at 9:46 pm #36315
blueczarinaSpectatori own them because they are fucked up.
plus its really creepy to have a pail of them and i collect weird shit.
2009.05.16 at 10:42 pm #36316
blueczarinaSpectatoroh, and when i get some time i will upload some pics, because there is more weirdness in the twilight zone that is my collection of random stuff.
2009.05.16 at 11:24 pm #36317
Those are very cute, Rose.
You own all of them, or you still need some ?
2009.05.17 at 12:20 am #36318
AnonymousSpectatoroh, i got em all. cats, dogs, mice, bears, horses, frogs, etc…[/quote:14qfnpjv]
i know woman collect stuff like that but you of all people…who would have guessed
2009.05.17 at 1:12 am #36319
manillascissorKeymasteroh, i got em all. cats, dogs, mice, bears, horses, frogs, etc…[/quote:1ftvkh31]
i know woman collect stuff like that but you of all people…who would have guessed
i bought a few and then i couldn’t stop!
2009.05.17 at 1:46 am #36320
blueczarinaSpectatori admit i was surprised too manilla
2009.05.17 at 1:55 am #36321
manillascissorKeymasteri used to collect coca cola polar bears too.
2009.05.17 at 2:06 am #36322
AnonymousSpectatori used to collect coca cola polar bears too.
really? they are so cute..I had barbie crap, but I gave them away when I was younger-lucky girls -
2009.05.17 at 2:09 am #36323
blueczarinaSpectatori never liked barbie.
2009.05.17 at 2:11 am #36324
AnonymousSpectatorsome do some don’t..and I was like 3 when I got my first whore for christmas..lol
2009.05.17 at 2:32 am #36325
blueczarinaSpectatorfirst whore for christmas
2009.05.17 at 3:56 am #36326
last_rose_of_summerSpectatorthere are a lot of pocket dragons that i don’t have… my collection is not very big compared to lots of other peoples. but that’s ok. i’m happy with the ones i have
2009.05.17 at 4:22 am #36327
AnonymousSpectatorfirst whore for christmas
sounds horrid
2009.05.17 at 11:53 pm #36328
Im a Cult HeroSpectatorI try to pick up pretty much anything David Bowie/The Cure related whenever I find something.
I think I might even have *gasp* more Bowie stuff than SP!!
To be fair though….he has been around slightly longer than Billy & co.
I used to collect Nightmare before christmas stuff too, but I ran out of space to put the stuff so I gave that up -
2009.05.18 at 2:42 am #36329
blueczarinaSpectatorwe’ll forgive you
and i like Nightmare Before Christmas too. i love the imagery and art of it. i don’t have any stuff beyond my dvd though. i think that’s mainly because all of these dumb pre-teen/ teen wannabe goth emos kind of ruined that particular merch for me.
it seems every time i see it i always think oh, neat. then afterward i get a picture of your typical hot topic idiot with there pumpkin jack hoodie, dyed hair, too small pants, fake badges and and pins, and i want to look all emotional and individual by dressing up like the rest of the idiots at school and following the latest emo fad attitude.
those bastards kind of ruin good stuff. it almost seems to cheapen it for me even though it probably shouldn’t.
2009.05.18 at 10:24 am #36330
amnesiaSpectatorThe Nightmare Before Christmas movie is so awesome.
Its one of my top 10 movies of all time. -
2009.05.18 at 12:40 pm #36331
last_rose_of_summerSpectatori like nightmare before christmas too. i have a jack skellington t-shirt and my dvd, but that’s it. i like the artwork of it too. one time when we were in the tattoo shop, there was a guy getting a scene from the movie tattooed on his back it was cool
2009.05.18 at 5:03 pm #36332
DanniSpectatorYeah, and I’ve seen that even that guy Billy Corgan has a N.B.C-sweater, isn’t that right?
2009.05.18 at 5:10 pm #36333
AnonymousSpectatorwell actually isn’t it a hoodie
look for yourself
2009.05.18 at 5:18 pm #36334
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorI am seriously considering becoming a Mew collector. They are such a great band, not so old as to be overwhelming, with a really weird but wonderful sense of aesthetics meaning their releases always look really good. Also, they rival the mighty SP in terms of b-sides, in both quality and relative quantity!
2009.05.18 at 5:37 pm #36335
DanniSpectatorI am seriously considering becoming a Mew collector. They are such a great band, not so old as to be overwhelming, with a really weird but wonderful sense of aesthetics meaning their releases always look really good. Also, they rival the mighty SP in terms of b-sides, in both quality and relative quantity![/quote:38gnoac6]
Superlord, yeah, the danish Mew definately has their moments. I like the Frengers album but also that track "Why Are You Looking So Grave?" featuring my great god of all times: J Mascis (Dinosaur Jr – the best band ever) from their 2005 release "…..And The Glass Handed Kites". Other than that I haven’t listened too much to Mew.
