- This topic has 200 replies, 14,764 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 5 months ago by
2008.06.23 at 12:14 am #530
blueczarinaSpectatorLet’s play a forum game
It’s simple, you ask something like \"tv or computer?\" or \"black or white?\" and the person below chooses one and states another question.
Coke or Pepsi?
2008.06.23 at 12:29 am #18037
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorright now neither, pepsi for obvoius billy reasons, and coke for obvious olympic reasons.
paper or plastic?
2008.06.23 at 12:41 am #18038
MarcellaSpectatorPlastic, I think.
TV or computer?
2008.06.23 at 3:25 am #18039
blueczarinaSpectatorcomputer- tv is all re-runs now
mp3 or CD
2008.06.24 at 12:40 pm #18040
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatordepends, is my mp3 player almost dead?
hehehe sorry to be difficult
i will reask it for you
mp3 or cd
2008.06.24 at 3:32 pm #18041
headphones or earphones?
2008.06.24 at 3:45 pm #18042
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoreasy peasy on that one earphones.
car or truck
2008.06.24 at 8:03 pm #18043
attending real live show or just listening to cd?
2008.06.24 at 8:29 pm #18044
MarcellaSpectatorlive show x100000000000!
chocolate or strawberry?
2008.06.24 at 8:40 pm #18045
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorCHOCOLATE YUMMY YUMMY YUMMMMM
oh sorry got a little carried away.
cat or dog
2008.06.24 at 8:48 pm #18046
sneakers or tennis shoes?
2008.06.24 at 8:49 pm #18047
ArthurSpectatorDefinately cat! Cats are awesome, while dogs are .
milk or orange juice?
2008.06.24 at 8:57 pm #18048
manillascissorKeymastermilky tennis shoes
orange juice makes me want to hurl.
wireless or dialup?
2008.06.24 at 10:03 pm #18049
Trick or treat?
2008.06.24 at 10:54 pm #18050
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatortrick, oh no wait, treat those are much better.
tin foil or plasic wrap
2008.06.25 at 1:54 am #18051
blueczarinaSpectatortin foil- i can never get plastic wrap off of the roll.
summer or fall
2008.06.25 at 7:06 am #18052
ShannenSpectatorSummer – so I can be in my colourful dresses
Mug or Jug?
2008.06.25 at 7:05 pm #18053
T or A?
2008.06.25 at 8:01 pm #18054
blueczarinaSpectatorT i guess
cold or hot
2008.06.25 at 8:32 pm #18055
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorhahaha t that is funny.
i would go with that too.
HOT just like me.
pc or laptop
2008.06.25 at 8:33 pm #18056
MarcellaSpectatorAt first PC…had trouble with the mousepad. But since I like the privacy it gives, I choose laptop.
Sausage or banana?
2008.06.25 at 8:36 pm #18057
blueczarinaSpectatorbanana- i’m vegetarian
chips or fries
2008.06.25 at 8:37 pm #18058
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorbanana- i’m vegetarian[/quote:33kl3y8z]
Could be a veggie sausage.
2008.06.25 at 8:38 pm #18059
blueczarinaSpectatorbanana- i’m vegetarian[/quote:1gjr3xb0]
Could be a veggie sausage.[/quote:1gjr3xb0]
i don’t really like those. i prefer these veggie cake patties.
2008.06.25 at 9:14 pm #18060
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorfrench fries, they are the best
cash or check, or credit card
2008.06.25 at 9:23 pm #18061
MarcellaSpectatorCash. Credit cards seem to always end up causing trouble and debt.
2008.06.25 at 9:35 pm #18062
blueczarinaSpectator– both my choice and a chuckle at the question
Billy with hair or Billy without
2008.06.25 at 9:38 pm #18063
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoroh, gosh, without.
*watchout fan girl coming out again*
his bald head is sooooooooo sexy.
smoking or non?
2008.06.25 at 9:41 pm #18064
blueczarinaSpectatori think it looks better too.
non- smoking
radio or mp3 player
2008.06.25 at 9:43 pm #18065
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatornot just better hotter.
mp3 player
night or day
2008.06.25 at 9:46 pm #18066
blueczarinaSpectatortrue- it is hotter
comedy or drama
2008.06.25 at 10:09 pm #18067
PipokaSpectatorcomedy !
pool or sea ?
