- This topic has 413 replies, 36,924 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 3 months ago by
2008.04.05 at 5:28 pm #395
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.05 at 5:40 pm #8982
ArthurSpectatorAwesome topic Dazey.
Here’s my contribution (yes, you might have seen this pic before).
D’Arcy: \"I wonder if this new L’Oreal product has any side-effects. I heard they stopped testing on animals?\"
2008.04.05 at 10:50 pm #8983
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.05 at 11:02 pm #8984
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.06 at 6:13 am #8985
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.06 at 2:32 pm #8986
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.06 at 8:12 pm #8987
AnonymousSpectatornot Meg Ryan, dude…\"
2008.04.06 at 10:04 pm #8988
ArthurSpectator -
2008.04.06 at 10:16 pm #8989
ArthurSpectator -
2008.04.07 at 2:52 am #8990
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.07 at 3:05 am #8991
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.07 at 7:04 pm #8992
ArthurSpectatorLooking at your new Louis Vuitton hat Billy, it really suits you!
2008.04.08 at 11:59 am #8993
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.08 at 12:43 pm #8994
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.04.09 at 12:58 pm #8995
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryou know what is bad? i don’t even remember coke bottles looking like that. but they do have diffrent styles in diffrent parts of the country. and it’s not like i’m 14 or something, so i should remember them looking that way.
well anyways…….
2008.04.11 at 2:42 am #8996
That killed me. Nice job.
2008.04.11 at 2:45 am #8997
blueczarinaSpectatorunfortunately it might be true to the actual exchange
2008.04.12 at 7:24 pm #8998
ArthurSpectatorBilly: \"James! Who *&^%^$#@ put that @#$*&^@ skateboard on stage! Hell, my #@%^& ass hurts!\"
James: \"(Oops, I’m outta here…)\"
2008.04.12 at 9:12 pm #8999
SuperlordspamulonSpectator -
2008.04.13 at 5:09 am #9000
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.13 at 10:11 am #9001
that was the first I thought of when I saw the picture -
2008.04.13 at 11:51 am #9002
ArthurSpectatorNoooo, of course not.[/quote:1rklb56n]
And exactly that is in his eyes! Good job, I laughed my ass off blueczarina! -
2008.04.13 at 1:51 pm #9003
ArthurSpectator -
2008.04.13 at 4:05 pm #9004
ArthurSpectator -
2008.04.13 at 4:19 pm #9005
ArthurSpectator -
2008.04.13 at 6:16 pm #9006
ArthurSpectator -
2008.04.13 at 8:41 pm #9007
ArthurSpectatorSorry, I’m bored… Change that to inspired.
2008.04.13 at 8:52 pm #9008
blueczarinaSpectatorHOLY CRAP!
this is the first time i’ve ever seen a pic of the Gish dresses. i think i prefer the dresses of today.
(less fleshy and oddly more natural looking on Billy) -
2008.04.13 at 9:02 pm #9009
blueczarinaSpectatorHOLY CRAP, again!
2008.04.13 at 9:25 pm #9010
ArthurSpectator -
2008.04.14 at 1:58 am #9011
blueczarinaSpectatorDidn’t want to see it in the first place Billy.
I’m now blind, because that last pic forced me to gouge my eyes out.
2008.04.14 at 3:39 am #9012
manillascissorKeymaster -
2008.04.14 at 4:03 am #9013
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.14 at 4:10 am #9014
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.14 at 4:11 am #9015
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.15 at 3:00 pm #9016
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.15 at 3:17 pm #9017
2008.04.15 at 4:34 pm #9018
he looks a little bit testy
2008.04.15 at 4:35 pm #9019
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori know, wonder what he is really saying.
2008.04.15 at 4:37 pm #9020
blueczarinaSpectatormaybe someone requested Siamese Dream
2008.04.15 at 9:16 pm #9021
PipokaSpectatorOh God… i can’t just stop looking at the underwear photo!
2008.04.15 at 9:21 pm #9022
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori know, it just kills me. is thier smiley faces on his underware? and i like the perals that he picked to go with the dress.
2008.04.15 at 9:31 pm #9023
PipokaSpectatori know, it just kills me. is thier smiley faces on his underware? and i like the perals that he picked to go with the dress.[/quote:12ipyt2n]
wow ! i didn’t notice the pearls !!!
wonder why…
2008.04.15 at 10:17 pm #9024
blueczarinaSpectatorthat picture gave me nightmares.
(this is me cringing
2008.04.15 at 10:22 pm #9025
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwell, hey at least he was wearing underware, it could be like some people (no names) who give crotch shots and no undies on.
and i think it is a little funny.
do you think that billy ever looks back on those pics and cringes? or does he say, \"wow that was a good rockin time, boy i’m glad i had undies on.\"
well i don’t think he would say undies, but maybe!
2008.04.15 at 10:38 pm #9026
AnonymousSpectatorI’m wondering now if Billy ever considered renaming the band to Smashing PLUMkins…
2008.04.15 at 10:43 pm #9027
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.15 at 10:47 pm #9028
PipokaSpectator -
2008.04.15 at 10:58 pm #9029
ArthurSpectatorGirls… Shame on you! Aren’t we supposed to be a decent board?
You’re not exactly lifting the level here!
(ah well, wtf)
2008.04.15 at 10:58 pm #9030
blueczarinaSpectatorPleeease, can we let this picture die now.
It so painful to view it makes me want to blind myself
2008.04.16 at 1:07 am #9031
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoralright, alright, i’ll quit, but you all started it
and i won’t talk about billy’s undies no more!
2008.04.16 at 9:33 am #9032
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorDo they look dirty to you guys as well?
2008.04.16 at 10:57 am #9033
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatordo what look dirty?
2008.04.16 at 12:01 pm #9034
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorBilly’s undies!
2008.04.16 at 12:27 pm #9035
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorhey i promised arthur that i wouldn’t talk about that anymore.
(but if i whisper maybe he wont hear me.. it is kinda hard to tell, but i don’t think so, i am thinking that he might have planned ahead and worn clean undies so that when he got all crazy on stage and people seen them that they would be clean.
2008.04.16 at 12:28 pm #9036
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorhey i promised arthur that i wouldn’t talk about that anymore.
(but if i whisper maybe he wont hear me.. it is kinda hard to tell, but i don’t think so, i am thinking that he might have planned ahead and worn clean undies so that when he got all crazy on stage and people seen them that they would be clean.
use small font for whispering. Arthur can’t read small font
2008.04.16 at 12:31 pm #9037
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorok, thank you i am trying to get it to work
i did it
edit** so do you think they are?
