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Return To ComfortSpectator😆 aaaggghhh
my bad I was thinking about the cat avatar which is not yours…lol
my bad
I know I dream about a lot of people too…I guess I was on morning brain today with reading your
I thought I read Manilla is getting on with his life now…not in those exact words..[/quote:sp2bxb7v]Ahh, I believe that’s Arthur’s gal with the cat.
I hope he’s "getting on with his life", if that’s what he needs.
Return To ComfortSpectatorThat definitely beats dreaming about his name…lol
What I think is more of a question, Are you two dating?[/quote:1cpeeexc]Lol, why would you say that? I dream of all sorts of people, doesn’t necessarily mean I’m dating him/her. Plus, isn’t Manilla married??? I vaguely recall reading something on here about a wife, just not sure where/when that was.
Return To ComfortSpectatorYou dreamt of Manilla’s name? Craziness. But I can beat that.
I dream of Manilla!!!!! What do you think about that?
Return To ComfortSpectatorIce Ice Baby–Vanilla Ice
Fire and Rain- James Taylor
Return To ComfortSpectatorA live blog,….on here? Not a bad idea, although I fear y’all would be horribly bored. My boss does provide some good laughs though. For instance today he sent an email to our group asking if we all have passports. But, here are the funny parts.
1) He said, \"Does everyone in the group have their pass ports?\"
2) He even sent it to those in our group from out of the country, one of which is currently abroad!
3) He sent it to himself.
4) He sent it to his wife who hasn’t worked here for a few weeks.Maybe that doesn’t seem so funny to y’all, but if you know a bit about this guy, you’d be laughing pretty hard along with me.
Return To ComfortSpectatorI am at work and literally have nothing to do all day. What can I do to chew up 8 hours worth of time? Pretty sure I’ve reached the end of the internet….
Return To ComfortSpectatorQuite possibly the best band ever.[/quote:hnbslau2]
You have got to be joshin’.
Return To ComfortSpectatormy lips are sealed. if someone guesses it, they kick butt![/quote:bg5urjxx]
Hmmm,…I’d hope I could get this. But I seem to be stuck. Must…keep….thinking….
Return To ComfortSpectatorToad….so sweet.
Not sure I’d say I \"love\" Reggae, but I can understand how she’s feeling. Some of us may empathize, some my sympathize.
I do, however, agree that there are many levels of love.
Return To ComfortSpectatornot a fan of graveyards, but I still really like it!![/quote:fk0r91xh]
Graveyards are peaceful. My brother and I used to have picnics in our local graveyard. I figure if I’m 6′ under, I’d rather have people picnicing on me rather than bawling their eyes out, right???
Return To ComfortSpectatorvamps are hot.
Return To ComfortSpectatoroops! lol…posted twice. Must be ’cause I was up so late last night.
Return To ComfortSpectatorManilla–that must be one of my favorite poems of yours. V nice. Beautiful.
Return To ComfortSpectatorReggae–sorry things are so undesirable at home. Not sure what to say….. But I do agree with Manilla. Marriage does not equal soul mate. There must have been something there once,….the reason(s) you married him in the first place, right? Is that totally gone?
A broken home (ie mom and dad split) can sometimes be better for everyone involved, including children, than sticking together just for the sake of sticking together. Make sense?
Return To ComfortSpectatorLet’s say you’ve met your soul mate (assuming they do, in fact, exist). Is it possible to go on in life without them?
Return To ComfortSpectatorSpiders are ok, unless they’re in my house. Then down the toilet they go.
What about snakes? I had a 3′ Black Snake cuddle up with me a few months ago, it was quite a shock.
Return To ComfortSpectatorSoul Mates-What is one?– I found this in a book and it made me think. I like some parts of it….see what y’all think about it.
\"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that’s holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave. And thank god for it. Their purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light could get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life.\"
I’ve met my soul mate, and many of these things did happen. He tore down my walls for sure, and broke my heart open a few times. Anyway….I’m curious what you all think about this \"definition\" of soul mate.
Return To ComfortSpectatorRTC, hope you’re much better now Sunshine.
Good as new, plus a few extra metal plates. But no big deal.
Return To ComfortSpectatorreturn to comfort….If you don’t mind me asking, what did you do to break both legs so bad??[/quote:3mqapx1o]
Yes, I can walk. You’d never know twas broken, other than my fugly scars.
Reggae–not both legs, but both bones. Your lower leg has two bones in it–they both broke, down close to my ankle. I was spending quality time rock-climbing in TN.
Return To ComfortSpectatorExactly, you don’t look for love, love knocks at your door, or something cheesy like that.
Watch out, it doesn’t knock on your door–it kicks the thing down and comes storming in when you least expect it. Guarantee you won’t be ready for it. Then you have to figure out what to do with it……
Return To ComfortSpectatorThis thread is bringing tears to my eyes.
Return To ComfortSpectatorGood news???
I think my leg is truly healed. Still fugly, but healed!!!!
I managed to avoid Fay.[/quote:2mrzvhbk]What happened to your leg? It’s still fugly- That’s an interesting word
Broke it in Dec, just about as badly as you possibly can. Both bones out of skin, into dirt…..not pretty.
Return To ComfortSpectatoryou know, sometimes i do. it’s pretty sporatic. i think you are my only fan.
Yes, manilla’s poems are good. Hard to read at times, but he does have a way with words. No arguing that.
Return To ComfortSpectatorIf you got take-out and could order anything you wanted, why in the world did you order veggie-fried rice??
Return To ComfortSpectatorBringing it back to topic….
I don’t see what’s so bad about being caught in the rain….esp if w/someone you are sweet on. We all dry. Oop, almost said, \"We all dry off.\" That would be incorrect grammar though.