2008.06.25 at 10:12 pm #18068
ArthurSpectatorBilly with hair or Billy without[/quote:3o0tp0xu]
With. As it stands for his oldskool rocking period that I love so much. That raw energy from a starting band going to the top. I have nothing against the Billy without hair, don’t get me wrong. But I don’t have to find him uhmmm… attractive. I leave that to you girls. -
2008.06.25 at 10:12 pm #18069
MarcellaSpectatorPool. The thought of some strange creature jabbing at my foot while I swim scares the shizzle out of me.
Boxers or briefs?
2008.06.25 at 10:19 pm #18070
blueczarinaSpectatorBilly with hair or Billy without[/quote:271o0gtx]
With. As it stands for his oldskool rocking period that I love so much. That raw energy from a starting band going to the top. I have nothing against the Billy without hair, don’t get me wrong. But I don’t have to find him uhmmm… attractive. I leave that to you girls.[/quote:271o0gtx]
2008.06.25 at 10:27 pm #18071
ArthurSpectatortrue- it is hotter[/quote:hwm8f13q]
Strongly disagree, but that’s a guy talking here. When I would be in a gal’s shoe, I would consider this way hotter: -
2008.06.25 at 10:30 pm #18072
blueczarinaSpectatorthat is a fine looking photo *swoons* haha
, but in general his hair styles were bad.
2008.06.25 at 10:30 pm #18073
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorit is pretty hot, ok really hot, but i am gonna have to still go with no hair.
2008.06.25 at 10:35 pm #18074
ArthurSpectatorit is pretty hot, ok really hot, but i am gonna have to still go with no hair.[/quote:20mczw0a]
You girls are CRAZY creatures. For some reason it works indeed, the bald look. Every now and then I shave my head, and some girls just can’t resist touching it. (shhh don’t tell my girlfriend, she’s the jealous type sometimes)
2008.06.25 at 10:35 pm #18075
MarcellaSpectatorI think he’d still be hot in a pink mohawk. But that’s just me
2008.06.25 at 10:37 pm #18076
blueczarinaSpectatora pink mohawk!
2008.06.25 at 10:40 pm #18077
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori don’t know about the pink mohawk, but i am sure he would still look hot.
and girls are silly, bald heads are neat.
2008.06.25 at 10:41 pm #18078
2008.06.25 at 10:43 pm #18079
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorbut i have to say that is a pretty rocking pic of billy. whew i might have to go take a shower,
2008.06.25 at 10:43 pm #18080
ArthurSpectatorbut i have to say that is a pretty rocking pic of billy. whew i might have to go take a shower,
Do we want to know why? -
2008.06.25 at 10:45 pm #18081
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwell, i have been painting most of the day, so i have paint on my arms, in my hair and on my clothes.
at least that is the story we are going with.
2008.06.25 at 10:46 pm #18082
ArthurSpectatorYeah, we better leave the rest (that is, IF there is a rest) to the readers imagination.
2008.06.25 at 10:47 pm #18083
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryes. correct.
ok back to the game
tape or glue
2008.06.25 at 10:49 pm #18084
ArthurSpectatorBoxers or briefs?[/quote:21x67jt9]
That’s where we left I guess. -
2008.06.25 at 10:52 pm #18085
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorboxer briefs. those look more comfy anywaze.
tape or glue
2008.06.25 at 10:55 pm #18086
ArthurSpectatortape or glue[/quote:1utbwbcc]
Honda or Harley Davidson? (for the bikers)
Toyota or Ford? (for the non-bikers) -
2008.06.25 at 11:00 pm #18087
MarcellaSpectatorFord. Don’t know why.
Spicy or sweet?
2008.06.25 at 11:01 pm #18088
and harley or honda?
2008.06.25 at 11:05 pm #18089
ArthurSpectatorI would go for Toyota and Harley Davidson. Best cars in the world, and most beautiful bikes in the world.
And spicy (asian) food…
Lisa + Billy or Courtney + Billy?
2008.06.25 at 11:07 pm #18090
blueczarinaSpectatorLisa + Billy?
where is this coming from Arthur?
2008.06.25 at 11:07 pm #18091
MarcellaSpectatorLisa + Billy is my secret ship. Ex-secret actually.
Fender or Gibson?
2008.06.25 at 11:12 pm #18092
ArthurSpectatorLisa + Billy?
where is this coming from Arthur?
Just my guts feeling that it could be a good match…Ibanez, no Fender or Gibson. Ibanez make good bluesrock guitars.
Melissa or Ginger?