2008.04.16 at 3:12 pm #9038
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorThey’re probably clean, but who knows how long Billy has been wearing them – i mean, life on the road and all
2008.04.16 at 4:04 pm #9039
ArthurSpectatormanillascissor, can you read what they are saying and, if necessary, ban those guys?
Ah well, you’re probably on their hands anyway, bringing back that half-naked rockin’ Billy pic again.
Sigh… I’m alone.
2008.04.16 at 4:06 pm #9040
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryeah life on the road can be tough, not enough places to wash your undies
i don’t know what you are talking about arthur, we aren’t doing anything.
2008.04.16 at 4:50 pm #9041
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorArthur really sucks doesn’t he? I think we’d make much better webmasters. I recommend – mutiny
Nope, we’re not saying anything about the underwear or are plotting anything
2008.04.16 at 5:53 pm #9042
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori think so, mutiny it is then, how should we go about it?
so nice day out, isn’t it? i am going to find a nice clean no underware picture to post here real soon. i mean not showing any persons underware.
2008.04.16 at 5:58 pm #9043
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.16 at 5:59 pm #9044
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorwe hack into his pc, and gather as much information as we can – including his password, and take over his account. From there, we make ourselves webmasters and delete Arthur’s account. Shouldn’t be hard, only IE6
Yes, it is a fantastic day! Sun shining, not too many clouds, nice breeze…
2008.04.16 at 6:00 pm #9045
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorok, sounds like a plan, you don’t think he will catch on do you?
yes yes nice day out, indeed. i hope it doesn’t rain later. so how do you like the picture i posted, no underware shots.
2008.04.16 at 6:03 pm #9046
SuperlordspamulonSpectatornah, he won’t notice – not with the sunglasses he’s always wearing
I do like the picture – d’arcy’s look of annoyance is brilliant.
2008.04.16 at 6:06 pm #9047
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryou are right, i forgot about the sunglasses, so when do we start?
yes, not the best look for her. i like some of the d’arcy pics over on her thread, i might try and find some later. you find any new pics?
2008.04.16 at 6:10 pm #9048
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.16 at 7:34 pm #9049
blueczarinaSpectatorlooks like mischief is brewing on the forum
2008.04.16 at 7:38 pm #9050
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorno, no, no mischef, just good clean fun, and talk about the weather
2008.04.16 at 7:42 pm #9051
blueczarinaSpectatorsure bullet.
2008.04.16 at 7:43 pm #9052
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorpromise and cross my heart
you don’t see that i have my fingers crossed behind my back
2008.04.16 at 7:47 pm #9053
blueczarinaSpectatorok then
psst… i can read whispers unlike Arthur
2008.04.16 at 7:48 pm #9054
so have you found any good pictures for captions? -
2008.04.16 at 7:52 pm #9055
blueczarinaSpectatornot today. i will put some up later.
2008.04.17 at 11:45 am #9056
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorso superlord you still in?
2008.04.17 at 12:23 pm #9057
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.17 at 12:32 pm #9058
SuperlordspamulonSpectatoryep, i’m definitely in. But i’m having a few computer troubles and the such. Viruses are screwing up a few websites for me, so i need to get that sorted first…
2008.04.17 at 12:39 pm #9059
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorok, just let me know
hope your comp will be all better soon
2008.04.17 at 1:29 pm #9060
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoram i going senile, where did the thread with the billy pics go? i found this pic on kristin burns myspace page, and the moment i seen it i was like, hey i know those leggs, but only because of those shoes and socks!!! i love the socks, where can i get some????
(i thought i should add that just in case, you know)
arthur, maybe you could move this pic to the right place, cause i can’t find it.oh well might as well put a caption
billy’s shoes: (in head – if shoes had a head) why won’t billy ever tie my laces, they are gonna get all dirty.
2008.04.17 at 2:27 pm #9061
It’s here…
At the bottom of the sub forum page, you can see \"page 1, 2, 3…\"
And just look back at previous posts!
2008.04.17 at 5:51 pm #9062
ArthurSpectator -
2008.04.17 at 6:55 pm #9063
2008.04.17 at 7:13 pm #9064
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorbilly: i love mexico, especially cause of the cool hats!!!
jimmy: me too, love them!
jeff: i love this blanket type jacket thing, i’m never takin it off -
2008.04.17 at 7:32 pm #9065
ArthurSpectatorarthur can you resize the picture? i am dumb on how to do it.[/quote:2fgguz6n]
No sorry. Neither can members SPfreaks, manillascissor or RedWolf. Only pics with a max size of 700 pixels are allowed on this board. This one is at least double that I guess…It completely rips the board apart!
I advice you to take it off quickly and try another one? (Before manilla deletes it
What I normally do is download the pic on my pc, resize it and upload it on an image website. I have my personal one here on SPfreaks, but there are many out there also. Maybe one of the other members can help you with that?
2008.04.17 at 7:39 pm #9066
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorok, took the pic down, but i described it, and i am pretty sure i spelled everything correctly!
2008.04.17 at 7:42 pm #9067
ArthurSpectator(you probably think much faster than your fingers can type…
2008.04.17 at 7:50 pm #9068
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorA good image website (i.e i use it) is photobucket. It’s completely free, and they give you a decent amount of space. Also, unlike imageshack, they rarely run out of bandwidth – meaning you aren’t going to get ‘gold frogged’
But if you don’t want to keep the pics permanently on a website, tinypic is a good place.
Hope that helps, bullet!
2008.04.17 at 8:04 pm #9069
PipokaSpectatorarthur can you resize the picture? i am dumb on how to do it.[/quote:2ibiyy1b]
No sorry. Neither can members SPfreaks, manillascissor or RedWolf. Only pics with a max size of 700 pixels are allowed on this board. This one is at least double that I guess…It completely rips the board apart!
I advice you to take it off quickly and try another one? (Before manilla deletes it
What I normally do is download the pic on my pc, resize it and upload it on an image website. I have my personal one here on SPfreaks, but there are many out there also. Maybe one of the other members can help you with that?[/quote:2ibiyy1b]
The other day when i asked for help i didn’t remember where i saw this:
<IMG SRC="Earth.gif" WIDTH="41" HEIGHT="41" BORDER="0" ALT="a sentence about your web site">
today i found the page again, but this code doesn’t work here…
2008.04.17 at 8:12 pm #9070
ArthurSpectator -
2008.04.17 at 8:17 pm #9071
ArthurSpectatorWhy the Smashing Pumpkins don’t play in Chicago lately.
