Forum Replies Created
Return To ComfortSpectatorHow do you do this?
Return To ComfortSpectatorSittin’ here watchin’ the clouds roll in, wonderin’ where my babe is.
Return To ComfortSpectatorI gave my credit card # to a hotel to use, and the charge hasn’t shown up on my account yet. I think they charged someone else. Oops.
Return To ComfortSpectatorjust makes me laugh….all this time an energy discussing rain.
Return To ComfortSpectatormanilla–that was awesome.
Return To ComfortSpectatorI can’t believe this thread is even still alive.
Return To ComfortSpectatormixing Sam Adam’s Cherry Wheat with Guiness is mighty tasty.
Return To ComfortSpectatoreh….tis ok.
vnb. vn.
Return To ComfortSpectatortis dyed. Navajo Bronze. Kinda dark brownish red.
Return To ComfortSpectatorlol
Return To ComfortSpectatorsome pumpkins failed to take time into account. By walking, you’re in the rain for a longer period of time, which would make up for rain drop frequency.
I still don’t understand what’s so bad about being in the rain!
Return To ComfortSpectatorSpring needs to get here.
I do answer my phone.
Maintenance blows.
I’m dying my hair tomorrow for the first time ever.
Return To ComfortSpectatorManilla- thanks! Not as good as I was hoping, but I can’t seem to ‘fix’ it.
Return To ComfortSpectatorAll I want to do
Is touch you
To feel your skin against mine.
Its warmth pulls me in.Touch you
To have your arms around me,
Safety all around.Touch you
To feel your whiskers against my cheek,
The distance between us no more.Touch you
Fingers intertwining,
Joining in the strength weâve found.Touch you
Teeth accidentally clicking
As we kiss the time awayTouch you
Hands through hair
Goosebumps down my bodyTouch you
Your breath is my breath,
Living in sync.Touch you
Hearts beating in rhythm,
As they are meant to.Touch you
To see you
By merely opening my eyesTouch you
Spooning in a king size bed,
Lonliness becomes unknown.Touch you
Your life joining with mine
Happiness a realityTouch you
Lips to lips
I am finally home.All I want to do, is touch you
All I want, is to touch you
All I want is to touchâ¦.you.
Return To ComfortSpectatorcornmeal crusted tilapia with tomatillo salsa, roasted potatoes, and a few cherry tomatoes as a ‘salad’
Return To ComfortSpectatorIngrid Michaelson
Return To ComfortSpectatorHopefully go out with a girlfriend, but most likely chill at home like every other day.
Return To ComfortSpectatorHopefully go out with a girlfriend, but most likely chill at home like every other day.
Return To ComfortSpectatorFor new toothbrushes and clean sheet day.
For my brother and my mother.
For my education.
For music of many kinds.
For true friends, though few and far between.
For laughter.
Return To ComfortSpectatorA refund sure would be nice.
Return To ComfortSpectatorTarget either needs to have smaller carts or bigger aisles.
Return To ComfortSpectatorcause just it’s presence made you think.
Ohh…you mean its presence. Gotcha. :p
Return To ComfortSpectatorJust one question:
Why is this in the Philosophical Forum?
Return To ComfortSpectatorI’m afraid I can’t really comment on this! I know nothing of sleep disorders. I normally sleep well, except when there’s a snorer in the room.
Return To ComfortSpectatorIn the Bible? Chapter and verse, please.