2008.06.25 at 11:33 pm #18093
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorginger, she looks like a fairy. little and cute!!
blue or pink
2008.06.26 at 12:29 am #18094
blueczarinaSpectatorblue of course- its my fave color
rice or noodles
2008.06.26 at 1:00 am #18095
house or apartment
2008.06.26 at 1:15 am #18096
Curly hair or straight hair?
2008.06.26 at 1:51 am #18097
coffee or tea
2008.06.26 at 5:05 am #18098
ShannenSpectatorit is pretty hot, ok really hot, but i am gonna have to still go with no hair.[/quote:1his2341]
Me too. I like the bald Billy – very sexy indeed!
2008.06.26 at 5:09 am #18099
billy or jimmy?
2008.06.26 at 3:26 pm #18100
MarcellaSpectatorEeek don’t make me answer thattt.
Billy or Jimmy
2008.06.26 at 3:32 pm #18101
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorcan’t answer that either, that’s like having to choose between two of your children, you love them both so much.
so here is a new one
cd or vinyl
2008.06.27 at 3:14 am #18102
blueczarinaSpectatoryeah, definitely can’t answer the Billy/ Jimmy one either.
now for bullet’s question
vinyls are really cool looking and i like to have them just to have them, so i do buy SP ones, but i never play them- so i guess i choose CD, because i actually listen to those.
sugar cookie or chocolate chip
2008.06.27 at 9:13 am #18103
PipokaSpectatorCHOCOLATE CHIP !!!
coffee or tea ?
2008.06.28 at 2:13 am #18104
blueczarinaSpectatori like both coffee and tea, but given the early hours i’m working now- coffee
white new Billy guitar or black new Billy guitar
2008.06.28 at 3:28 am #18105
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorblack one, i think it looks super cool
left or right
2008.06.28 at 3:34 am #18106
blueczarinaSpectatori like the black one too.
right- because i’m right handed
now a hard one bullet
spfreaks or thepumpkins.net? -
2008.06.28 at 3:36 am #18107
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoragain it’s like my kids, well not really
spfreaks all the way
we can be way more ourselves here i think.
cause if we got all silly over there they would look at us wierd.
ok here is one
sword or stick?
2008.06.28 at 3:46 am #18108
blueczarinaSpectatoryeah, i love both, but here we can run our own sorts of converstions all we want.
plus, i kind of like the smallness of it- i think its more friendly that way- it doesn’t feel like a bunch of strangers so much, although thepumpkins.net is good too.
a stick
one more shame post- and then i promise all mischief is done
– sorry Arthur
which do you like better
2008.06.28 at 3:48 am #18109
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorno contest on that one
favorite one
ok, hot wheels or micro machines
2008.06.28 at 3:52 am #18110
blueczarinaSpectatorhot wheels
tv or internet
2008.06.28 at 3:56 am #18111
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoris the guy from burn notice on the tv?
that is what i would base my decison on
2008.06.28 at 5:31 am #18112
blueczarinaSpectatori’ve never seen that, so i’m not much help
2008.06.28 at 1:39 pm #18113
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthis is the show, and the guy i am talking about is the one with the really cool sunglasses, and the suit. but my favorite part of this is when he gets out of his car. if this show is on i would pick tv, other than that internet.
so how about breakfast or lunch
2008.06.28 at 5:51 pm #18114
MarcellaSpectatorLol, lunch.
MCIS or Siamese Dream?
2008.06.29 at 2:15 am #18115
blueczarinaSpectatorthats another toughy Marcella- i don’t think i can choose. i LOVE them both too much.
hippo or elephant
2008.06.29 at 2:19 am #18116
did you watch the burn notice thing?
pen or pencil
2008.06.29 at 2:32 am #18117
blueczarinaSpectatori watched it- looks interesting.
book or magazine
2008.06.29 at 2:34 am #18118
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorbook, any day of the week.
oh that reminds me, i saw an add for the new dean koontz book, i am sooooooooo getting it.
notebook or loose leef
2008.06.29 at 2:37 am #18119
star wars or star trek
2008.06.29 at 2:41 am #18120
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoris it star trek the next generation or original?