2008.04.17 at 8:24 pm #9072
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorWhy the Smashing Pumpkins don’t play in Chicago lately.
Boo. Terrible caption. It is so obviously:
Billy: "Heh… sucker ain’t getting his phone back now!"
2008.04.17 at 8:44 pm #9073
ArthurSpectatorWhatever. Let me try again.
Why the Smashing Pumpkins don’t play in Chicago lately.
2008.04.17 at 9:44 pm #9074
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.17 at 9:44 pm #9075
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwell tank you for the advice on the pics, i will try again in the morning when i have the most time. and yes my brain goes faster than my fingers, but not by much
2008.04.17 at 9:46 pm #9076
blueczarinaSpectatorNo problem. If you need more help just ask.
2008.04.17 at 9:50 pm #9077
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.17 at 9:53 pm #9078
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorlol, those are too funny!!
i am gonna have to find a funny one.
2008.04.17 at 9:53 pm #9079
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.17 at 9:56 pm #9080
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.17 at 9:57 pm #9081
blueczarinaSpectatorhe looks unsure of himself in his fuzzy sweater.
2008.04.17 at 9:59 pm #9082
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.17 at 10:00 pm #9083
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.17 at 10:01 pm #9084
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorlol lol lol
2008.04.17 at 10:05 pm #9085
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.17 at 10:09 pm #9086
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.17 at 10:28 pm #9087
blueczarinaSpectatorHmmm, I beginning to understand why James left. Billy was getting a little friendly.
2008.04.18 at 4:52 am #9088
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.18 at 11:01 am #9089
2008.04.18 at 5:26 pm #9090
Sometimes the most silly ones make me laugh my ass off!
2008.04.18 at 5:29 pm #9091
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorme too
2008.04.19 at 3:14 pm #9092
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.04.19 at 4:36 pm #9093
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.19 at 6:09 pm #9094
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.19 at 6:38 pm #9095
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthat is tooooooo funny!!!
2008.04.19 at 6:39 pm #9096
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori wonder what billy was thinking when they took that picture?
2008.04.19 at 6:53 pm #9097
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.19 at 7:07 pm #9098
PipokaSpectatorKatie holmes?
2008.04.19 at 9:23 pm #9099
ArthurSpectator -
2008.04.19 at 9:24 pm #9100
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorlol, that is too funny too!!
2008.04.19 at 10:27 pm #9101
ArthurSpectator -
2008.04.20 at 4:19 am #9102
blueczarinaSpectatorvery funny
(oh, and just to clarify Billy has creepy Katie Holmes hair in that pic- you know that wierd short hairdo she has w/ the bangs)
2008.04.20 at 6:59 am #9103
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.20 at 7:04 am #9104
2008.04.20 at 7:54 am #9105
2008.04.20 at 8:22 am #9106
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.20 at 11:50 am #9107
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.21 at 11:21 pm #9108
AnonymousSpectator^ It’s probably just because I’m tired (12:23am at the time of posting), although he looks like Jack Nicholson and/or Porkie Pig from the corner of my eye.
2008.04.21 at 11:24 pm #9109
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori think jack
2008.04.21 at 11:31 pm #9110
AnonymousSpectatorBilly would probably prefer that answer.
I felt guilty even typing the other part.
2008.04.21 at 11:33 pm #9111
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryeah, well, you should!
no just kidding! it is a crappy resolution picture anyway, but he does kinda look like jack n. in that pic, but i love that face.
2008.04.22 at 12:09 pm #9112
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.22 at 12:17 pm #9113
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.22 at 4:19 pm #9114
I thinl it must have been radioactive koolaid beacause he’s practically glowing. -
2008.04.22 at 7:12 pm #9115
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryeah, he shouldn’t drink that any more.
2008.04.22 at 7:46 pm #9116
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryou know what, when i look for pictures on msn search, and go to images, there is a picture that keeps comming up that is fairly disturbing, it is a picture of arnold schwarshaneger (not spelled right i know) naked, wtf???
2008.04.22 at 7:48 pm #9117
SuperlordspamulonSpectatoryou know what, when i look for pictures on msn search, and go to images, there is a picture that keeps comming up that is fairly disturbing, it is a picture of arnold schwarshaneger (not spelled right i know) naked, wtf???[/quote:9jvrby1w]
Well, that’s why i use google.
2008.04.22 at 7:50 pm #9118
ArthurSpectatoryou know what, when i look for pictures on msn search, and go to images, there is a picture that keeps comming up that is fairly disturbing, it is a picture of arnold schwarshaneger (not spelled right i know) naked, wtf???[/quote:58gwxqxj]
That’s what you get when you search for "naked senators", obviously.I very much question your hobbies by the way.
2008.04.22 at 7:55 pm #9119
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorhey now, i was looking for smashing pumpkins pictures for the captions, not naked senators, eww gross. and that darn pic comes up every time, and on other search engines also.
that is NOT one of my hobbies, eww gross arthur.
i just thought it was disturbing.
2008.04.22 at 9:16 pm #9120
ArthurSpectatorThen our friend Arnold is probably showing his \"smashin’ pumpkins\"?
But yeah, I know what you mean now. I searched with Google, and he appears on page 11. For some silly reason that pic is called \"smashing-pumpkins.jpg\". Weird. Looks like a bodybuilders’ portfolio pic of a young Arnold. Not that disturbing in my humble opinion. His \"pumpkins\" are hidden, but yeah, his \"smashing\" thingy is there… I’m more disturbed by the fact why that pic was named after our favourite band.
2008.04.22 at 10:05 pm #9121
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.22 at 10:10 pm #9122
blueczarinaSpectatorletting come down will be my fist on your face.
2008.04.22 at 10:15 pm #9123
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.22 at 10:15 pm #9124
2008.04.23 at 12:46 am #9125
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthat’s bad,
but funny
2008.04.23 at 3:51 am #9126
blueczarinaSpectatori was being naughty, especially on the last one.
(i found that last pic and couldn’t help it- shame on me
2008.04.23 at 10:26 am #9127
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryes, for shame!
2008.04.23 at 11:28 am #9128
2008.04.23 at 11:30 am #9129
God I hate Christmas. Always these stupid sweaters.
2008.04.23 at 3:05 pm #9130
yes, and Billy has lots of interesting sweaters. take a look at this one. very emo.
2008.04.23 at 4:13 pm #9131
ArthurSpectatorNo caption needed, funny already
2008.04.23 at 7:36 pm #9132
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.23 at 9:01 pm #9133
ArthurSpectator -
2008.04.24 at 12:18 am #9134
manillascissorKeymaster -
2008.04.24 at 1:57 am #9135
blueczarinaSpectatorthats not very nice Billy
2008.04.24 at 2:06 am #9136
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.24 at 5:09 am #9137
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorhow cute is billy? and do you think billy says \"bro\"?
