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Return To ComfortSpectatorWTF? now Cat Stevens claims Coldplay’s Viva La Vida is a rip of one of his songs.
[/quote:98ar4xos]Ok, I just listened to 11 of the 16 minutes of the live version of that song that I found on the ‘net and I don’t hear anything similar to Viva La Vida. I’m no music expert, but still! Get over yourself, Mr. Feline.
Return To ComfortSpectatornice one RTC
is it a secret message for Billy?
Nope. Not for Billy, sorry.
Return To ComfortSpectatorAs with reggae, the day is just starting. So far I’ve given my wee one a bath, fed her, fed myself, bathed myself and planned meals for the week.
Later I take previously mentioned progeny to the doctor (check-up,…no swine flu here). Then hopefully get a phone call. Maybe take a nap. Read? Who knows, just so many options.
Return To ComfortSpectatorRoses are red,
Irisis are not,
You know who you are,
And I think you’re hot.
Return To ComfortSpectatorDo you know how much that probably hurt?!?
Yeah, I saw her face when she sat down. I know it hurt. Poor woman. I should send her an apology note. It’s only been….oh….22 years or so.
Return To ComfortSpectatoroh, and I was an accessory to a crime in 2nd grade. My friend put thumbtacks on the teacher’s chair and I said it wasn’t her. I’m horrible.
Return To ComfortSpectatorI pushed a girl down a snowbank once in elementary school. Grr, watch out!
Return To ComfortSpectatorYou’re insane! Are you one of those big muscley dudes who breaks chairs over other people’s heads? If so….you scare me.
Return To ComfortSpectatorIt would look ‘strange’ on security cams, I suppose![/quote:19autuym]
True. I’ll tell my friend. Thanks!
Return To ComfortSpectatorIs it bad to open laundry detergent in the store and dab a bit on your shoulder so you can smell a great smell while doing your shopping?
Errr…uhhh…you know, hypothetically speaking?
Return To ComfortSpectatorOld Macdonald–Baby Einstein
Return To ComfortSpectatorGood news? In ten days I’ll be flying to Atlanta to meet up with my babe, to eat some great food, partake in some hookah-ing, watch some hot rods, climb a big rock, and LOVE.[/quote:ucckyfus]
have a great time![/quote:ucckyfus]
manillascissor and Atlanta make a great pair. I need to visit the south more often. Hot rods and hookahs make for a pretty great weekend.
Return To ComfortSpectatorThat barely looks like Clive.
I love Clive Cussler.
Return To ComfortSpectatorIs it Easter?
Return To ComfortSpectatorSilence and the birds outside.
Return To ComfortSpectatorSpring.
Return To ComfortSpectatorI say marry this one, a lot of guys think Romance is sharing the same row of seats on Buses.
Good call, Dazey. The lost art of Romance, so few guys get it, such a shame.
Return To ComfortSpectatorGood news? In ten days I’ll be flying to Atlanta to meet up with my babe, to eat some great food, partake in some hookah-ing, watch some hot rods, climb a big rock, and LOVE.
Return To ComfortSpectatorFinally! Now if only my desktop was just a wee bit more exciting to look at. Oh well.
Return To ComfortSpectatorI don’t believe Arthur licked boys.[/quote:33v1sixo]
B. Arthur is a boy.
I don’t know either…[/quote:33v1sixo]
She is not!
Return To ComfortSpectatorlmao. Arthur, love your post.
Return To ComfortSpectatorSittin’ here watchin’ the clouds roll in, wonderin’ where my babe is.[/quote:33no2ok5]
Getting a beer maybe ?
Do you know my babe?
Return To ComfortSpectatorNevermind, waaaaay too compicated just to show people whatever pic I have up on a particular day.
Return To ComfortSpectatorTo me, one of the most amazing things about music is how it can bring such strong memories to the front of your mind. Certain songs just whisk me back to a certain place and time with certain people. Smells do the same thing, but maybe even moreso. But there are a few songs that whenever I hear them, BOOM! I’m back at some point in my past. I have them for all time periods, all the way from elementary school to high school to college to recently.
Return To ComfortSpectatorI severely dislike NIN. That would be torture for me.