2008.06.29 at 2:48 am #18121
blueczarinaSpectatorhow about TNG- its better than TOS
2008.06.29 at 2:53 am #18122
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoris that os- orignal series or os- old skool
ok, well then it will have to be a tie, cause i like both
cpt. pikard is the best though.
ok, lets see
sharpie or crayola marker
2008.06.29 at 3:01 am #18123
blueczarinaSpectatori prefer capt. picard too.
tos= the original series
i like sharpies
draw or paint
2008.06.29 at 3:07 am #18124
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatordraw, even though i am not very good at it, i am much better with a tattoo gun
t shirt or tank top
2008.06.29 at 3:18 am #18125
blueczarinaSpectatoryou must draw decent to be a good tatoo artist i would think. your pics were super cool.
t-shirt maybe, depends on the weather
silver or gold
2008.06.29 at 3:19 am #18126
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorsilver, gold looks bad on me
tap water or bottled water
2008.06.29 at 3:30 am #18127
blueczarinaSpectatori like silver best too- its prettier in my opinion
definitely bottle- tap tastes gross
pancakes or waffles
2008.06.29 at 3:41 am #18128
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwaffles, they are better.
snow or rain
2008.06.29 at 3:44 am #18129
blueczarinaSpectatori like waffles too- less limp
snow- its prettier
indoor or outdoor
2008.06.29 at 11:04 am #18130
ArthurSpectatoryeah, i love both, but here we can run our own sorts of converstions all we want.
plus, i kind of like the smallness of it- i think its more friendly that way- it doesn’t feel like a bunch of strangers so much, although thepumpkins.net is good too.[/quote:1g4nxfzz]
Thanks. Just curious, how is ThePumpkins.net being moderated? Do you notice anything about that? To be honest, I never go there anymore lately, so I wouldn’t know. The site loads too slow for me, and I rather spend my scarce time here. But still I’m curious how other websites deal with member moderation issues.Cannot choose between indoor & outdoor, both are ok to me. Travelling, weather, restaurant, erotic adventures, culture, people: outdoor. Cocooning, tv, pc, sleeping, eating: indoor. Both ok.
tree or rock?
2008.06.29 at 12:09 pm #18131
PipokaSpectatortree !
beach or moutain ?
2008.06.29 at 2:12 pm #18132
AnonymousSpectatorbeach-except after a few more years of global warming I’d rather be on high ground
gum or mints
2008.06.29 at 2:55 pm #18133
scented candle or air freshner
2008.06.29 at 3:04 pm #18134
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryeah, i love both, but here we can run our own sorts of converstions all we want.
plus, i kind of like the smallness of it- i think its more friendly that way- it doesn’t feel like a bunch of strangers so much, although thepumpkins.net is good too.[/quote:dgxj4iaq]
Thanks. Just curious, how is ThePumpkins.net being moderated? Do you notice anything about that? To be honest, I never go there anymore lately, so I wouldn’t know. The site loads too slow for me, and I rather spend my scarce time here. But still I’m curious how other websites deal with member moderation issues.[/quote:dgxj4iaq]they have mods there, but really i don’t think there is to much to moderate, everyone over there is pretty cool, like here. czarina has been there longer than me though, she might be able to say more
erotic adventures[/quote:dgxj4iaq]
did you mean exotic adventures?
2008.06.29 at 6:25 pm #18135
AnonymousSpectatorscented candles….you get aviance too!
ice cream or posicle
2008.06.29 at 6:37 pm #18136
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatora bilzzard from dairy queen. oh those are the best. but i wanna try thier new waffle cone with chocolate and vanilla ice cream with brownie bits, that is like 5lbs right there, so i am not gonna eat for like 3 days before i go and get one.
ok, cup or glass
2008.06.29 at 7:10 pm #18137
ArthurSpectatorerotic adventures[/quote:34xad2jn]
did you mean exotic adventures?[/quote:34xad2jn]
Uhm, yeah sure. Of course. What else. Typo. I guess. For sure. -
2008.06.29 at 7:25 pm #18138
AnonymousSpectator(Cup=plastic most likely)
Glass-it’s cooler sounding and you feel like a grown up…lolthis is for Arthur
Erotic or Exotic…lolseriously
Deep dish or thin crust -
2008.06.29 at 7:28 pm #18139
ArthurSpectatorthis is for Arthur
Erotic or Exotic…lol[/quote:v784ehhj]
Yeah, what’s the difference anyway? -
2008.06.29 at 7:57 pm #18140
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori am sure someone else could answer that question for you.
maybe ask your girlfriend, she might be able to explaine.
2008.06.29 at 8:00 pm #18141
ArthurSpectatori am sure someone else could answer that question for you.
maybe ask your girlfriend, she might be able to explaine.
She’ll say "I’m both, you silly!" for sure. And I’m still left in the blank. -
2008.06.29 at 8:02 pm #18142
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorgirls are like that.
ok, exotic……… somthing that is exotic
erotic. something that is erotic
does that help?