2008.04.24 at 5:13 am #9138
blueczarinaSpectatoryes, very cute.
2008.04.24 at 5:14 am #9139
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryou’re up late. i couldn’t sleep.
2008.04.24 at 5:16 am #9140
blueczarinaSpectatorits 11:15 here. i’m bored so i’m just messing around on my computer.
2008.04.24 at 5:19 am #9141
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator1:16, i have to get up in 5 hours.
2008.04.24 at 5:20 am #9142
2008.04.24 at 12:28 pm #9143
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.04.24 at 11:50 pm #9144
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.24 at 11:53 pm #9145
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.24 at 11:55 pm #9146
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.25 at 12:49 am #9147
2008.04.25 at 2:06 am #9148
2008.04.26 at 12:54 am #9149
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.04.28 at 12:27 am #9150
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwe need some more pics, who will find the neatest one??
2008.04.28 at 2:37 am #9151
blueczarinaSpectatorrunning out of sources. there is only so many SP pic sites and they all have the same pics.
2008.04.28 at 5:00 pm #9152
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorJust go to SP.com. They have a whole section of fan pics!
2008.04.28 at 5:22 pm #9153
blueczarinaSpectatori know, but i don’t want to sift through all of them.
otherwise i’ve been through most of SP. com (except the fan pics), flicker, netphoria, siva, thepumpkins.net, infinite pictures, and xera’s rare pics. no others really appeal to me.
2008.04.28 at 5:23 pm #9154
2008.04.28 at 5:26 pm #9155
blueczarinaSpectatoroh, yes I’ve googled too. its basically the same stuff. i just want to find something different that I havn’t seen before.
2008.04.29 at 11:44 am #9156
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.29 at 5:37 pm #9157
blueczarinaSpectatorOMG, is he wearing little boy style pajamas?
2008.04.29 at 9:18 pm #9158
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori think so
2008.04.30 at 12:45 pm #9159
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.04.30 at 6:01 pm #9160
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorWhoa, that pic has something really Tim Burton-esque about it!
2008.04.30 at 7:31 pm #9161
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryeah it does, i didn’t notice that before.
hey did you know, well probably not, i have seen tim burton before. i was at my uncles house in burbank, and i was at a softball game for my cousin, and they were dedicating the feild to tim burton’s father. and he was there. i didn’t say hi or anything, but i thought it was kinda cool.
2008.04.30 at 7:39 pm #9162
blueczarinaSpectatorthat pic reminds me of Walking Shade
2008.05.01 at 9:35 am #9163
I was thinking more along the lines of
"Hey come over here guys you gotta try this – it’s like kissing a peanut!"
2008.05.01 at 10:22 am #9164
ArthurSpectatorHey brotagaia! Welcome!
2008.05.01 at 11:01 am #9165
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorbrotagaia hey, glad to see you over here!!!
2008.05.04 at 12:51 am #9166
ArthurSpectatorThe true story behind Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness (the album)
2008.05.04 at 1:05 am #9167
ArthurSpectator -
2008.05.04 at 1:08 am #9168
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwhere did the rest of her gloves and jacket go?
2008.05.04 at 1:17 am #9169
ArthurSpectatorI don’t know, but I like this outfit. It’s uhmm… sexy, from a male point of view.
2008.05.04 at 8:28 am #9170
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.05.06 at 11:42 am #9171
Note to self: I finally believe in Love At First Sight.
* Swoon *
2008.05.06 at 12:05 pm #9172
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorboys *shakes head*
2008.05.06 at 5:59 pm #9173
boys *shakes head*[/quote:2xglhuol]
2008.05.06 at 6:09 pm #9174
ArthurSpectatorMy girlfriend said I already went too far saying she has a sexy outfit.
I asked her to get the same dress then with my creditcard, but she slapped my face instead.
girls *shakes head*
2008.05.06 at 6:21 pm #9175
blueczarinaSpectatorthats what happens Arthur
2008.05.06 at 6:37 pm #9176
ArthurSpectatorYou women always easily bond together. And always leave the men behind in wonder. To say the least.
2008.05.06 at 7:17 pm #9177
blueczarinaSpectatorYou women always easily bond together. And always leave the men behind in wonder. To say the least.
2008.05.06 at 7:54 pm #9178
PipokaSpectator -
2008.05.06 at 8:36 pm #9179
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.05.06 at 8:45 pm #9180
ArthurSpectatorAnd the most frustrating part is, you just LOVE doing that, when I see that devilish
3 times in a row
2008.05.06 at 9:15 pm #9181
ArthurSpectator -
2008.05.06 at 9:45 pm #9182
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorhow right he is! i think he is cool and cute!!
2008.05.06 at 9:54 pm #9183
Victorian Grunge, Billy?
2008.05.07 at 12:56 am #9184
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.05.07 at 8:43 pm #9185
ArthurSpectatorI can’t help but staring at Lisa’s naval… Guys (M), you have that too?
2008.05.07 at 8:47 pm #9186
blueczarinaSpectatorIf you don’t watch out your girlfriend will probably slap you again.
2008.05.07 at 8:52 pm #9187
ArthurSpectatorI was clever this time. I asked permission and told her that her naval is way more stare-able.
2008.05.07 at 8:58 pm #9188
blueczarinaSpectatorOK then, you better watch out though before she gets you.
2008.05.07 at 9:07 pm #9189
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwell, like i said that is it for the good looking girls, i will find some really horrible ones and then post them.
not really but i like to scare the boys
2008.05.07 at 9:08 pm #9190
SuperlordspamulonSpectatorI can’t help but staring at Lisa’s naval… Guys (M), you have that too?
Ooh, saucy!
2008.05.07 at 9:11 pm #9191
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorsaucy? lol, that is so cute.
that makes me laugh. ok, here is another really good pic. it shows legs……….oooooo
2008.05.07 at 9:13 pm #9192
blueczarinaSpectatornice legs Billy
2008.05.07 at 9:14 pm #9193
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoroo yes can’t stop staring
2008.05.07 at 9:17 pm #9194
we should more pics up just to make the boys sad
2008.05.07 at 9:24 pm #9195
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryes good idea, we should finds lots and lots.
2008.05.07 at 9:28 pm #9196
PipokaSpectatornice legs… big feet!