2009.05.18 at 5:47 pm #36336
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorYou should definitely check out the rest of ATGHK – it’s really good. Also check out their debut, A Triumph For Man. Their second album, Half The World Is Watching Me isn’t really essential – it’s good, but all but one of the songs on it have been re-recorded, and all of the newer versions are equal to or better than the originals. 5 our of 7 of the new ones are on Frengers, and the last 2 aren’t hard to find mp3s for.
But yeah, I <3 Mew, can’t wait for the new album
2009.05.18 at 7:12 pm #36337
amnesiaSpectatorI think Mew are very overrated, maybe because they play them all the time on the radio.
And they are not even very popular here in Denmark, even though its a Danish band.
I dont think they are bad, i just had to much Mew the last 8-10 years. -
2009.05.18 at 8:26 pm #36338
Im a Cult HeroSpectatorwe’ll forgive you
and i like Nightmare Before Christmas too. i love the imagery and art of it. i don’t have any stuff beyond my dvd though. i think that’s mainly because all of these dumb pre-teen/ teen wannabe goth emos kind of ruined that particular merch for me.
it seems every time i see it i always think oh, neat. then afterward i get a picture of your typical hot topic idiot with there pumpkin jack hoodie, dyed hair, too small pants, fake badges and and pins, and i want to look all emotional and individual by dressing up like the rest of the idiots at school and following the latest emo fad attitude.
those bastards kind of ruin good stuff. it almost seems to cheapen it for me even though it probably shouldn’t.
Hehe, I know what you mean, I’m (or rather : I *was*) more into collecting figurines, mannequins, teddies and other stuff, rather than clothes though….not that I don’t have a few t-shirts too
2009.05.18 at 8:27 pm #36339
blueczarinaSpectatori’ve never heard them. i might check them out later. bands i’ve considered collecting are Sonic Youth and Radiohead, but they rival the SP in terms of expensive.
2009.05.18 at 8:28 pm #36340
blueczarinaSpectatorwe’ll forgive you
and i like Nightmare Before Christmas too. i love the imagery and art of it. i don’t have any stuff beyond my dvd though. i think that’s mainly because all of these dumb pre-teen/ teen wannabe goth emos kind of ruined that particular merch for me.
it seems every time i see it i always think oh, neat. then afterward i get a picture of your typical hot topic idiot with there pumpkin jack hoodie, dyed hair, too small pants, fake badges and and pins, and i want to look all emotional and individual by dressing up like the rest of the idiots at school and following the latest emo fad attitude.
those bastards kind of ruin good stuff. it almost seems to cheapen it for me even though it probably shouldn’t.
Hehe, I know what you mean, I’m (or rather : I *was*) more into collecting figurines, mannequins, teddies and other stuff, rather than clothes though….not that I don’t have a few t-shirts too
haha, yeah, there is some cool items out there. too many dipshits are into the merch here though.
you should see the teens in this town.
2009.05.18 at 8:36 pm #36341
blueczarinaSpectatorspeaking of nightmare before christmas. here is Arthur’s nightmare before christmas.
they were a holiday happy meal toy.
McDonalds Magic Nursery dolls.
Now I suddenly understand Iconoclasm, and book burnings… Some things just should NOT exist!
2009.05.18 at 8:47 pm #36342
amnesiaSpectatorThats one ugly doll.
2009.05.18 at 8:48 pm #36343
blueczarinaSpectatorThats one ugly doll.
they are retarded. its true.
2009.05.18 at 8:51 pm #36344
Im a Cult HeroSpectatorVery creepy :/
2009.05.18 at 8:53 pm #36345
blueczarinaSpectatori also have them in blue sleepers.
i have a lot of weird crap.
2009.05.18 at 9:09 pm #36346
amnesiaSpectatori also have them in blue sleepers.
i have a lot of weird crap.
Your so werid, Blue.
2009.05.18 at 9:14 pm #36347
AnonymousSpectatori also have them in blue sleepers.
i have a lot of weird crap.
well I think your dolls are cute
now on the other hand a man collecting horses, dogs, cats, etc *cough *cough Manilla…that I find weird -
2009.05.18 at 9:14 pm #36348
blueczarinaSpectatori know. ever since i was little i collected odd crap.
2009.05.22 at 8:16 am #36349
DanniSpectatorHers’s some of the other shit I collect(except SP) , and these ones are the ones I recently bought:
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