2008.06.29 at 8:04 pm #18143
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorok, went to the dictonary
here is one def for exotic
–adjective 1. of foreign origin or character; not native; introduced from abroad, but not fully naturalized or acclimatized: exotic foods; exotic plants.
2. strikingly unusual or strange in effect or appearance: an exotic hairstyle.
3. of a uniquely new or experimental nature: exotic weapons.
4. of, pertaining to, or involving stripteasing: the exotic clubs where strippers are featured.
–noun 5. something that is exotic: The flower show included several tropical exotics with showy blooms.
6. an exotic dancer; stripper. (hehehe)and here is the one for erotic
–adjective Also, e·rot·i·cal. 1. arousing or satisfying sexual desire: an erotic dance. (from an exotic dancer hehehe)
2. of, pertaining to, or treating of sexual love; amatory: an erotic novel.
3. subject to or marked by strong sexual desire.
–noun 4. an erotic poem.
5. an erotic person. -
2008.06.29 at 8:05 pm #18144
ArthurSpectatorNo, not at all. You girls have this enormous power to leave the guys in the blank. Hey, I said that before…
Edit: the second explanation helps!
2008.06.29 at 8:17 pm #18145
2008.06.29 at 8:56 pm #18146
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorAlternate definitions – FOR MEN!
Exotic: 1. Hawaii and similar
2. Strippers
3. CocktailsErotic: 1. Boobs
2008.06.29 at 11:37 pm #18147
AnonymousSpectatorAlternate definitions – FOR MEN!
Exotic: 1. Hawaii and similar
2. Strippers
3. CocktailsErotic: 1. Boobs[/quote:1fxat4rr]
It’s always boobs for #1 isn’t it…
walk or jog
2008.06.29 at 11:43 pm #18148
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorjog, better cardio
subway or quiznos
2008.06.30 at 3:52 am #18149
blueczarinaSpectatoryeah, i love both, but here we can run our own sorts of converstions all we want.
plus, i kind of like the smallness of it- i think its more friendly that way- it doesn’t feel like a bunch of strangers so much, although thepumpkins.net is good too.[/quote:391b6ozj]
Thanks. Just curious, how is ThePumpkins.net being moderated? Do you notice anything about that? To be honest, I never go there anymore lately, so I wouldn’t know. The site loads too slow for me, and I rather spend my scarce time here. But still I’m curious how other websites deal with member moderation issues.[/quote:391b6ozj]they have mods there, but really i don’t think there is to much to moderate, everyone over there is pretty cool, like here. czarina has been there longer than me though, she might be able to say more
erotic adventures[/quote:391b6ozj]
did you mean exotic adventures?
people scrap some and some debates can get a bit heated depending on the topic, but mostly there aren’t too many issues. its not full of internet forum violence or anything. its a pretty good site overall. i think the mods visit daily too, and two of the mods post a lot.
i like it mostly. it has good people and good content. plus, it has fun forum games like "survivor" and lots of ways for the users to participate on the site: submitting cover songs and fan art, posting blogs and new threads, polls, caption contests, etc. they also have a good selection of audio to download.
i like the site.i see your typo Arthur- freudian slip?
quiznos maybe, it depends (the subway on my part of town accidently burnt down though, so i guess unless i want to drive across town- its quiznos, but i like both)
short or tall
2008.06.30 at 9:06 am #18150
PipokaSpectatorQuiznos?! What’s that?
2008.06.30 at 2:09 pm #18151
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorquiznos is another sub place except they bake everything, and i really like thier sandwiches.
orange or strawberry soda (pop)
2008.06.30 at 2:23 pm #18152
AnonymousSpectatorOrange Sunkist…mmmmmm
plus it has caffeine..lolsparkling water or non sparkling.
2008.06.30 at 3:29 pm #18153
sparkling water tates wierd.
sun hat or baseball hat or cowboy hat?
2008.07.01 at 1:08 am #18154
MarcellaSpectatorCowboy hattt =).
Myspace or Facebook?
2008.07.01 at 1:18 am #18155
blueczarinaSpectatormyspace i guess- i don’t have facebook
cheddar or swiss
2008.07.01 at 1:23 am #18156
swiss has holes=mice lol (tom & jerry)sweater or hoodie
2008.07.01 at 1:26 am #18157
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorhoodie, all the way
flip flops or sandles
2008.07.01 at 1:27 am #18158
blueczarinaSpectatori like both, but hoodies are nice to just throw on and go.
led zeppelin or the beatles
2008.07.01 at 1:13 pm #18159
mosquito spray OFF! or Citronella candle
2008.07.01 at 1:18 pm #18160
PipokaSpectatori’m using citronella candles …
city or village ?
