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  • in reply to: 1st Pres..debate #24673

    Wow, Manilla has quite a fan club goin’ on here! How’d he swing that?

    in reply to: Post your thoughts #10877

    Now I’m awake at this heartbreakingly early hour….ugh.

    in reply to: 1st Pres..debate #24663

    it better not happen[/quote:1e577jro]

    What if it does?

    in reply to: Post your thoughts #10872

    what the fuck am i doing awake right now?[/quote:2jc0h64c]

    Posting on spfreaks, apparently. :wink:

    in reply to: 1st Pres..debate #24638

    this country has gone to hell and i don’t think abortion is the center of that.


    ROTFL. Really? You honestly believe that? It’s all relative I suppose.

    in reply to: How old are you? #2102

    Now THAT is odd.[/quote:3fz7zqms]

    I think it’s funny.

    in reply to: How old are you? #2099

    Update, I’m 29.

    Hey Rose, I know two other people who celebrated B-days on Monday. Odd.[/quote:1kv3ieon]

    Really? I know two who had B-days on Tuesday.

    in reply to: Me poetry, you poetry #13659

    That is absolutely a beautiful poem!
    I really like that one[/quote:4vaah3ga]

    Thanks Reggae. Maybe some of us can give manilla a run for his money.

    in reply to: 1st Pres..debate #24610

    Yeah, but Biden cited his stance on Bosnia. Uhhh…wasn’t that like, 10 years ago? Pretty sad if the best/most recent example of how you vote is from a decade ago. Just found that funny. Probably 1/3 of the voters in this election hardly remember Bosnia!

    in reply to: 1st Pres..debate #24607

    I started watching it and fell asleep. Not sure if I fell asleep because I was tired, bored, or mad. Maybe all 3? From what I saw, they both leave something to be desired.

    in reply to: Me poetry, you poetry #13657

    I am a queen in your eyes, in your hands.
    King you are to me, my friend, my lover.
    We are two sides of the same coin,
    One and the same, yet never touching.
    Our kingdom is an elusive heaven.
    Appearing and disappearing, as the tides of a mirage.
    How quickly it vanishes, when you go into hiding.
    I yearn for your touch from afar.
    You disappear from my life,
    Leaving me adrift in a sea of emotions.
    Tides pull me one direction,
    Winds push me in another.
    You will reappear on the horizon,
    My body burns as I try to reach you
    Before you vanish again.

    in reply to: Post your thoughts #10818

    I hate drivers who tailgate, then about 2 blocks before they want to turn right, they scoot over onto the shoulder and pass you, then have to slam on their brakes at the last minute in order to turn. While they’re braking, you’re just cruisin’ right on past them. Morons.

    in reply to: 1st Pres..debate #24601

    That email has to be a hoax. Paying off everyone’s mortgages would be impossible.

    I have trouble blaming the gov’t in this, since from what I understand, most of this stems from people defaulting on mortgages and home loans. Sorry, but if you make $40,000 a year, you shouldn’t be accepting a $400,000 loan just because the banks offer it to you. People need to take responsibility of their own actions; not take the loan, default, then blame the government.

    in reply to: The 13-month year #24423

    Lol, he said \"triskaidekaphobic\".

    What, pray tell, would you choose to name said additional month?

    in reply to: How old are you? #2066

    I’m older than some of you, younger than others.

    in reply to: Post your thoughts #10758

    This is funny. Who are you kissing? Billy Corgan? If so, I’m a little jealous. And no, I’m not gay!!! lol[/quote:272tzxs0]

    Yes, I kiss Billy Corgan.

    in reply to: Post your thoughts #10755

    I’ve had the best kisses ever in the last year or so. Wish I could share, but I’m not giving away my kisser!![/quote:2ptkzkj5]

    are you really not in the mood to share? :P

    just kiding ! :wink:[/quote:2ptkzkj5]

    It’s not a mood thing–it’s just better this way. :?

    in reply to: Post your thoughts #10752

    yeah, i haven’t had a good one in years. and years and years.[/quote:34x3adyg]

    haven’t had a good kiss in years? i’m SO sorry. I’ve had the best kisses ever in the last year or so. Wish I could share, but I’m not giving away my kisser!!

    And reggae–I just don’t care about the germs in the mouth–kissing is completely worth it. Hands down, no question!

    in reply to: Post your thoughts #10748

    Why do we kiss each other?[/quote:3d9w8fb6]

    Kissing is the best. So intimate, it’s like you’re reading each other and immediately responding. So many different kinds of kisses. The quick peck, the long french, the one where your heart skips a beat and you get butterflies, the wine-flavored….Trying to think of my favorite kind of kiss and my single all-time-favorite kiss.

    But as to why we kiss? Not sure. If you really think about what it is, it’s pretty funny.

    in reply to: Me poetry, you poetry #13626

    I’m still trying to decipher Manilla’s latest prose.

    Arthur, yours are interesting–such a different style than a lot of poetry. I can completely understand why translating doesn’t quite work. That’s always an issue when switching languages.

    The only \"poems\" I right are silly notes to people, very Seuss-esque. I used to write a lot, but more just journal-style. Did it almost every day for years. Stopped abruptly about half-way through college. It’s funny though, I still have my journals from when I was in about 7th grade on. Cracks me up to go back and read about what I perceived as important at those times.

    in reply to: Your most fucked up dream…. #20983

    ha…is it…Not Another Teen Movie???[/quote:1svy6gxt]

    nope, but I can see why you’d pick it!

    in reply to: Your most fucked up dream…. #20975

    ametyville horror?[/quote:nfjuzav6]

    Good guess, but no!

    in reply to: Your most fucked up dream…. #20972

    Weird Science? Right? Classic.

    Trivia: The house in weird science was also used in…..anyone? anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

    in reply to: Your most fucked up dream…. #20964

    All sorts of intereting tidbits floating around here……

    in reply to: How to stay drier? #23412

    i think naked in the snow would kick ass!!!![/quote:2m41dwo7]

    correction: being naked in the snow would freeze your ass. :wink:[/quote:2m41dwo7]

    I’ve basically been naked in snow. Growing up, good friend had sauna. In mid-winter, we’d go sit in sauna until we couldn’t take it any longer, then we’d run outside and jump into 5 or 6 foot piles of powder. Then we’d run back into sauna. So yeah….we were just in bikinis, might as well have been naked.

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