- This topic has 30 replies, 2,752 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 7 months ago by
2008.07.02 at 6:13 am #546
blueczarinaSpectatorhttp://cgi.ebay.com/My-Little-Pony-DUTC … .m14.l1318
ok, i was on ebay and i typed in Nirvana (as in the band) and listed with the other stuff was this \"Nirvana\"
My Little Pony.
it has a hilarious description and it even has a reserve price for some reason. i don’t know what it has to do with the band, but this was so funny i felt like sharing. and evidently the pony is Dutch, not from America (which is very important- read the description).
2008.07.02 at 12:50 pm #18496
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthat is strange. i am sleepy, and i don’t even have anything to say about it, except that it is strange.
2008.07.02 at 4:06 pm #18497
MarcellaSpectator\"Her beautiful white body is free from marks.\"
That could be mistaken as another thing up for sale if there wasn’t a picture. Of course the \"the end of her tail is slightly dry\" would raise intriguing doubts.
2008.07.02 at 6:35 pm #18498
blueczarinaSpectatori know. its like they’re talking about a person. its creepy.
2008.07.02 at 6:37 pm #18499
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori don’t understand why they call it a nirvana horse though. still strange.
2008.07.02 at 6:40 pm #18500
SuperlordspamulonSpectator"Her beautiful white body is free from marks."
That could be mistaken as another thing up for sale if there wasn’t a picture. Of course the "the end of her tail is slightly dry" would raise intriguing doubts.
i know. its like they’re talking about a person. its creepy.[/quote:1hcbv3i3]
And fortunately, neither of you will know some of the most disturbing things that go on on the internet. That link both of your comments.
Do not ask.
2008.07.02 at 6:42 pm #18501
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoroh, gosh.
that sounds strange and creepy.
ok no asking no matter what.
i am creeped out by it and i don’t even know what it is.
2008.07.02 at 6:42 pm #18502
blueczarinaSpectatoralright. i won’t ask.
although you shouldn’t be knowing either.
2008.07.02 at 6:44 pm #18503
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthat is what i was thinking too.
to young for strippers, but not to know creepy stuff. hummmmm
2008.07.02 at 7:37 pm #18504
blueczarinaSpectatoryou know- last night when i was half asleep this was f*cked up in a funny way. now thanks to Superlord its just creepy.
i think its just some weirdo who really likes there pony collection though.
2008.07.02 at 7:45 pm #18505
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoroh, that is weird. it makes me think of serial killers. those scare the living shit out mof me. i am so afraid of serial killers, i won’t watch movies with them, or shows about them. to scary, i will have to stay awake, and all the lights on.
2008.07.02 at 7:54 pm #18506
ArthurSpectatorI have serial killers for breakfast. At least that’s what the package says.
Oh wait, it’s killer cerials.
2008.07.02 at 7:55 pm #18507
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorI have serial killers for breakfast. At least that’s what the package says.
Oh wait, it’s killer cerials.
2008.07.02 at 7:58 pm #18508
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorkiller cerals, well that doesn’t sound to scary.
i like capn’ crunch. my husband calls it little shards of glass, cause it will cut your mouth if you are not careful.
but real serial killers, scary. (need scared face)
2008.07.02 at 8:01 pm #18509
SuperlordspamulonSpectator -
2008.07.02 at 8:05 pm #18510
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorscary, quit!!!
2008.07.02 at 8:38 pm #18511
blueczarinaSpectatori watch serial killer crime shows on tv, like Dexter and Criminal minds, but it is a creepy subject.
Capt. Crunch can cut your mouth bullet? never noticed
2008.07.02 at 8:42 pm #18512
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryeah, if you don’t use enough milk, which i am a cheapskate, and use as little milk as possible in my cerial, but then i save the milk and put more ceral in it, unless it is a chocolate ceral, then i totally drink the milk.
i have misspelled ceral about 50 times in one post, wow, is that a new record or what?
i don’t watch those shows. i refuse to. seral killers better stay away from me, i will kill them right back, i am trying to bone up on my ufc moves, i am great at a rear naked choke (and no noone is really naked, so don’t even try those comments, boys, yes i mean you!). or at least push them down my stairs.
2008.07.02 at 8:46 pm #18513
blueczarinaSpectatoryou get ’em bullet.
i don’t use much milk either, but thats because it tastes kind of fatty to me. maybe its a vegetarian thing.
2008.07.02 at 8:52 pm #18514
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori like to use skim milk, i think it tastes better, i can’t stand anything above 2 % though, it is gross.
2008.07.02 at 8:54 pm #18515
blueczarinaSpectator2% is gross. my family never buys it.
2008.07.02 at 8:59 pm #18516
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthat is why i like skim the best, it is the least gross.
2008.07.02 at 9:02 pm #18517
blueczarinaSpectatori like how this thread has gone from my little pony- to perverts- to cereal killers- to serial killers- to capt. crunch- to milk in a space of a few hours.
2008.07.02 at 9:03 pm #18518
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorLET’S TALK ABOUT DINOSAURS NOW YAAAY!!!
2008.07.02 at 9:12 pm #18519
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorlol lol
well i like brontasuarus the bestest.
what about you?
2008.07.02 at 9:15 pm #18520
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorDINOSAUR COMICS YAY!
2008.07.02 at 9:16 pm #18521
blueczarinaSpectatori like this one
2008.07.02 at 9:16 pm #18522
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwell crap, see how behind the times i am on dinasaurs, they are still called that right?
that is too funny superlord. i liked it, very \"fresh\"
2008.07.03 at 5:06 pm #18523
MarcellaSpectatorReading this whole thread has made my day.
2008.07.04 at 1:23 am #18524
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwell i am glad.
made my day too. just it was yesterday intstead of today.
2008.07.04 at 3:00 am #18525
blueczarinaSpectatorReading this whole thread has made my day.[/quote:1hijs52x]
well, glad you liked it.
it was pretty screwy.
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