2008.05.07 at 9:31 pm #9197
we should more pics up just to make the boys sad[/quote:14pqrwu5]
Oh boy, do I get sad here. More naval! -
2008.05.07 at 9:36 pm #9198
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryeah, but her navel isn’t a prevelant as lisa’s.
just saying.
man can’t quit looking at those legs!!
2008.05.07 at 9:42 pm #9199
ArthurSpectatoryeah, but her navel isn’t a prevelant as lisa’s.
just saying.[/quote:26u74g6x]
Getting jealous, my dear bullet?Guys (M), here’s 1 for you again. Please do NOT post your REAL thoughts about this pic. The ladies are easily offended…
2008.05.07 at 9:51 pm #9200
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorno not jelous, i just think that lisa is better looking than d’arcy. i didn’t want to say that d’arcy looked a bit chunky in the pic. just saying. but skinner is in now.
ok, back on topic… here is a pic of billy, ooh look at his teeth.
2008.05.07 at 9:58 pm #9201
blueczarinaSpectatorHere is another.
Oh, Look at his big shiny head.
2008.05.07 at 10:01 pm #9202
blueczarinaSpectatorThis is just funny.
2008.05.07 at 10:14 pm #9203
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori just can’t get over the shinyness of his head, ooh i can’t quit looking.
it is here is another funny one
2008.05.07 at 10:23 pm #9204
ArthurSpectatorbut skinner is in now.[/quote:28539xth]
As if like that (not!). -
2008.05.07 at 10:31 pm #9205
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorbit confused on what you mean. i am just saying in the face i think lisa is prettier, plus in the pic she is very skinny. d’arcy is a bit bigger, but i was saying that skinny is popular right now. are you saying you don’t care if it is? or that you don’t like that? i am a bit slow.
either way that is ok. i think skinny people need to eat something, a sandwhich, something.
2008.05.07 at 10:34 pm #9206
ArthurSpectatori think skinny people need to eat something, a sandwhich, something.[/quote:29y0kowk]
I agree with that. I hope I made myself clear now. -
2008.05.07 at 10:36 pm #9207
ok, more pics of navels, oh, i think i know where one of billy’s is. i am gonna go look for it.
2008.05.08 at 4:44 am #9208
blueczarinaSpectatorExcept for The Future Embrace pics I don’t know of too many with Billy shirtless, but here is a vid where Jimmy Flemion is trying to get him
. Who knows Arthur, if you look close enough you might see Billy’s navel.
2008.05.08 at 4:56 am #9209
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.05.08 at 5:01 am #9210
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.05.08 at 10:55 am #9211
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthere was a shirtless pic on sp.com, but i can’t find it now. those other ones are funny though.
2008.05.10 at 10:16 pm #9212
ArthurSpectator -
2008.05.11 at 5:03 am #9213
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.05.11 at 5:32 am #9214
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.05.13 at 7:48 pm #9215
AnonymousSpectatormy guitar, not yours, mine and that’s just how it is and always will be. This, people, is my guitar.\"
2008.05.13 at 7:50 pm #9216
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.05.19 at 6:19 am #9217
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.05.20 at 9:14 pm #9218
jawn till duskSpectator[/quote:1113d3wk]
D’arcy:-Billy,you know how much i love your hand up my ass.
2008.05.20 at 10:37 pm #9219
D’arcy:-Billy,you know how much i love your hand up my ass.[/quote:3bicbhgs]
Not to mention yours as well, Jimmy.
2008.05.20 at 11:15 pm #9220
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthat is so bad, i can’t belive you put that.
*shakes head*
funny but bad
2008.05.20 at 11:22 pm #9221
blueczarinaSpectatoroh no, its Billy in a dress all over again
2008.05.21 at 10:41 am #9222
Cool As Ice CreamSpectator -
2008.05.21 at 11:20 am #9223
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthat was funny, and not bad
2008.05.21 at 5:46 pm #9224
jawn till duskSpectatorthat is so bad, i can’t belive you put that.
*shakes head*
funny but bad[/quote:ewvxlsg5]
2008.05.21 at 6:01 pm #9225
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorit’s alright.
2008.05.21 at 6:57 pm #9226
Looks more like Saturday Night Fever to me.
Whats up with James loitering in the back?
2008.05.21 at 10:56 pm #9227
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori was thinking along the same lines, wow, look at the ruffle shirt.
2008.05.22 at 2:58 am #9228
blueczarinaSpectatori was wondering about the shirt too
2008.05.22 at 11:20 am #9229
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorand what in the heck is james doing there in the background, some kind of strange dance?
the shirt is not so bad, at least it is not a puffy shirt, ruffly is better than puffy.
2008.05.22 at 6:14 pm #9230
blueczarinaSpectatorand what in the heck is james doing there in the background, some kind of strange dance?
the shirt is not so bad, at least it is not a puffy shirt, ruffly is better than puffy.[/quote:2w25f2eu]
James does look funny -
2008.05.22 at 6:45 pm #9231
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthat looks like it the same pic as the one for the cd disarm the pumpkins, just a diffrent one, same clothes and background though. his arm is not up on the cd cover though.
2008.06.07 at 5:32 pm #9232
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.06.07 at 9:09 pm #9233
Jimmy: You got the safety on, right James? -
2008.06.07 at 9:26 pm #9234
ArthurSpectatorJames: \"Billy’s helping me with that as we speak James! Looks like a tight fit, let me tell ya!\"
2008.06.08 at 12:18 am #9235
blueczarinaSpectatoryou guys are silly and so are the pumpkins
2008.06.08 at 2:49 am #9236
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwe all need more sillyness in our lives, i think.
makes me happy.
i will look for more silly pics.
2008.06.08 at 3:11 am #9237
blueczarinaSpectatori like funny ones.
i wonder what book Jimmy is holding?
2008.06.08 at 4:53 am #9238
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorit looks like a book or a video tape maybe, maybe they stoped by blockbuster before they took the pic?
2008.06.08 at 5:00 am #9239
2008.06.08 at 4:01 pm #9240
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.06.08 at 4:06 pm #9241
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.06.08 at 4:10 pm #9242
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.06.08 at 8:11 pm #9243
so they aren’t even going to put james back together?
2008.06.08 at 8:12 pm #9244
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorno i dont’ think so.
they might, but i am still thinking no.
2008.06.08 at 8:13 pm #9245
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.06.09 at 1:45 am #9246
philSpectator -
2008.06.09 at 1:56 am #9247
philSpectator -
2008.06.09 at 2:04 am #9248
philSpectator -
2008.06.09 at 2:43 am #9249
blueczarinaSpectatorthat pic with the kids creeps me out. its in the book in my silver press boot Live At Brixton Academy and when i first saw it i was like… holy crap.