2008.07.01 at 7:27 pm #18161
shower or bath
2008.07.01 at 7:30 pm #18162
but sometimes a bubble bath is just perfect !
black coffee or capuccino ?
2008.07.01 at 9:21 pm #18163
blueczarinaSpectatorcappucino- much tastier
hot coffee or iced coffee
2008.07.02 at 4:07 pm #18164
MarcellaSpectatorIced! Or maybe hot in winter…
Fruits or vegetables?
2008.07.02 at 5:45 pm #18165
PipokaSpectatorOh i love iced coffee in the summer ( and hot coffee in the winter
i think i prefer fruits, but i love vegetables also.
i adore exotic fruits….
Mardi Gras (Carnival) or Halloween ?
2008.07.02 at 6:03 pm #18166
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatormardi gras, i would love to go to new orleans for that. i am so jelous of anyone who gets to go, but i would love to go to new awlins (that how it is suposed to sound when you say it) anyways.
house phone or cell phone
2008.07.02 at 6:39 pm #18167
SuperlordspamulonSpectatormardi gras, i would love to go to new orleans for that. i am so jelous of anyone who gets to go, but i would love to go to new awlins (that how it is suposed to sound when you say it) anyways.
house phone or cell phone[/quote:mwzsyur6]
Cell phone.
I don’t know why, but I suffer severe anxiety when I have to make a call through the house phone, like I’m being put on the spot or something.
Traditional or modern?
2008.07.02 at 6:40 pm #18168
blueczarinaSpectatori like Halloween best, but i prefer spooks to drunks in beads.
cell phone
fast food or nice restaurant
2008.07.02 at 6:41 pm #18169
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori would have to say traditional, but i am thinking about design, like decorating, and houses.
online shopping or get off your lazy butt and go to the store?
2008.07.02 at 6:46 pm #18170
blueczarinaSpectatormodern, from a design standpoint
online shopping maybe, because there is better selection that what i have in town
ebay or amazon
2008.07.02 at 6:47 pm #18171
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori never bought anything off of amazon before so i would have to go with ebay.
umbrealla, or get wet
2008.07.02 at 6:48 pm #18172
PipokaSpectatorNice restaurant and go to the store !
plane or train ?
2008.07.02 at 6:52 pm #18173
blueczarinaSpectatorumbrella and plane
we’re double posting on here again it appears
car or truck
2008.07.02 at 6:52 pm #18174
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori have never been on a train so that would be neat.
i can’t think of any thing else to put.
2008.07.10 at 4:52 pm #18175
AnonymousSpectatorha how about SP.com or pumpkins.net
2008.07.10 at 6:15 pm #18176
ArthurSpectatorsp.com, I never go to thepumpkins.net anymore. But I do like them, don’t get me wrong. But the site is always so slow, and the interesting subjects for me as a collector… are just not there. But again, I do like the site!
Myth Busters or American Chopper?
2008.07.10 at 6:18 pm #18177
PipokaSpectatorMyth Busters !!
CSI or Dr.House ?
2008.07.10 at 6:33 pm #18178
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorhouse, i love that guy.
mt dew or sprite?
2008.07.11 at 2:52 am #18179
phone call or text
2008.07.11 at 3:13 am #18180
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorphone call cause i suck at texting. my friend laughs at me everytime i try to do it on her phone.
billy or billy
2008.07.11 at 4:15 am #18181
blueczarinaSpectatorhmm, billy- the right one
lions, tigers, or bears
2008.07.11 at 7:52 am #18182
ShannenSpectatorbears – papabear, mamabear and babybear
wine or beer?
2008.07.11 at 6:12 pm #18183
MarcellaSpectatorWine, for much!
To die frozen or to die burnt?
2008.07.11 at 6:17 pm #18184
AnonymousSpectatorMarcella that is tough…I guess frozen than people/aliens can see me like 10,000 years later
2008.07.11 at 6:21 pm #18185
AnonymousSpectatorSP flag or SP heart
2008.07.11 at 6:33 pm #18186
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorheart i like it better
key or keyless entry, on a car
2008.07.12 at 5:21 am #18187
I like the heart tooBilly with hat or no hat
2008.07.12 at 12:47 pm #18188
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatordepends on the hat, is it the silly camo cowboy hat that i don’t like, or another. you have to be more specfic if you expect me to answer a question like that silly.