2008.06.09 at 4:39 am #9250
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori am with billy on the no salty pies thing, to much salt.
and that one with the kids, wow, that is way creepy. how did they find kids that look so much like them, or did the photoshop the kids? a quandry i would say
(i never used that one before)
and that one with moby, yes a little too close.
2008.06.09 at 4:46 am #9251
blueczarinaSpectatori was wondering that, esp. the bald little Billy.
2008.06.09 at 4:51 am #9252
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthose kids do look a little children of the corn
2008.06.09 at 4:55 am #9253
blueczarinaSpectatorthat was my thought exactly
2008.06.09 at 4:56 am #9254
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorwierd me out. that movie was so scary, i couldn’t watch it alone, and i was like 20 at the time. i always try and stay away from cornfields and kids in them. i am getting all scared now.
2008.06.09 at 5:03 am #9255
blueczarinaSpectatornow no getting scared.
2008.06.09 at 5:05 am #9256
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori just reread my post, and i am getting even scarder. well, i think they probably photoshoped them kiddies, i doubt they could find 4 that look almost scary the same.
2008.06.09 at 5:09 am #9257
i wonder if Jimmy’s real son will look like that -
2008.06.09 at 5:11 am #9258
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorhe might, that would be cute a little jimmy, then they could get him a little drum set, my son has one, i had to hide the drumsticks from him, he wanted to play it at 5 in the morning. so now i hide them till it is a decent hour and then let him have them back.
2008.06.09 at 5:14 am #9259
blueczarinaSpectatorit would be a cute kid. the little Jimmy is the least creepy of them all.
drums at 5am, fun
good thing you hide them now -
2008.06.09 at 2:31 pm #9260
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryeah, that’s what i was thinking, his little kid was the least children of the corn.
2008.06.11 at 11:52 pm #9261
blueczarinaSpectatorspeaking of children of the corn, thats what i look like now with my eyes dialated still after my eye exam. i just noticed how huge my pupils are.
its weird.
2008.06.12 at 12:48 am #9262
2008.06.12 at 5:53 pm #9263
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.06.12 at 5:58 pm #9264
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoroh no, that is way to scary!!!!
2008.06.12 at 6:02 pm #9265
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.06.12 at 7:56 pm #9266
ArthurSpectator -
2008.06.12 at 11:00 pm #9267
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.06.19 at 12:36 pm #9268
philSpectatorJames: Mnn…. Snowy.
2008.06.19 at 12:39 pm #9269
And I found the coloured version!
2008.06.19 at 1:24 pm #9270
2008.06.19 at 2:46 pm #9271
ShannenSpectator -
2008.06.19 at 2:49 pm #9272
ShannenSpectator -
2008.06.19 at 2:52 pm #9273
ShannenSpectator -
2008.06.19 at 2:53 pm #9274
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori always thought that was a wierd pic. and i never knew billy had blonde hair.
2008.06.19 at 3:01 pm #9275
ShannenSpectator -
2008.06.19 at 3:04 pm #9276
ShannenSpectatori always thought that was a wierd pic. and i never knew billy had blonde hair.
*LOL* I don’t think he’s blonde. I think he’s brunette?
2008.06.19 at 3:14 pm #9277
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryeah, he is, but that would be funny if he was a blondie. i can’t see him like that.
2008.06.19 at 3:15 pm #9278
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorit looks like billy is wearing pj’s.
2008.06.19 at 3:24 pm #9279
ShannenSpectatorit looks like billy is wearing pj’s.[/quote:2n3redz0]
Oh yea! I just notice that. It just the like Chinese tradition must-have during Chinese New Year with red undergarment and PJ’s. Is his ancestor chinese? Hmmm…I doubt it.
2008.06.20 at 2:49 am #9280
blueczarinaSpectatorfunny pics
and that is a weird Billy pic- the one with the cross
2008.06.20 at 2:55 am #9281
Reward $999,999.99
Pls contact 1-800-SHANNEN -
2008.06.20 at 3:06 am #9282
ShannenSpectatorBilly: Yo! \\m/. This is our new dress code for 2009 tour. Like it?
2008.06.20 at 3:13 am #9283
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.06.22 at 2:19 am #9284
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectator -
2008.06.22 at 2:26 am #9285
i like to pose and take rockstar pics of myself.
2008.06.22 at 2:27 am #9286
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori should totally take a pic of myself doing that. would be awesome. cept i don’t have a guitar, maybe i should get something else, like a broom, since i am always cleaning.
2008.06.22 at 2:30 am #9287
blueczarinaSpectatori should totally take a pic of myself doing that. would be awesome. cept i don’t have a guitar, maybe i should get something else, like a broom, since i am always cleaning.[/quote:v4jab4yf]
i suppose you are with that many guys to look after.
2008.06.22 at 2:32 am #9288
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorheck yeah dude, i am a cleaning machine. but nothing stays that way. but i scrubbed the bathroom today, and i dare anyone to mess it up, i want it to stay nice for house looker people.
they know if it is messy, i am jacking someones jaw. well not my son’s but he will be in big trouble. everyone else, thier fair game.
2008.06.22 at 2:35 am #9289
blueczarinaSpectatorthey know if it is messy, i am jacking someones jaw. well not my son’s but he will be in big trouble. everyone else, thier fair game.[/quote:2c1uoszp]
2008.06.24 at 10:09 pm #9290
ArthurSpectator -
2008.06.24 at 10:19 pm #9291
2008.06.24 at 10:23 pm #9292
PipokaSpectator -
2008.06.24 at 10:49 pm #9293
that is so funny, cause that is what i first thought of when i saw that picture.
2008.06.25 at 12:59 am #9294
blueczarinaSpectatorI wonder if that pic is for Guitar Hero. I heard a rumor that Billy might be on it somewhere. It kind of looks like one of those outfits a person wears when they are going to be animated.
oh, and who the heck is Paul- i though that pic was you Arthur
2008.06.25 at 1:14 am #9295
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori was gonna ask who paul was too, unless your talking about my grandpa, or son.
and i think it is for the guitar hero, and i have to admit, that suit looks good on him.
2008.06.25 at 1:30 am #9296
blueczarinaSpectatori was gonna ask who paul was too, unless your talking about my grandpa, or son.
and i think it is for the guitar hero, and i have to admit, that suit looks good on him.
better than some of his get-ups- very sporty
maybe Paul is Arthur’s dad- at least i think that is his dad in the pic.
2008.06.25 at 12:44 pm #9297
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori thought his dad took the pic.
2008.06.25 at 12:47 pm #9298
ArthurSpectatorThe joke is: Billy doesn’t know me.
2008.06.25 at 1:00 pm #9299
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoroooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ok now i get it. ok, that is funny.
2008.06.25 at 7:53 pm #9300
blueczarinaSpectatoroh, ok Arthur
2008.06.29 at 1:49 pm #9301
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.06.29 at 2:49 pm #9302
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorhehehe that is a good one. where did you find that pic reggae?
2008.06.29 at 6:12 pm #9303
AnonymousSpectatorhehehe that is a good one. where did you find that pic reggae?[/quote:a04k7o0l]
remember when we all were Linda Screwberry searching back when Superchrist came on? That’s how and people were posting pics up on the site..I believe it was a Netphoria spot….I got a few more, but a few of them probably can’t post on here as the URL doesn’t always work so I don’t know how to get it on here after saving it to my pc….One of them is absolutely hilarious . From my understanding they are pics from 07 b-day…Wish I could say I took the pictures myself
let’s say he got an interesting gift…and it’s effin’ funny!! he was smiling when he opened it… -
2008.06.29 at 6:35 pm #9304
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoroooooooo, you should email them to me. i wanna see.
2008.06.29 at 6:49 pm #9305
The ‘Pedobear Seal of Approval’ is far better humour wise.
2008.06.29 at 7:21 pm #9306
ArthurSpectatoroooooooo, you should email them to me. i wanna see.[/quote:29zzxkoy]
Or publish here if possible? I mean, when they are not that private… We should leave the guy to his private things also you know -
2008.06.29 at 7:25 pm #9307
ArthurSpectatorThe ‘Pedobear Seal of Approval’ is far better humour wise.[/quote:2tmomrcl]
Netphoria add-on I guess? I hope we’re not going down to that level… -
2008.06.29 at 7:51 pm #9308
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori thought the time out comment was waaaaaaaaaaay funnier, but maybe because i am a mommy and know how it should sound in my head.
i thought it was hilarous, and anyways i thought it was pedro bear, and something spanish, but then again i can’t read berry well. hehe so i geuss you are the only one superlord, you could enlighten us, if it isn’t to netphoric.
2008.06.29 at 7:51 pm #9309
ArthurSpectator -
2008.06.29 at 7:54 pm #9310
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorlol arthur, that is a good one!!! i bout choked.
2008.06.29 at 11:30 pm #9311
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.06.29 at 11:32 pm #9312
AnonymousSpectatorThat one is too funny, but not to be mean in anyway…sorry Billy (as I smile)
2008.06.29 at 11:48 pm #9313
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorgeeze reggae, you are silly too.
2008.06.30 at 12:56 am #9314
MarcellaSpectatorThey both have this \"Lolz- a dick.\" smile on. Very funny!
2008.06.30 at 1:00 am #9315
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryeah, they do.
but they didn’t folow the directions, it is suposed to be
1. cut a hole in a box
2. put your junk in the hole
3. give her the boxthey did it backwards, and no hole.
2008.06.30 at 2:21 am #9316
blueczarinaSpectatoryou guys are silly
2008.06.30 at 3:53 am #9317
AnonymousSpectatorBut to smile at that hilarious photo. I mean c’mon even Billy is smiling…it’s priceless..
2008.06.30 at 4:10 am #9318
blueczarinaSpectatoryou guys are funny
and Billy smiles are good too
2008.06.30 at 3:43 pm #9319
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthat smile makes me smile. it is a great one.
2008.06.30 at 4:32 pm #9320
blueczarinaSpectatortrue bullet, and its a nice outfit too. good to see him wearing somthing besides his usual stripes.
2008.07.01 at 1:11 am #9321
AnonymousSpectatorso are we done with pics or what?
I know it’s an awesome pic…lol I love it. Probably one of my favorites now!! -
2008.07.01 at 1:13 am #9322
blueczarinaSpectatorwarning you now Reggaeluv- we have lots of chit chatty thread derailments here.
2008.07.01 at 1:28 am #9323
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorno it is ongoing.
2008.07.01 at 1:31 am #9324
blueczarinaSpectatorno it is ongoing.[/quote:2ggicctg]
in fact i’m perpetuating the one here now.
2008.07.01 at 1:10 pm #9325
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.07.01 at 1:19 pm #9326
2008.07.01 at 1:47 pm #9327
why did I have to find these lol
I hope I don’t get in trouble -
2008.07.01 at 3:43 pm #9328
MarcellaSpectatorOmg ahahahaha.
Nah, you won’t get in trouble. People are very cool here. Arthur is especially awesome. We all adore him…right
2008.07.01 at 4:53 pm #9329
AnonymousSpectatorAs long as Mr. Corgan isn’t bothered by it as well-not that he would see anyway…I hope he would laugh too!
2008.07.01 at 6:48 pm #9330
ArthurSpectator -
2008.07.01 at 6:58 pm #9331
ArthurSpectator -
2008.07.01 at 7:05 pm #9332
ArthurSpectator -
2008.07.01 at 9:15 pm #9333
blueczarinaSpectatoryou guys are silly
i like that pic with the monkey best.
2008.07.01 at 11:38 pm #9334
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatoryeah it is cute.
2008.07.02 at 3:46 am #9335
AnonymousSpectatorthis is an oops-edited
2008.07.02 at 3:48 am #9336
AnonymousSpectatorWe’ll try again-sorry
2008.07.02 at 3:57 am #9337
blueczarinaSpectatorthat pic is funny and James outfit is hilarious
2008.07.02 at 9:51 am #9338
AnonymousSpectatorWooh, look at Billy’s face.
2008.07.03 at 4:07 pm #9339
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.07.03 at 10:10 pm #9340
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.07.04 at 2:48 am #9341
James looks funny.and yes, that is a nice sweater Billy.
2008.07.04 at 3:10 pm #9342
MarcellaSpectatorLool I like \"3-footed man\" XD. What a weird way of fixing shoes.
2008.07.05 at 2:12 pm #9343
AnonymousSpectatorJames always seems like he has been puffin on the goods in his photos…or maybe he is just tore up from the floor up from drinking…
2008.07.05 at 2:59 pm #9344
blueczarinaSpectatorJames always seems like he has been puffin on the goods in his photos…or maybe he is just tore up from the floor up from drinking…[/quote:1uvbivu4]
mean, but funny and kind of true
2008.07.05 at 3:28 pm #9345
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatortore up from the floor up, that is tooooooooo funny. he does look like that, or like he has a monster hangover.