2008.07.12 at 6:27 pm #18189
MarcellaSpectatorI absolutely love the hat he’s wearing at my avatar!
2008.07.12 at 7:24 pm #18190
AnonymousSpectatorOk EXCLUDING Billy choosing bad hats…I pick hat Billy as long as he choses good ones
Arthur or Sven????LOL
2008.07.12 at 7:32 pm #18191
blueczarinaSpectatorhmm, Arthur i guess unless they both inhabit the same body, in which case there really isn’t a choice.
strawberry or cherry
2008.07.12 at 7:40 pm #18192
ArthurSpectatorArthur or Sven????LOL
Sven, no doubt. I’m just a simple website owner, he owns both the Smashing Pumpkins being PMM member, and us SPfreaks.com being a great inspiration, 1 man Advisory Board and personal Guardian Angel to protect me from silly mistakes. I kiss the ground he walks on, I humbly step into this little part of his shadow and ask "how high?" when he says "jump!".Sven rules.
2008.07.12 at 7:43 pm #18193
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthat is so sweet.
2008.07.12 at 9:30 pm #18194
blueczarinaSpectatorawww, that so sweet Arthur. i’m tearing up.
2008.07.12 at 10:31 pm #18195
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorTo be honest Arthur, you’re making yourself sound like Sven’s bitch
2008.07.12 at 10:35 pm #18196
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorTo be honest Arthur, you’re making yourself sound like Sven’s bitch
oh man that was a burn.
2008.07.12 at 10:44 pm #18197
blueczarinaSpectatorouch, that was a burn.
2008.07.12 at 11:22 pm #18198
That’s all I can doI pick cherry-strawberries give me hives if I eat too many…
I can’t run around itchy & red, that would look sillypaper clip or stapler
2008.07.13 at 2:14 am #18199
MarcellaSpectatorLol at all of the above.
Stapler, paper clips always slip out!
2008.07.13 at 2:49 am #18200
manillascissorKeymasteri pick Arthur over Sven, because Arthur responds to me. He’s accessible, and genuinely cares about my well being. In other words, the best friend. Nothing is more important than that.
2008.07.13 at 2:50 am #18201
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatornow that is sweet. you all are so sweet.
2008.07.13 at 2:52 am #18202
AnonymousSpectatorSince we are on the subject of sweet
sweet or sour?
2008.07.13 at 2:52 am #18203
MarcellaSpectatorI just realized I didn’t give a choice.
So since we’re all sweet
common sugar or low calorie sugar (ex. splenda)?
2008.07.13 at 2:54 am #18204
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori pick sweet and low.
i always put that in my drinks, splenda tastes strange.
2008.07.13 at 2:55 am #18205
reg tooth brush or motarized?
2008.07.13 at 2:56 am #18206
Red or black?
2008.07.13 at 2:58 am #18207
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorblack, looks better with my hair.
bottle or can
2008.07.18 at 3:01 pm #18208
ShannenSpectatorI kiss the ground he walks on, I humbly step into this little part of his shadow and ask "how high?" when he says "jump!".
Does this applies to your GF rulez too?
2008.07.18 at 6:25 pm #18209
ArthurSpectatorDoes this applies to your GF rulez too?[/quote:3k9wymxs]
No of course not. I expect her to show this behaviour to me. Unfortunately, she’s very hot tempered and dominant, so we always end up being stubborn and fighting with each other. I love her very much though, she has this rare skill to make me smile on moments when I’m down and almost out. Hmm, I wished she could read this. She never believes me when I tell her this. Silly her. -
2008.07.18 at 6:33 pm #18210
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthat is so sweet. i thought you said she looked at this forum all the time, that is why i have to say you don’t suck ass.
2008.07.18 at 6:43 pm #18211
ArthurSpectatorthat is so sweet. i thought you said she looked at this forum all the time, that is why i have to say you don’t suck ass.[/quote:37vksizq]
True, she sometimes looks here. Not that much though. That’s why I’m paying you 5 bucks each time you compliment me. But, being the lady she is, she is getting jealous instead of being proud of me, that I can get along with a few people. For some reason she thinks I’m not paying attention to her. Women… They’re unbelievable sweet sometimes, and unbelievable stupid sometimes too. Wished I had the magic to understand them. -
2008.07.18 at 7:25 pm #18212
AnonymousSpectatorHAHA Arthur and we most women feel the same about understanding the male species
I would say we are all interesting species -
2008.07.18 at 7:36 pm #18213
blueczarinaSpectatoroh, poor Arthur.
such troubles.