2008.07.15 at 1:42 pm #9346
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.07.15 at 11:52 pm #9347
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.07.16 at 2:29 am #9348
blueczarinaSpectatoryou guys are silly
and Francis must be aging backwards
2008.07.16 at 7:31 pm #9349
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.07.16 at 7:44 pm #9350
blueczarinaSpectatordang, thats a talented kitty- doing pumpkin covers.
2008.07.16 at 7:55 pm #9351
PipokaSpectatorDazey’s posts always make me laugh!
and that’s nice, because lately i don’t have much reasons to laugh…. so thank you dazey !
2008.07.17 at 12:20 am #9352
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori am teaching my baby kitties to love the pumpkins, but they are still having a hard time with the guitar. i am trying my best arthur.
2008.07.17 at 2:07 am #9353
blueczarinaSpectatori am teaching my baby kitties to love the pumpkins, but they are still having a hard time with the guitar. i am trying my best arthur.[/quote:2zwqnloe]
make sure you tell us if they master Billy’s guitar sound
2008.07.17 at 2:21 am #9354
AnonymousSpectatoraw that was cute…I wish my cat could do that.
2008.07.17 at 1:23 pm #9355
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori am teaching my baby kitties to love the pumpkins, but they are still having a hard time with the guitar. i am trying my best arthur.[/quote:11lhygue]
make sure you tell us if they master Billy’s guitar sound
i am trying, i will keep you updated.
2008.07.17 at 6:40 pm #9356
blueczarinaSpectatori am teaching my baby kitties to love the pumpkins, but they are still having a hard time with the guitar. i am trying my best arthur.[/quote:3d35fgfz]
make sure you tell us if they master Billy’s guitar sound
i am trying, i will keep you updated.
you better
2008.07.18 at 1:35 pm #9357
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.07.18 at 2:02 pm #9358
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori love that rawrrrrrrr.
2008.07.18 at 4:46 pm #9359
Im a Cult HeroSpectator -
2008.07.18 at 5:23 pm #9360
AnonymousSpectatorDamn they even got his sneaker lit up
it’s too bright
2008.07.18 at 6:27 pm #9361
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthose can’t be his shoes, they aren’t colorful enough and the laces are tied.
2008.07.18 at 7:20 pm #9362
AnonymousSpectatorAnyone ready for an evening of music and a bike ride? Even got’s a banana seat
2008.07.19 at 12:33 am #9363
ShannenSpectatordang, thats a talented kitty- doing pumpkin covers.
That kitty looks familiar. It must be one of bullet kittens….meow!
2008.07.19 at 12:50 am #9364
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori am gonna take more pics of the babies tomarow, i will see if they will let me take pics with guitars.
2008.07.19 at 12:57 am #9365
ShannenSpectatorNowadays the baby pics in hollywood cost millions. So remember to get a good deal from the paparazzi
2008.07.19 at 12:59 am #9366
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatori will try.
2008.07.19 at 1:06 am #9367
ShannenSpectatorIf you do then pls fly us all to US for SP concert
2008.07.19 at 3:03 am #9368
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatordon’t i wish.
2008.07.29 at 7:36 pm #9369
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.07.29 at 7:57 pm #9370
2008.07.30 at 6:42 pm #9371
ArthurSpectatorthis amount of money with Virgin Records?\"
2008.07.30 at 7:20 pm #9372
nice one Arthur
2008.07.31 at 3:14 pm #9373
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthat is the face i try and do, it is the \"bitch, please\" look, have seen it before, and love it every time!
2008.08.01 at 2:55 am #9374
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.08.01 at 2:57 am #9375
blueczarinaSpectatorthe pumkins did an XM radio show awhile back. i don’t know all the details though.
2008.08.01 at 3:22 am #9376
AnonymousSpectatoryou know what? that sounds familiar now…just never saw a photo of it I guess…
2008.08.01 at 3:26 am #9377
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorxm satalite confidential, they have it for dl over at the pumpkins.net, it is really good, cause there are interviews between the songs, and they are really great. i burned it to a disk.
2008.08.01 at 1:09 pm #9378
AnonymousSpectatorThanks for the info Bullet. I’ll have to check it out!
2008.08.02 at 8:59 pm #9379
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.08.02 at 9:01 pm #9380
your so silly -
2008.08.03 at 1:14 pm #9381
2008.08.21 at 10:01 pm #9382
ArthurSpectator -
2008.08.23 at 3:30 pm #9383
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.08.27 at 7:51 pm #9384
AnonymousSpectator -
2008.10.10 at 3:31 am #9385
blueczarinaSpectator -
2008.10.10 at 7:59 pm #9386
AnonymousSpectatorhahaha…I wonder if that was the people on the other side of the block from me…they had a like that pumpkin last year..and some others…
2008.10.16 at 2:01 am #9387
blueczarinaSpectatorHOLY CRAP
somebody made this on sp.com
2008.10.16 at 1:36 pm #9388
AnonymousSpectatorI really don’t like these Billy do’s….
totally looks like a guy I used to have the hots for in my younger days…That is fucking scary… -
2008.10.16 at 1:58 pm #9389
PipokaSpectatorI really don’t like these Billy do’s….
totally looks like a guy I used to have the hots for in my younger days…That is fucking scary…[/quote:rye379le]reminds me of alex from franz ferdinand…
2008.10.16 at 3:13 pm #9390
bullettwoutbutterflywingsSpectatorthe one with the hair brushed back rminds me of someone, but i just don’t know who, (yes i know besides billy)
2008.10.16 at 8:04 pm #9391
blueczarinaSpectatorI really don’t like these Billy do’s….
totally looks like a guy I used to have the hots for in my younger days…That is fucking scary…[/quote:228taype]reminds me of alex from franz ferdinand…[/quote:228taype]
hehe, i think you just insulted both Billy and Alex
those hair do’s (or don’ts) mostly remind of something some dude in the 90’s would have had- its icky
2008.10.16 at 8:06 pm #9392
PipokaSpectatorI really don’t like these Billy do’s….
totally looks like a guy I used to have the hots for in my younger days…That is fucking scary…[/quote:3usa346i]reminds me of alex from franz ferdinand…[/quote:3usa346i]
hehe, i think you just insulted both Billy and Alex
those hair do’s (or don’ts) mostly remind of something some dude in the 90’s would have had- its icky[/quote:3usa346i]
i think you’re right but it does !
well maybe … where are my glasses?
2008.10.16 at 8:08 pm #9393
your kind of right though. i have a Franz poster right in front of me right now and he kind of has that hair.
2008.10.17 at 5:05 am #9394
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