2008.07.18 at 8:22 pm #18214
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorhaven’t gotten my check for this month. just to let you know.
2008.07.18 at 8:24 pm #18215
blueczarinaSpectatorhaven’t gotten my check for this month. just to let you know.[/quote:o84g1gqf]
well he better send it out.
2008.07.18 at 8:24 pm #18216
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthat’s what i’m talking about.
2008.07.18 at 8:32 pm #18217
blueczarinaSpectatorthat’s what i’m talking about.[/quote:2q4odfjt]
oh, a paycheck?
2008.07.18 at 8:53 pm #18218
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorsure, we’ll say that.
2008.07.18 at 9:01 pm #18219
ArthurSpectatorHey now, the month’s not over yet!
2008.07.18 at 9:03 pm #18220
blueczarinaSpectatortrue ^^
2008.07.18 at 9:07 pm #18221
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorall right all right, just calm down, make sure you sign it this time though.
2008.07.18 at 9:11 pm #18222
ArthurSpectatorRighty. Sorry about that.
2008.07.18 at 9:31 pm #18223
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorit’s ok.
2008.07.19 at 1:12 am #18224
ShannenSpectatorWow Arthur, your gf sounds like an arse huh?
2008.07.19 at 8:03 am #18225
ArthurSpectatorNo way Shannen, don’t get me wrong. I wrote this about her a few posts back. I’m actually very fond of her. It’s only that I don’t understand her sometimes, and I have that with all women. How the 2 sexes are able to put the same situation in 2 different perspectives: the male and the female. The wellknown Venus and Mars thingy I guess…
I love her very much though, she has this rare skill to make me smile on moments when I’m down and almost out. Hmm, I wished she could read this. She never believes me when I tell her this. Silly her.
This or that: male or female?
2008.07.19 at 2:37 pm #18226
AnonymousSpectatorNo way Shannen, don’t get me wrong. I wrote this about her a few posts back. I’m actually very fond of her. It’s only that I don’t understand her sometimes, and I have that with all women. How the 2 sexes are able to put the same situation in 2 different perspectives: the male and the female. The wellknown Venus and Mars thingy I guess…
I love her very much though, she has this rare skill to make me smile on moments when I’m down and almost out. Hmm, I wished she could read this. She never believes me when I tell her this. Silly her.
This or that: male or female?[/quote:3up3zlbl]
trick question Arthur
lol -
2008.08.31 at 4:49 am #18227
AnonymousSpectatordriving on the open road
or on the city streets? -
2008.08.31 at 2:20 pm #18228
MarcellaSpectatorOpen, free road…
Choco-chip cookies or Oreo?
2008.08.31 at 3:04 pm #18229
blueczarinaSpectatorchocolate chip, i kind of sick of Oreos. i mostly prefer sugar cookies though.
regular Oreos or flavored Oreos (ie. mint, choc, carmel, strawberry, etc.)
2008.08.31 at 3:26 pm #18230
MarcellaSpectatorI guess regular, I haven’t really tasted the others…
Hmm book or TV?
2008.08.31 at 3:42 pm #18231
blueczarinaSpectatorso they really don’t carry those Oreos outside of the US? interesting
i like both books and tv, so hard to choose- tv when i’m lazy though.
water from the tap or bottled water
2008.08.31 at 3:58 pm #18232
MarcellaSpectatorBottled, definitely. Though when there’s no other choice I drink from the tap.
Be Billy’s best friend for a year and then have him hate you or never be Billy’s best friend?
2008.08.31 at 4:09 pm #18233
blueczarinaSpectatorthats a toughy Marcella. i don’t know. plus, its hard to answer because we don’t really know enough about him as a real person. we just know what we see of him throught the SP.
same question
2008.08.31 at 4:39 pm #18234
MarcellaSpectatorI guess I go for never being his best friend. I prefer being just a fan than know he hates me personally
2008.08.31 at 4:41 pm #18235
AnonymousSpectatorthat’s is the toughest question ever…I don’t think I would want Billy to hate me forever just to be his friend for the year…life long friend is better, but it’s not one of the choices
I wouldn’t want him to feel hate-that’s not good for either person
2008.08.31 at 4:48 pm #18236
blueczarinaSpectatoryeah, i would rather stay a fan.
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